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General Movie (Film for snobs) News Thread


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I'm really not a big fan of Ghostbusters 2 at all. I must have tried to watch it three or so times now and always end up switching it off before the end. It's not even in the same league as the first one, and I can't remember laughing once throughout any of the times I've watched it.

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The casting of the Robocop remake has been great. I still fear it'll end up being an Iron Man clone but I'll try & remain hopeful.


Fuck Ghostbusters 3 though, the fact that Dan Aykroyd's pushing for it doesn't surprise me in the slightest, after all he was the driving creative force behind 'Blues Brothers 2000'. With this I'm sure he'll put a huge CGI-3D nail in the coffin of his career.

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Honestly thought they would go with some one else but there's at least three movies that could heighten/lower the anticipation by the time it comes round and they had a bit of trouble with who would direct thor 2 as well so its best to play safe.


It did a lot better than anyone thought it would at the box office(which is all that matters)


even with the hype i didnt think cabin was anything above ok. apart from the last 25 minutes

Edited by iamtheman
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(except it doesn't)


Joss Whedon couldn't deconstruct an egg sandwich. But this is the last chance he gets from me. The twat.

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