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Had the op. Nothing up the brown or down the Chinese either, but felt so sick and confused when I woke up.


Anyway, new query: I downloaded Raw onto my phone before I came to hospital. I borrowed some earphones from my mother's house as I was being loaded into the ambulance, and though they work fine with my tablet... When I plug them into my phone it says "accessory not supported" and the sound just still plays through the speakers. Why would a set of earphones with a standard audio jack not work? My own headphones do work with the phone do hopefully someone will bring me them up tomorrow.

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Strange one. Whenever I call Mrs Houchen, her phone crashes, it is a HTC after all. She can call me no bother so wassupwitdat?


Anyone who answers along the lines of she is just saying that because she don't want to speak to you gets a punch in the cock.

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My phone had a spell of crashing when answering or making calls, but I've dropped it a few times since and now it doesn't do that. Another problem with it - when I turn the portable wifi hotspot on, the 3g just seems to stop working. It still says it's connected, but can't connect to a site or even complete a Google search, either on the phone or the tablet that's connected. If I turn the hotspot off, the 3g on the phone starts working fine again. It all worked until a couple of days ago, and I'm still in the same bed. Why has it started to do this?

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Strange one. Whenever I call Mrs Houchen, her phone crashes, it is a HTC after all. She can call me no bother so wassupwitdat?


Anyone who answers along the lines of she is just saying that because she don't want to speak to you gets a punch in the cock.


It must be an HTC being bollocks thing. My aunt can't text my mum or me, but we can text her. She can send Whats App messages though, so we just get around it like that.



Put that on your review site, Four Horsemen.

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Does anyone know how soon after completing Uni one can claim the dole? I had my last exam Monday but I am looking into going to a local technical college in September so I don't know if that messes with my availability. I have about 500 quid that might last me the summer (live rent free) so I might just not bother if i'll have to lie or whatever but the money would be handy if i'm entitled to it;

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Does anyone know how soon after completing Uni one can claim the dole? I had my last exam Monday but I am looking into going to a local technical college in September so I don't know if that messes with my availability. I have about 500 quid that might last me the summer (live rent free) so I might just not bother if i'll have to lie or whatever but the money would be handy if i'm entitled to it;


Unless things have changed in the last 13 years I'm pretty sure my Dad got me to sign on virtually straight away, I think that it took a few weeks after that until I got any money though. I remember the joy of trying to persuade the job centre to not allow me to not sign on during my normal day so I could actually go to my Graduation.

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Yeah I thought that but the potential issue is iv'e applied for student finance next year for my course at my local tech and i'll probably get something so i'm not sure whether that prohibits me from claiming dole during the summer months or not.

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Yeah I thought that but the potential issue is iv'e applied for student finance next year for my course at my local tech and i'll probably get something so i'm not sure whether that prohibits me from claiming dole during the summer months or not.

My girlfriend had to stop Uni in the middle of the year due to medical reasons, they've started paying her ESA from the date the next student finance was due to be paid. So basically they view it as your last student finance payment should take you up to the next one. In this case your next payment would be due September time whether you are getting it or not, and so you are likely to only be paid from that date onward. However there is a chance that you may be entitled to claim anyway, as my comment is more assumption based on a similar issue rather than the exact same one.

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Mine was slightly lower but iv'e always got the lowest amount it's possible to get due to household income. What Mike mentioned is what I fear will stop me from being entitled to it. Thanks for all the answers guys, if anyone knows more i'd appreciate it, could just stop being a lazy arse and head up there though.

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Mine was slightly lower but iv'e always got the lowest amount it's possible to get due to household income. What Mike mentioned is what I fear will stop me from being entitled to it. Thanks for all the answers guys, if anyone knows more i'd appreciate it, could just stop being a lazy arse and head up there though.

According to a friend who finished this year and just tried to claim, you can claim JSA from June 14th.

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