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Hmmm, fair enough!


I've only ever been charged on larger item, such as replica belts etc. But see if you can get the to write replacement or $5 dollar value etc. Although technically it would mean if its lost, you would only get $5 back.......it does stop the tax being charged.

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I dont know know what the hoo ha is with this importing thing.


Never had anything checked afaik and import games, books, dvd's etc on a fairly regular basis


I think people worry too much


I've never not got caught by it. Anything over 18 quid, T-Shirts, Videos, DVDs, bigger/smaller packages. Also they've never showed up with the package, I just get the little note telling me to go to the post office and pay up. Bad luck I guess :p

And yeah it's not even the customs (which is some small percentage) its the bloody 8 quid royal mail handling fee.


Anyways, many thanks to those who offered options. The PlayUSA one looks like the best bet providing I buy in pounds (

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Where would I put an obvious shill for me mate to help her out in some modelling competition?


Vote Louise Mason in this competition, Text model 004 to 85010 to vote for her Please!!!




Well the competition closed, she won. Is a grid girl for the next year, has photoshoot on Sunday and will be in a calendar, nuts and loaded shortly as well


Thats pretty good


There is a facebook group as well

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Can someone please explain in as basic of terms as is humanly possible what scales are in music please?

I've got books on playing for beginners and I took lessons for a while but stopped going because I got too behind.

I practice bass all the time but I'm just playing tabs and stuff of other peoples' work. Not understanding scales is really holding me back from creating my own stuff.


Thanks in advance!

I'll PM you as it'll be somewhat of an essay.






I'm in the same boat as PSL regarding scales so any chance of a copy of whatever you sent him explaining it all?


Cheers :)

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What an amazing question! It reminds me of a few years ago, I was working with a producer who asked my to explain the concept of bars and beats to him as he didn't understand what a beat was. It was actually really fucking hard to explain a concept as fundamental as that.


Imagine you're drawing a curve on a piece of graph paper. Where the line intersects the grid it divides the curve into sections. Basically, that's what a scale is - it's a way of dividing up the analogue curve of pitch into useful units. By doing that you can refer to specific pitches in a way that makes sense to another musician.


Most western music follows the diatonic scale, a 7 note division of an octave. What's an octave? Well, it's the interval of pitch between one note and another that is half (or double) its frequency. So in western music you divide that octave interval up into CDEFGAB, which comprises of 5 whole tones (e.g C to D) and two half tones (e.g E to F).


99% of the time, an understanding of how the diatonic scale is all you need to know, but there are others - like pentatonic, which divides the octave into 5 notes. For example, if you only play with the black notes on the piano, you're effectively playing in a pentatonic scale as you're only using 5 notes in every octave.


Jazz musicians often play in different scales as it creates a really different melodic sound. I often write melodies or solos in slightly modified scales as I find the "limitation" is compelling. Other, non-Western music is all based around different scales whose notes fall in between those we usually use - going back to the analogy of the graph paper, they basically use a different size of grid!

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  • Paid Members
What an amazing question! It reminds me of a few years ago, I was working with a producer who asked my to explain the concept of bars and beats to him as he didn't understand what a beat was. It was actually really fucking hard to explain a concept as fundamental as that.

At least he asked, and didn't insist on counting you in with seconds. :duh:


[EDIT] The memory's clearing up now. He was doing this because he erased the hi-hat beats that were there to count us in, as we all come in together, so he had to memorise the timecode for the first chord, delete 4 seconds and start a 4 second (not 4 beat) count from there.

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I'm having trouble playing a game on my psp as it keeps telling me to download the new update 6.31 (which i have done and its sitting in my memory stick area). Its also on that umd update bit, anyway every time i keep pressing it the psp restarts and then i get that bloody annoying 'The game cannot start dadadada' message.


I've looked up the problem and being a pretty dumb guy like myself, i literally have no idea what everyone is going on about with the answers. I was wondering if anyone knew how to solve this problem, if so could you tell me in the most basic way possible.


Thank you.

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I'm 89% sure this is the worst question that's ever been asked here but does anyone know where I can get a pair of adult men's boxer shorts with a print of dinosaurs on them?



(You have the option to design your own, if you have a particular dinosaur/design in mind).

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