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General Movie (Film for snobs) News Thread


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I like animation, but I don't like the look of the animation for that.

It's not so much that I don't like it, more that it just doesn't appeal to me anymore. I loved all 4 Shrek films but it took me ages to get round to watching them and the only reason I did in the end was because I knew I was going to see the 4th at the cinema. It's silly really, but I'm hesitant to say I've grown out of animation.

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For me it's a case of if something is animated, then it should look animated. Why animate a film to look as realistic as possible, when you can just use real people?. Pixar, Studio Ghibli, and stuff like that are all beautifully animated and look like animation. Stuff like Polar Express, Tin Tin and A Christmas Carol, why bother?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Went to the cinema to see 'The Hangover 2' yesterday and was pleased to see a short teaser trailer for The Inbetweeners movie.


Either it's not on Youtube or it's very well hidden. Has anybody got a link to watch it online?

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I like animation, but I don't like the look of the animation for that.

It's not so much that I don't like it, more that it just doesn't appeal to me anymore. I loved all 4 Shrek films but it took me ages to get round to watching them and the only reason I did in the end was because I knew I was going to see the 4th at the cinema. It's silly really, but I'm hesitant to say I've grown out of animation.


I'm glad you didn't say it. I have no time for people that think they've grown out of animation. Mostly because they'll probably realise later that a lot of animated movies appeal to adults as much as they do children. Its a bit like fairytales really. Everyoen think they're for kids until they grow up and read them again and realise how much of the material changes when you're an adult. I think maybe people can become disillusioned with animation because at times there's so much of it but anyone who says they've grown out of it is silly. You grow out of children's clothes, animation is soemthing that appeals to a spectrum of ages, its not something people grow out of.



You can make something look like anything with things like CGI though.


They'd still look like real people though. Who wants a real TinTin? If I'm honest I've had completely the opposite reaction of everyone on here. When I first heard about TinTin I was excited, when I heard it was going to be real life actors I was considerably less so, I'm now quite relieved its got the animated style. I'll continue using them as a reference but the (I think it was) two Asterix movies they made which were live action didn't really appeal to me at all. I hated them. It just didn't look right. To me TinTin, in terms of visual style, looked quite realistic. Herge is well known for reaching a stage in his career when eh started to heavily study the settings and themes of his narratives. But still, no matter how realistic it got in certain areas, it was still a comic book adventure. It works because its set in that world. I can't help think that a real life version would look odd, and not in a good way. I remember seeing clips of the TinTin play they had on in London and it just didn't work for me. Obviously its just me who feels that so strongly, and I am basing it purely on having seen those Asterix films (I'm starting to think there may have actually just been one, I should really look it up) but I am genuinely quite surprised people wanted to see a live action TinTin.


Although Spielberg directing slightly puts me off. I thought he was just producing. Meh, its what Herge wanted.

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There's been at least 3 live action Asterix films, all shit


I can't think of anyone better than Speilberg to make the film motion capture or not. The guy invented the summer blockbuster and knows how to make a family film.


Edited for shitty spelling

Edited by chokeout
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  • 2 weeks later...
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Not sure how official this is but its from the early licencing for Avengers merchandise and shows how Hawkeye will look in the film



Also shows how Captain Americas costume will alter slightly between the two films

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Return of the Killer Klowns From Outer Space


The script for the sequel has been written by Grant "Mike Tobacco" Cramer, funding has been secured, they just need to get a distributor before production can begin.


Interview with Grant Cramer


- You've been the main source of information regarding this sequel. What's your involvement with the project?



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Warning Iron Man 2 spoiler

SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

That's a bit odd Iron Man has his round chest piece when in Iron Man 2 it was upgraded to the triangle one



thats what I thought too.


Cap has a different costume as well, that's all it is.

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