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Posts posted by Mr_Danger

  1. As good as it is it's not like it had legs to run and run. I think last season it was clear that ideas were running dry when Eli had screwed over Nucky again and they had another dodgy prohibition officer. It's probably the best looking show on tv though and the cast is brilliant. I bet Stephen Graham is the nicest guy in the world but he does intimidation as good as anyone since Joe Pesci.

  2. I think there's enough great episodes of Lost to lift it above being more then just a great Pilot but there was too many episodes where fuck all happens. That one where the two characters are buried slice is ducking laughable. Had they narrowed in on specific stories and focused on them instead of always expanding the Islands mythology then they might have been able to satisfy our need for explanations.


    The Walking Dead is a funny one, seeing that it's back on makes my heart sink a little because I know I'll have to watch it given that I'm invested in it now. I quite like the Sheamus looking fella though and their must be an end in sight now. Hopefully it won't go full 'Heroes' where I'm actively willing it to hurry up and end.

  3. Just finished rewatching season 1 of Lost. I don't remember it being this cheesy, the bit where Charlie is struggling with his conscience over reading Claire's diary is awful. I've still enjoyed it though.


    They really didn't have a clue where it was going did they. Has it ever been disclosed what the original plan was for The Others as Rousseau refers to the whispers as the others. Also why build the Walt story up to jib him off? I know he did a Roger off Sister Sister but his sudden growth would have been less confusing than most things on the show. I still need closure dammit.

  4. Does anyone else suffer with motion sickness when playing certain games? It all started with Goldeneye on the N64 then with Turok and Doom. I pretty much avoid any first person view games but for some reason the driving on GTA V knocks me sick.

  5. I think he's seen as a character to aspire to by a lot of these younger folk. You know, they'll be slapping arses and shouting out banter to any negative reaction they receive.


    I'm not buying that "not meant for us" shot neither. A reasonable and balanced person should be able to recognise when something they don't enjoy has a certain artistic merit or when it's just shit. The film Russian Ark is a fucking chore but it's technically very good. The Young Ones was all those thing the older lot looked down on it for but it said something as well.


    This Dapper bloke is just shit, unless he's making some wider statement about misogyny and lad culture in which case he's worked us all!

  6. I've always liked the look of Sahara, I'm a sucker for adventure films and will happily sit through both National Treasure films but I've never gotten around to watching Sahara.


    Steve Zahn seemed to be in shit loads of films in the early 2000's. I remember working in a video shop around 2002ish and he was a lovable goof standing behind the leads on tons of video cases. Hell, I even enjoyed his turn as a lovable heroin addict in the terrible Riding in Cars with Boys.

  7. If we're doing Steve Zahn love then let me champion Evil Woman or Saving Silverman as our friends across the pond would call it. Some may call it a guilty pleasure but how can a film featuring the comedic talents of Zahn, a pre annoying cunt Jack Black and the wonderful music of Neil Diamond be anything but enjoyable! Roadkill or Joy ride as some may say is also really good.

  8. My only grumble with Olyphant is that he doesn't have the body of work his talents deserve. He's great in everything he's in, steals the show in The Girl Next Door (whatever happened to Emile Hirsch?) and is just tremendous in Deadwood. Wasn't Michael Biehn meant to be Seth Bullock? Oh, and Powers Boothe is great but does sometimes come across a bit high class American soap opera actor.

  9. It's been apparent for a while now that if a new Ghostbusters ever gets made it'd be shit. No Murray was the death knell but Harold Ramis dying proper killed off any hope of a decent Ghostbusters. This is obviously from the perspective of a 30 year old cynical bastard and I'm sure my kids will love it.


    I did wonder if they'd try to stick Spengler in it through the magic and wizardry of fx and stock footage but if they can't do one with the original cast then it's best they just reboot it.

  10. Twin Peaks is one of those things i need to watch, i did start it years ago when i was on lovefilm but only got around 5 episodes in and never went back to it..considering im a fan of Lynch's movie work this probably makes me a bit of an idiot.


    However, there was a scene in one of the episodes i watched where there was like a cut scene to show some creepy looking dude hiding behind what i think was a bed, it was like a close up shot and there was like a loud sound effect when it cut to his face...i had the surround sound system on and it legitimately made me jump more than any other scene ive ever seen, i shit myself, it properly unsettled me. Anyone have any idea what im on about?

    It's Bob hiding behind Laura's bed.

  11. What does everybody think of Fire Walk With Me? I thought it was good if a little disjointed. Mark Kermode reckons it was the best horror film of the year and whilst I don't share his love of it I don't think it's anywhere near as bad as it was received.

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