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Do we have any legal types on here?



Got a letter from the Bank saying that they are taking my landlord to court for a repossession hearing in December.


Knowing his character, there is no way that my landlord is planning to tell us about this, so I need to confront him on it. However, before I do so I want to understand my rights as a tenant in the event that the Bank does foreclose on the house.





Shelter England info

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Do we have any legal types on here?



Got a letter from the Bank saying that they are taking my landlord to court for a repossession hearing in December.


Knowing his character, there is no way that my landlord is planning to tell us about this, so I need to confront him on it. However, before I do so I want to understand my rights as a tenant in the event that the Bank does foreclose on the house.



I was basically in the same situation last year. The best bet is to get to your local council and get on the housing register immediately. If the house is to be repossessed you want to go to the court and get the repossession delayed, if possible, if you've been unable to get another place in the meantime. The council should make sure you are housed as you would be being made homeless through no fault of your own, them actually doing this is another matter (they found me a place that was only there as they were still building them and so I was still high up enough on the council housing register to get it. But you must be on that register).


Not sure if there's anything you can do regarding money your landlord has however, such as deposit or pre-paid rent, though I'm sure if you have evidence of rent paid then you may be able to get the repossession delayed until the date your rent would run out.


The best bet though is to just get out of there at the earliest opportunity before the shit hits the fan and you get stuck with legal dealings you don't want any part of.


Good luck with everything regardless.

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Anyone ever use Lotus Notes?


Is it easy to use?


I've lied and said I know how to use it for a potential job. I think I can probably figure it out on the fly.. am I wrong?


There is a trial version on the net so I'll have a play with it but would appreciate some thoughts about actually practically using it in the work environment nonetheless.

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Anyone ever use Lotus Notes?


Is it easy to use?


I've lied and said I know how to use it for a potential job. I think I can probably figure it out on the fly.. am I wrong?


There is a trial version on the net so I'll have a play with it but would appreciate some thoughts about actually practically using it in the work environment nonetheless.


We use it at work and it is some of the worst software I have ever used in my life! For me swtiching from Outlook to Lotus Notes was tough basically due to the fact that its not very intuative at all and some of the features are just bizarre.


If you get sent a meeting request for example, you can't then forward that meeting request onto people as it doesnt get added to their calender. Also, if you delete the message with the meeting request, it also deletes the meeting from the calendar as well.


Its weird! Downloading the trial and playing around with it is probably a good idea to be honest

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Lotus is a piece of piss to use but is infuriating in its shitness. Its updating process is a fucking pain and a joke in itself.


The workplace you have applied for will no doubt give you the ins and outs of their Lotus usage if you get the position but download the trial and get to grips with the basics so you at least know what you are talking about/dealing with. You then can pass off your Lotus knowledge (In an interview.) as being semi-limited because the it was only in operation in your workplace (Of choice, from previous jobs.) for a short period and even then it was only used for one aspect of business. (Which you can pass off as something really shite once you have a bit of grip with Lotus.)

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Lotus is a piece of piss to use but is infuriating in its shitness.




I moved jobs about 2 years ago and it meant switching from Outlook to Notes. For the interview all you probably need to be able to blag is it's functionality - Email, Calendar, IM. There is no 'reply to all button on emails (you have to click reply and then hunt around for the button) and you have to 'create hotspots' to send links rather that just c&p the URL. Frustrating is not even close!


We migrated to Outlook in the Summer and some of the guys that had been here for years were so impressed with Outlook they finally agreed with us 'new kids' that Notes is dire. We were running Notes 8.5 if that's relevant.


For an interview probably better to say that you have heard it is easy to use rather than it ' is infuriating in its shitness'

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If I were to apply for a gameshow, and on the form it said "Comments and other information:", how much should I put in there? I'm guessing it's for me to show how zany and emotionally unstable I am, but how far should I go at this stage?

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If I were to apply for a gameshow, and on the form it said "Comments and other information:", how much should I put in there? I'm guessing it's for me to show how zany and emotionally unstable I am, but how far should I go at this stage?


Have you mentioned your wrestling background? TV shows love playing up to that in a cheesy way. All the cliches come out: Muscle bound, tough man, etc. It could be your ace.


Which show is it? If it's something like Take Me Out then they've had wrestlers/fighters on there before and despite how horrendously cheesy they make it, the public seem to lap it up.

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If I were to apply for a gameshow, and on the form it said "Comments and other information:", how much should I put in there? I'm guessing it's for me to show how zany and emotionally unstable I am, but how far should I go at this stage?


Have you mentioned your wrestling background? TV shows love playing up to that in a cheesy way. All the cliches come out: Muscle bound, tough man, etc. It could be your ace.


Which show is it? If it's something like Take Me Out then they've had wrestlers/fighters on there before and despite how horrendously cheesy they make it, the public seem to lap it up.

I don't think the missus would appreciate me going on Take Me Out. I don't have much tolerance for Paddy McGuiness either.


I'm doing this purely for the cash.

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Is there any way to get exam papers and answers from the 1980s? OCR and Edexcel websites seem to either not go that far back or are just confusing.


Not really, syllabus' are continuously changing so old papers become obsolete and everyone gets rid of them. In the unlikely case that examining boards had any, you would have to pay for them, but I doubt they would have any that old. School/colleges are the only other people who hang on to old exam papers and they wouldn't have any that old.

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