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Posts posted by Mr_Danger

  1. It's going to be like the reveal of the Aces and Eights mid card squad isn't it with Graham Norton blurting out ''Hey I know that guy!'' :( or it'll be Russell Brand who, perversely, would interest me.

  2. Our youngest cat had three kittens the other week, the same day as Middleton dropped one. Anyway two are imaginatively called George and Louis by their future owner but the one we have left to shift has gone and gotten his paw infected.


    Meet Squatchy






    I'm no cat person but after nursing him back from the brink if he pulls through we're keeping him.


    Also, for comedy value here's our other cat, Isis.


  3. Thanks for the advice about second interviews.


    Mr. Danger, personally I lean towards the "free talking, personality shining" thing more than button down, but it depends entirely on who is interviewing you. I think you can tell very quickly the kind of person you're dealing with.


    I always find I interview way better, and tend to get more jobs, when being interviewed by women rather than men. Not sure why.


    I find the interview experience to be completely different depending on it being a man or woman who interviews me. I'm much more charismatic and relaxed speaking to female interviewers but the same shtick come across as awkward when being interviewed my a male. I'm not sure if its a primal threatening thing or if its just a case of the lower end jobs I'm going for dont have highly professional HR people. There was even one occasion of me being the outstanding candidate in a group interview with multiple people from the company being involved throughout the process and I had a great rapport with them all except the top HR person who was a guy. Its gotta be this damn rugged uber manly appearance I'm cursed with.

  4. Has anyone seen a Spanish film called Intacto? It's quite well known and has Max Von Sydow in it I think. I always wanted to get it but it was never in HMV, is it worth hunting out? The premise really intrigues me.


    A good little Czech film I watched a few years ago was Little Otik. A couple who are desperate for a baby whittle one out of a tree stump and it comes alive with comical murderous intentions. The film also features the most out of place comedy paedophile as well.

  5. As a general rule how do employers like the interviewee's to present themselves? I mean is it better to come across as confident and free talking letting your personality come to the fore or should I be a little more reserved and buttoned down? I imagine the answer lies between it depending on the personality that's shining through and the individual doing the interview but I was just wondering if anyone could offer any personal/professional perspective. Also, any good tips for covering up a lack of experience in any given role?

  6. Just saw a photo of a guys ear with blood running out of it on my newsfeed. It's not too gruesome but on further investigation I discovered that he was walking past a packed box in work with a thin piece of metal sticking out that's gone right down his ear hole. Fucking grim.

  7. Is Chucky 3 the one in army school? That's the best one if my child hood memory serves me right. Loads of young'uns get offed in it so it probably was quite controversial without the Bulger connection. I always thought that was a bogus point anyway, real life is way more violent than films.


    If anyone wants to catch a little known Gosling gem try hunting down gritty romantic thriller The Notebook, a wonderfull little film. Yeah I've seen too much 7pm Film4 for my liking.

  8. Gosling is well and truly typecasted now. Need a closed mouthed border line retard and he's your man, which is a shame because the first film I saw him play that role was Lars and the Real Girl which I really like. He's the kind of actor that can elevate by the numbers romantic fluff to enjoyable as well but he seems to dodge those films. If I didn't have jungle fever for Idris Elba he'd definitely be at the top of my man crush list as well.

  9. I've been trying to start down a new career path for quite some time. I was stuck in retail for longer than I care to remember and having dipped in and out of unemployment over the last 6 months I've finally found an opportunity that ticks most of my undemanding boxes. On Monday I've been invited for an informal chat with the head of the countryside management department for our local council in view of taking up a traineeship with them after I passed my initial assessment and interview. The money is poor but its at least a salaried minimum wage which is better than the usual apprentice rate and its enough to get by on on a short term basis until the money goes up a little. I'm not really financially motivated and I'm mainly looking for a job that makes me happy and learning a whole bunch of new skills (the job ranges from running badger watch groups, conservation, going out to schools to the more practical things like banging up fences etc) whilst working in such an awesome environment seems like a pretty sweet deal.


    Has anyone ever done or is currently doing work like this?


    Given that the informal chat is taking place at the local park where ill be shown around and introduced to the team what do urs reckon would be suitable attire for such an occasion?

  10. Luther. I'm finding it very hit and miss. I've watched all episodes in the space of a week (not hard really, there's like 14 episodes total), and watched the latest episode last night. This current series is the most frustrating by far, they've seemed to have adopted Hollywood Horror storytelling as well as some baffling and shit writing in other areas. A couple of examples.


    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    I think it was the first episode of this series where there's a couple in bed and they hear cat noises coming from the loft. The guy pulls down the ladders and climbs up, stares at what is clearly a bloke sitting down on a chair with a plastic sheet over him (it's you're loft mate. If you didn't put the bald bloke up there clearly someone has broken in) for about 15 seconds. The bloke gets attacked and has his head rammed through the ceiling and into the bedroom where the wife is waiting terrified. She runs out the room, heads towards the front door but it's blocked by the loft ladders. Instead of pulling them up out of the way, or even squeezing past them, she turns and hides in a cupboard with no other means of escape. Fuck off you idiot.


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    Same part of the story but I think the second episode, two girls have just returned from work. One of the girls thinks she hears a noise in a bedroom, she thinks nothing of it and leaves it. Fair enough. A little later she's in the bathroom and can seems a shadow moving past the door window and up the hallway. She calls out to her friend but she is down stairs. Again she shrugs it off. I would probably be a little bit more cautious at this point. A couple of minutes later they both hear banging from upstairs. This is the point that, having already heard a noise and seen a shadow of someone, you realise someone else is in the house and you should leave. She decides to find out what it is saying the noises are the just the house settling. Fuck off you idiot.


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    Same episode, same scene, Luther brings a third girl to harm by having her go up to her room whilst he hides and waits for the intruder. hy the fuck would you do that? You've already got the girl to call out to entice the intruder, now you tell her to leave and wait for the police whilst you wait for the guy. Why would you put the girl in a situation that has high potential of getting out of hand and putting her life at risk? Fuck off you idiot.


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    Last nights episode, vigilante killer turns cop killer because he couldn't get through a metal fence. After he kills the cop, he escapes through the metal fence. Shit writing.


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    It's a shame because I have been enjoying it, but as I've said, this series has been really frustrating at times.


    Stop over thinking Luther, the plots have always been ropey as shit, it's not Morse. The plots are almost Macguffin like in that they just serve a purpose to allow the audience to stare in wonderment at the magnificent specimen that is Idris Elba.



    Storage Wars/Hunters is almost completely worked to the point where the producers plant the good stuff in the units. Well according to Dave Hester they do. My personal favourite is Barry Weiss that kooky old fuck.

  11. I've struggled to get in to season 4 of The Wire because of certain characters not being in it who I'm a bit gay for.


    On a related note, Luther was back this week. John Luther is the fucking man. He may not always work within the confines of the law but he does what it takes to get the job done. He could smash the pasty off my wife but I'd still trust he was doing it for the greater good. His coat is well smart. He has a way with the ladies. He's a tortured soul. His mate can fuck off back to date raping on Holyoaks though, he's shit and he got his balls tortured. It's ridiculous, unrealistic and isn't as gritty as it thinks it is but Luther is the only British crime drama i've watched since Reg Hollis left our screens.


    Has it still got that girl in that looks like she could suck the juice out of a tractor? She was a great character, and sexy in a might-kill-you way.


    Series 2 of Luther was such an unexpected delight when it went completely off the rails and turned into a "wronged man" revenge drama thing.


    Not as of yet but we're only one episode in and I'm pretty sure she was in the series preview.

  12. I've struggled to get in to season 4 of The Wire because of certain characters not being in it who I'm a bit gay for.


    On a related note, Luther was back this week. John Luther is the fucking man. He may not always work within the confines of the law but he does what it takes to get the job done. He could smash the pasty off my wife but I'd still trust he was doing it for the greater good. His coat is well smart. He has a way with the ladies. He's a tortured soul. His mate can fuck off back to date raping on Holyoaks though, he's shit and he got his balls tortured. It's ridiculous, unrealistic and isn't as gritty as it thinks it is but Luther is the only British crime drama i've watched since Reg Hollis left our screens.

  13. I didn't mind the lack of pace and climax this week, I needed a break from the drama after last week. I find Varys to be one of the more compelling characters in that he's one of the few 'good' ones who are clever enough not to let there nobility undo them. I can see him having a big part to play in Joffrey's downfall, unless Joffrey is burnt to a crisp by a dragon. I can also see Tyrrion swindling his family/kingdom out of a fortune, heading north with Sansa and kicking things off again but seeing as he's probably the last guy I'm rooting for he'll no doubt be offed in ep 9 of season 4.

  14. He's probably too similar to Tennant but I'm surprised Robert Carlyle hasn't been given serious consideration. Can play the clown but keep his intensity and is recognisable to the U.S market.

  15. I imagine the only thing Robb has to offer Walder Frey is to be King of the South. I constantly find myself defending Jamie then ending my defence with 'he'd be ok if he wasn't shagging his sister.' Speaking of which, I wonder if she will seek to form some sort of unholy union with Tyrion to thwart Tywins plans. Also the potential for Dany to ride bareback on a dragon whilst wiping out the white walkers is too boner inducing for me to wait and see if it happens on the show do I think I'll make a start on the books. Would people recommend reading ahead or is it better to keep pace with the show?

  16. Given that his entire marketability rests on the value of his name/heritage why the shit did they call him Michael McGillicutty? Isn't Trip's said to be big on him as well, I'm sure they said so on the MLW podcast.


    Speaking of podcasts, i've recently discover The Art of Wrestling one and am slowly working my way through the back catalogue. Are there any other podcasts that my fellow UKFF'ers can reccommend?

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