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Posts posted by Mr_Danger

  1. I used to have this theory, based mostly on the Amazing Spider-Man cartoon, that if you killed enough spiders then eventually their surviving ancestors would leave you alone due to spider senses. It seemed to work as well. Now I realise that it was just the cats killing them and they're as rife as ever now the older cat can't be arsed and the other one spends most of her time outside.

  2. Lost has kind of ruined me for other high concept tv shows. I just don't trust that they'll amount to anything. It's like The Leftovers, I'm watching it waiting for it to turn to shit without giving it a fair crack of the whip. Sweary violent tv shows are where I've turned to like some mopey teen whose been burnt by his parents divorce so has turned in to a goth and listens to death metal because I won't let them get close enough to hurt me again.

  3. Yeah, very good that. I think these first few have been about letting Capaldi find his feet plus they had that dog shit director from Down Terrace do a couple.


    Have we any idea what that Heaven stuff is all about yet? Has it been confirmed who the next companion is? They hinted at the girl from Being Human in the second epidode. Was the Clara as a Dalek stuff ever explained?

  4. So Capaldi's gonna be a ruthless bastard then, makes sense. Not sure on the Matt Smith cameo. I dunno if when trying to establish a new Doctor who's very different from the last one and looks a bit mean, if giving us a glimpse of the last one was so wise. I suppose it served it's purpose in why he appeared though.

  5. I'm sure once I'm fully in to it I won't feel bad about the murderers and rapists being stuck in hell for the rest of their days. I suppose my unnatural fear of being framed and imprisoned doesn't help.

  6. I'm 3 eps in and I've just realised Harold frenchname is Mercutio in Romeo + Juliet. Bearing in mind I went the whole of Lost without realising that, man he's shit in Lost. A question about Beecher, is he getting bummed or what? I can't tell if it's being suggested or if I've missed something and he's getting full on prison romance.

  7. Olyphant has the warmest loveliest psychotic eyes I've ever seen. Every time I see Josh Duhamel in something I'm disappointed he's not Timothy Olyphant.


    So I watched Orange is the new black, both series. It's not worth the plaudits. There's a decent show in there with some really good actors but it suffers terribly from having the most unlikeable protagonist since Ted Mosby and a bunch of other sub plots on the outside that nobody cares about. Nicky Subotka off of The Wire is the best thing in it but for every great little character there's a Jason Biggs (who references American Pie masturbation story the fucking lame-o).

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