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The Song Of The Day Thread

Mr. Seven

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Might have to check out this Air business....

You used to be able to download Torrents of all twelve episodes but it's recently been licenced for a western release so it'll hopefully be out on DVD within the next few months. It's an amazing show though, definately a life-changing experience.I've got a Torrent running right now which consists of I've Sounds entire back catalogue, hopefully it'll be done by morning, seeing as they're a Japanese group it's really difficult to find anything by them over here and in the past few months I've only ever been able to find this one Torrent file.
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Might have to check out this Air business....

You used to be able to download Torrents of all twelve episodes but it's recently been licenced for a western release so it'll hopefully be out on DVD within the next few months. It's an amazing show though, definately a life-changing experience.
I found a torrent here for anyone else interested. It's a bit slow, but at least there's seeds. Any show someone describes as a life-changing experience has to be worth checking out, that's my logic anyway.Anyway, a song. More indiefied tweeness today, aquired via the always-excellent Said the Gramophone blog, from The Leaning Towers. Starts off like a kids TV theme, but persevere children and there's a gorgeous little guitar line and group singalongs to come. Also, Redemption Songs > Exemption Forms.The Leaning Towers - Rich Enough To Ignore It
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Inspired by the SXE thread ive been listening to Throwdown so have probably one of the greatest sxe songs of all time (preceeded by one of the greatest samples from one of the greatest films of all time) followed by one of the greatest covers of all time.


Throwdown - raise your fist


Throwdown - baby got back




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Double-dropping tonight, as I had to post the theme song to my favourite new show, John From Cincinnati. It's on HBO (obviously) and is the brainchild of David Milch, who created Deadwood. So there's lots of swearing, sure, but there's more - it's pitched as a "surf-noir" (yeah) family drama (think Six Feet Under) with an implied supernatural element (think Carnivale). And best of all, Luke Perry's in it. And Rebecca de Mornay. And that guy from Married With Children. Yeah. It's pretty absurd - in a good way. Anyway, Joe Strummer does the theme, and it's hella great. And no, it's not the same song as the NOFX one.


Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros - Johnny Appleseed

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Might have to check out this Air business....

You used to be able to download Torrents of all twelve episodes but it's recently been licenced for a western release so it'll hopefully be out on DVD within the next few months. It's an amazing show though, definately a life-changing experience.
I found a torrent here for anyone else interested. It's a bit slow, but at least there's seeds. Any show someone describes as a life-changing experience has to be worth checking out, that's my logic anyway.
Some players can get a bit funny with subtitles and things of that nature so if you get any playback problems you might need to download this and use the copy of Windown Media Player Classic that comes bundled with it. In the meantime (and so as not to spam up this thread) I made a thread about Air back in February here.In the meantime there's a trailer on the ADV (the company who recently purchased the the rights to distrubute Air TV in the west) website here, there's no spoilers and it'll give you a taste of what the show's all about. Edited by Vito
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Do you like Arcade Fire? Do you like The Clash? This is for you...Arcade Fire - Guns of BrixtonThis is quite haunting and dark.

I dunno if it's because it's a live recording, but I'm not really impressed with this. I really wanted to be, I like Arcade Fire and I'm a massive fan of The Clash.I can't stop playing "Pain" from the new Tiger Army album 'Music From Regions Beyond'. Linkage:
It's a good album all in all. It's got some new wave influences in places, which is really good, but it's got some great old fashioned aggression in there too. :thumbsup:
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Went to see Tom & Ben from Gomez play a low-key solo/duo set at my favourite teeny tiny venue - Academy 3 in Manchester - tonight, and by crikey wasn't it awesome. After literally sitting through the worst support band in the world ("Rushmore"), the main set reminded me just why I used to love Gomez so much. They played a lengthy and even set of favourites, B-sides, and covers (Jackson Browne, Nick Drake, Glen Campbell...?) and were just generally likeable and fucking entertaining. They even pulled a gobby heckler up on stage and made him sing until he literally collapsed under the lardy weight of his own humiliation.


Anyway, of the many great b-sides they played, this wasn't one... but I still love it.


Gomez - Pick Up The Pieces

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