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The Song Of The Day Thread

Mr. Seven

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'songs that prove Ringo Starr is one of the greatest Drummers of all time.'

Sarcasm, surely?
Nope, 100% true. I look foward to educating the masses on this subject, because it's one of the greatest misconceptions in Music. Seriously, Ringo is a phenomenal drummer. It really gets my goat when people think he's crap or average. Usually it's people with little knowledge on The Beatles' music and 20th century music in general. Doesn't it piss you off when people slag off Slipknot because of a pathetic assumption that its all noisy crap? I dare say you get it all the time, and you spend alot of your time defending your point. And obviously, the people who say such things have never really listened to the music.
As much as I hate to sidestep your little rant, I don't believe I fall into the category of someone dismissing Ringo for the hell of it, and without hearing a lot of his stuff. As a drummer myself, I pay great attention to other drummers, and Ringo has never once impressed me. I'm not saying I'm anything special, I am saying that I have more than given him a chance. And no, I'm not a fan of The Beatles, but I have listened to a lot of their work.
Right, listen to A Day In The Life and tell me that the drumming isn't amazing. Seriously, try and follow the fills , hell, if you are a drummer, try and replicate them. It's impossible, his playing is unique. If you are a student of drums, I find it hard to believe you can't appreciate Ringo. He isn't the fastest, he isn't the greatest technition, he isn't the best drum soloist, but he remains one of the most important musicians in music. His fills, beats and inventivness are unparaled. For another good example, listen to 'Rain.' That song contains one of the greatest drum performances of all time. It doesn't get more original and inventive than that. Ringos drumming is about neccessity, adding something to the song that doesn't take away or domintate the whole. Listen to ''Ticket To Ride,' listen to that drum beat. Really fucking listen to it. It's fucking perfection. And it adds to the song and doesn't take anything away from the chiming guitars and generall awseomness of the song. I mean, what or who do you class as good drumming? Tell me what Beatles songs you've listened to and why the drumming hasn't impressed you. Alot of the time, Ringo simply held the beat together like a good drummer should, and maybe you've missed out on his really good stuff.Here a good quote I found on Wikipedia from Drummer Steve Smith, which sums up another great aspect of Ringo.'Before Ringo, drum stars were measured by their soloing ability and virtuosity. Ringo's popularity brought forth a new paradigm in how the public saw drummers. We started to see the drummer as an equal participant in the compositional aspect. One of Ringo's great qualities was that he composed unique, stylistic drum parts for the Beatles songs. His parts are so signature to the songs that you can listen to a Ringo drum part without the rest of the music, and still identify the song'Oh and how can someone who clearly loves music so much not like the Beatles? It boggles my mind. you're missing out mate. Edited by Chilly McFreeze
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Listen to Bullhead and Houdini. I'm not that into their really early stuff, bit too[i/] plodding for my liking but they do the catchy/heavy thing to perfection on Houdini. 'Lizzy' is like a proto Nirvana song with the quiet verse heavy chorus, 'Honey Bucket' is just a savage hardcore track and Hooch :love:. Really versatile and inventive band- and I still need to listen to half their LPs!


Alcest are great too. Rob Edwards in good music shocker! Where has SC gone Rob?


Nice one for the blues comp! Much appreciated. I'll give it a listen tomorrow.


Killah Priest- One Step

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Two Gallants - 'Las Cruces Jail'


I think Chilly and others who don't like what I usually post will like this. I find it tough to describe. It's a jail song, it's a little bit country and a little bit rockabilly, or at least what I believe rockabilly to be. It may not infact, on reflection, be anything approaching that amusingly named genre. Regardless, give it a shot, because it's absolutely brilliant.

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Two Gallants - 'Las Cruces Jail'I think Chilly and others who don't like what I usually post will like this. I find it tough to describe. It's a jail song, it's a little bit country and a little bit rockabilly, or at least what I believe rockabilly to be. It may not infact, on reflection, be anything approaching that amusingly named genre. Regardless, give it a shot, because it's absolutely brilliant.

Download the album. Fantastic stuff from start to finish, especially "Steady Rollin'" and "The Prodigal Son".
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Well argued Chilly, chalk up another Ringo fan. Zak's not a patch on his old man but he does a great job trying. I think Keith Moon was a more naturally gifted drummer with inventivenes pouring out of him, but you can't deny Ringo's style or influence - as you put it, drumming so good it's unnoticeable.


Thanks for the blues comp, do love a bit of blues. I will listen and post later.


As a celebration of Guitar Hero: 80s, eat some pure cheeserock: Holy Diver by Dio. Jump, jump!

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Two Gallants - 'Las Cruces Jail'I think Chilly and others who don't like what I usually post will like this. I find it tough to describe. It's a jail song, it's a little bit country and a little bit rockabilly, or at least what I believe rockabilly to be. It may not infact, on reflection, be anything approaching that amusingly named genre. Regardless, give it a shot, because it's absolutely brilliant.

Great song. I'm a big fan of Two Gallants and this song tops them off. I think Steady Rolling is somewhere else in this thread which is another excellent song. Their themes of death, murder and being imprisoned are really great.EDIT - I've just downloaded the Blues Comp. It looks like wank material mate, nice one.Also, how are people with ska, reggae and rocksteady? I've just ordered a fat ass muthafucking Trojan boxset of some nice old school ska. What are people's thoughts on the whole genre? I'm ratehr a fan I'd say. Edited by HBAndy
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Well argued Chilly, chalk up another Ringo fan. Zak's not a patch on his old man but he does a great job trying. I think Keith Moon was a more naturally gifted drummer with inventivenes pouring out of him, but you can't deny Ringo's style or influence - as you put it, drumming so good it's unnoticeable.Thanks for the blues comp, do love a bit of blues. I will listen and post later.As a celebration of Guitar Hero: 80s, eat some pure cheeserock: Holy Diver by Dio. Jump, jump!

You're right about Keith Moon, I'd also put John Bonham in that catagory, although I'm not a big fan of his Drum solos (infact I hate most Drum Solos) but right there you've got my top 3 drummers. Ringo, Moon, and Bonham.Glad you're all downloading the blues comp, if it goes down well, I may do another with some 50's and 60's stuff, Sun and Chess Records mainly, which remains one of the greatest eras of music ever. Mr Seven, I havn't got time to download that tune now, I'm out until Saturday but I'll download it then and let you know what I think.
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Ringo's drumming in Tomorrow Never Knows is one of my favourites.Also, did anyone see the BBC Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band tribute with bands like Travis and Razorlight covering the songs?I thought Travis were good, as were Bryan Adams and The Magic Numbers. Didn't like Razorlight's cover and the fact that the singer didn't turn up. Also didn't like Kaiser Chiefs.

Edited by johnny_boyz
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Listen to Bullhead and Houdini. I'm not that into their really early stuff, bit too[i/] plodding for my liking but they do the catchy/heavy thing to perfection on Houdini. 'Lizzy' is like a proto Nirvana song with the quiet verse heavy chorus, 'Honey Bucket' is just a savage hardcore track and Hooch :love:. Really versatile and inventive band- and I still need to listen to half their LPs!Alcest are great too. Rob Edwards in good music shocker! Where has SC gone Rob?Nice one for the blues comp! Much appreciated. I'll give it a listen tomorrow.Killah Priest- One Step

SC fell victim to people not paying for it. We do have a cheap replacement, though.
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