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The 'Currently Reading' Thread.

Guest Refuse Matt M

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Currently struggling through A clash of kings. There's just too many pages with nothing happening, when something does happen, it's great and enjoyable, but the books are too long for me so I might not read book 3. In between I'm reading Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer.

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Very enjoyable. The 33 1/3 series are a bit hit and miss, so I was pleased to find this one was highly enjoyable, with not to much weird stuff or biographical detail about the author, just a general muse on the context, music and lyrics which helps even the die hard fan understand the record better. Which is what these books should be about.

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It's not. I never said it was.


Well, saying nothing happens, when a lot of stuff happens, makes me think you didn't get it.


No, I get it. It's just not as good as the first one and is too slow at times.

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It's not. I never said it was.


Well, saying nothing happens, when a lot of stuff happens, makes me think you didn't get it.


No, I get it. It's just not as good as the first one and is too slow at times.

Stick with Clash of Kings (and even more so Storm of Swords). I struggled at the start of it with so many new characters and new places being introduced. It took me quite a while to get into Stannis' storyline but the last third of the book is sensational with a big payoff. The second book of Storm of Swords is my favourite so far, and currently 500 pages into A Feast for Crows, which introduces another 600 odd characters but is still marvelous.

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I planned to finish Kane and Abel on the train today, then get stuck back into Clash of Kings at the hotel tonight, but I've been invited out for drinks tonight and tomorrow, got 4 hours on the train on Thursday so I'll give it another go.

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