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Richards speaks


Concerning the Iowa ordeal:

I don't have any philosophic phrases like O'Reilly, nor empty threats which seems to be the darling way to be tough now-a-days behind the protective veil of the Internet (the quickest sure fire way to prove your an absolute coward). But what I do have is the truth and I'll indulge you.


Now O'Reilly already told the story so and he's a much more patient man than I so I'll just drop the main points: I was trained that you don't disrespect veterans. There's a pecking order in this business, and if you go against it you get your ass handed to you. I was trained that the boys stick up for each other and don't allow others to disrespect them, because it reflects on the business as a whole. So when a guy who took my seminar the day prior and all of a sudden, over text message (everyones got balls of steel behind texts/twitter/fb) disrespects the guy who helped bring me and Kyle up, and more importantly, my friend, I feel 100% justified taking action. So, not over text/twitter/fb but in person (I know, can you imagine some people actually confront people face to face?? Insanity!!) I tell this guy how disrespectful he was and if this was 10 yrs ago he would have gotten his ass beat. He agreed and apologized and insisted he shake Tony's hand. Before this he tried and admitted to lying saying he didn't know whom he was talking to on text so he didn't know he was disrespecting Kozina (a lie Tony quickly called out as, and we have the text messages to prove, Tony said in the beginning, "This is Kozina".)


Now understand I'm in the middle of Iowa, 7 hrs from home in the middle of corn fields (which is beautiful scenery btw) and this guy looked out and saw 25 people at his show, knew he was going to lose his ass and tried to cancel us off when we're 2 hrs away. Tony and Kyle were hurt, an unfortunate and common aspect of how we train and work. So we tried to get an 8 man. The promoter at first said the fans paid to see singles (to which Tony responded, and we have the texts, "ok well do the singles") which contradicted his later statement of "well noone here knows who you guys are".


As far as me physically threatening him, sorry ace, never happened, and if you truly think it did - press charges! I have nothing to hide, do you?


I came to you face to face like a man, told you how I felt. I don't do backstage rumors, gossip, social media tough guy stuff. I tell people how I feel in person and take full responsibly for it all.


Ok, and now to the blockbuster crime of the century: we took -- wait for it -- drum roll -- people are on then edge of their seats -- 350$!!!!!


Did I? I sure did, I took 350$ and left on Saturday. Tuesday afternoon I paypaled him -- wait for it ----- drum roll ---- 350$ back!! So he lost ----- 0 dollars! No one asked me to do this. I said to him, well here you read the text:


"Ok I'm going to pay pal you your money back. I never spent it, it was on principle. You'll have it today. I'm sorry things got to this level. Please text me to let me know you got it. Yea dude it's crazy. I don't hold any grudges man. I wish you and your crew the best."


I've said for years, I don't talk, I do. I let him feel what we felt -- to be disrespected an screwed. So the same thing doesn't happen to another wrestler (remember what I said about the boys sticking up for the boys?).


I have the PayPal receipt as well to prove it.


Ok so stealing and threatening have been covered, what else?


Oh I know! Ya know I could, I could slander your name as you have mine, wished harm on you as you have me (the getting in a car wreck bit was sure classy) or I could post your phone number on a social media site like you did mine. But I won't, I won't hang at the bottom of the barrel with you buddy.


And really 15 min after this ordeal this loser is on twitter begging for a match in ROH, like a certain someone in the ROH office said, "This is this losers big shot at getting some attention and he's going all out". Well friend I'm not mentioning you by name. Your going to have to get attention the same way I did in this wacky business- work your ass off and earn it.


I know it's the socially dictated right thing do to apologize and try to make amends. But c'mon that wouldn't be ol DR now would it?


So instead of trying release myself from responsibly by saying it was "anger taking hold or it was emotionally driven actions and comments" I'll simply say from the bottom of my heart that I don't apologize for anything, I'm proud that I stood up for my friend, what I was taught, and how I was raised, and most of all what I believe to be right. I meant every word and every action and take full responsiblity.


I don't talk, I act. I treat people how they treat me. I stand up for what I was taught and for my friends.


If I'm the bad guy for it, I welcome it with open arms. I'm more than willing to take shots for what I believe in.


I'll always be the first help people out (ask Adam Cole, Eddie Edwards, Kenny Omega, Kyle O'Reilly, and countless others) but I will also to call out what I don't believe to be right.


Maybe I just have rebel blood running through me, but I don't bow down, I don't keep my mouth shut, I don't run from what I disagree with. I speak up, I stand up and I fight for what I believe in. That's how I raised. If it's the end of ol DR then I couldn't be more proud.


It's like my grandma used to say to me, "It's better to hated for who you are than loved for who you're not".


In the end, to the guys in Iowa -- god bless ya, I wish you guys nothing but success. Hopefully y'all wake up but that's your cross to bear not mine.


He's a massive prick, massive mark for himself, and I hope he hurries up and retires as wrestling will be far better for him fucking off. What a scummer.


"if this was 10 yrs ago he would have gotten his ass beat"


He's not even fucking been in wrestling for 10 years! He's not some fucking grizzled vet, who's entitled to meter out justice. He's a marginal name who's worked a few indies. That's all he is. I don't know why he's fucking acting like he's Harley Race or someone. His statement has somewhat pissed me off.

Edited by PowerButchi
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What does he mean anyway? 10 years ago? When Scoot Andrews and Christian York were around does he mean? Wrestling was dead on its arse and scraping by 10 years ago with every US promotion not named WWE running shows in barns or school gyms using former WCW wrestlers or skinny Indy workers. What's he fucking talking about? What a hilarious misfire of thing to say. If this was 10 years ago, Total Wrestling magazine would have posted pictures of them arguing backstage next to April Hunter with her tits out. There would be no fighting at all. The business was exactly the same 10 years ago. He's talking like Ole Anderson and Bill Watts were patrolling independent locker rooms calling the likes of Tony Jones a "one of them".


I hate wrestlers these days. I've just realised it. Wrestlers now are the biggest bunch of cockends in the world. Obviously there are some exceptions, but most of them are either desperate to get a figure in Toys R Us that no kid will want to play with or put on kickpads and walk to the ring with a "team" because their mates rip the piss out of them in the pub for being a wrestler and have to compensate because they feel a gum shield will make them less of a soft cunt. Rick Rude didn't need a gum shield or a bunch of dwarfs with him to show the world he was a tough guy.

Edited by The_BarbarIAN
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Richards speaks


Concerning the Iowa ordeal:

I don't have any philosophic phrases like O'Reilly, nor empty threats which seems to be the darling way to be tough now-a-days behind the protective veil of the Internet (the quickest sure fire way to prove your an absolute coward). But what I do have is the truth and I'll indulge you.


Now O'Reilly already told the story so and he's a much more patient man than I so I'll just drop the main points: I was trained that you don't disrespect veterans. There's a pecking order in this business, and if you go against it you get your ass handed to you. I was trained that the boys stick up for each other and don't allow others to disrespect them, because it reflects on the business as a whole. So when a guy who took my seminar the day prior and all of a sudden, over text message (everyones got balls of steel behind texts/twitter/fb) disrespects the guy who helped bring me and Kyle up, and more importantly, my friend, I feel 100% justified taking action. So, not over text/twitter/fb but in person (I know, can you imagine some people actually confront people face to face?? Insanity!!) I tell this guy how disrespectful he was and if this was 10 yrs ago he would have gotten his ass beat. He agreed and apologized and insisted he shake Tony's hand. Before this he tried and admitted to lying saying he didn't know whom he was talking to on text so he didn't know he was disrespecting Kozina (a lie Tony quickly called out as, and we have the text messages to prove, Tony said in the beginning, "This is Kozina".)


Now understand I'm in the middle of Iowa, 7 hrs from home in the middle of corn fields (which is beautiful scenery btw) and this guy looked out and saw 25 people at his show, knew he was going to lose his ass and tried to cancel us off when we're 2 hrs away. Tony and Kyle were hurt, an unfortunate and common aspect of how we train and work. So we tried to get an 8 man. The promoter at first said the fans paid to see singles (to which Tony responded, and we have the texts, "ok well do the singles") which contradicted his later statement of "well noone here knows who you guys are".


As far as me physically threatening him, sorry ace, never happened, and if you truly think it did - press charges! I have nothing to hide, do you?


I came to you face to face like a man, told you how I felt. I don't do backstage rumors, gossip, social media tough guy stuff. I tell people how I feel in person and take full responsibly for it all.


Ok, and now to the blockbuster crime of the century: we took -- wait for it -- drum roll -- people are on then edge of their seats -- 350$!!!!!


Did I? I sure did, I took 350$ and left on Saturday. Tuesday afternoon I paypaled him -- wait for it ----- drum roll ---- 350$ back!! So he lost ----- 0 dollars! No one asked me to do this. I said to him, well here you read the text:


"Ok I'm going to pay pal you your money back. I never spent it, it was on principle. You'll have it today. I'm sorry things got to this level. Please text me to let me know you got it. Yea dude it's crazy. I don't hold any grudges man. I wish you and your crew the best."


I've said for years, I don't talk, I do. I let him feel what we felt -- to be disrespected an screwed. So the same thing doesn't happen to another wrestler (remember what I said about the boys sticking up for the boys?).


I have the PayPal receipt as well to prove it.


Ok so stealing and threatening have been covered, what else?


Oh I know! Ya know I could, I could slander your name as you have mine, wished harm on you as you have me (the getting in a car wreck bit was sure classy) or I could post your phone number on a social media site like you did mine. But I won't, I won't hang at the bottom of the barrel with you buddy.


And really 15 min after this ordeal this loser is on twitter begging for a match in ROH, like a certain someone in the ROH office said, "This is this losers big shot at getting some attention and he's going all out". Well friend I'm not mentioning you by name. Your going to have to get attention the same way I did in this wacky business- work your ass off and earn it.


I know it's the socially dictated right thing do to apologize and try to make amends. But c'mon that wouldn't be ol DR now would it?


So instead of trying release myself from responsibly by saying it was "anger taking hold or it was emotionally driven actions and comments" I'll simply say from the bottom of my heart that I don't apologize for anything, I'm proud that I stood up for my friend, what I was taught, and how I was raised, and most of all what I believe to be right. I meant every word and every action and take full responsiblity.


I don't talk, I act. I treat people how they treat me. I stand up for what I was taught and for my friends.


If I'm the bad guy for it, I welcome it with open arms. I'm more than willing to take shots for what I believe in.


I'll always be the first help people out (ask Adam Cole, Eddie Edwards, Kenny Omega, Kyle O'Reilly, and countless others) but I will also to call out what I don't believe to be right.


Maybe I just have rebel blood running through me, but I don't bow down, I don't keep my mouth shut, I don't run from what I disagree with. I speak up, I stand up and I fight for what I believe in. That's how I raised. If it's the end of ol DR then I couldn't be more proud.


It's like my grandma used to say to me, "It's better to hated for who you are than loved for who you're not".


In the end, to the guys in Iowa -- god bless ya, I wish you guys nothing but success. Hopefully y'all wake up but that's your cross to bear not mine.


He's a massive prick, massive mark for himself, and I hope he hurries up and retires as wrestling will be far better for him fucking off. What a scummer.


"if this was 10 yrs ago he would have gotten his ass beat"


He's not even fucking been in wrestling for 10 years! He's not some fucking grizzled vet, who's entitled to meter out justice. He's a marginal name who's worked a few indies. That's all he is. I don't know why he's fucking acting like he's Harley Race or someone. His statement has somewhat pissed me off.


Yeah, my thoughts too. I found 'if this was 10 years ago' odd. He's making out 2002 was like 1972.

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That was actually a properly entertaining match. I forgot just how good that venue looked on DVD too, for a UK indy show it looks pretty big time.


The commentary was quite annoying too.


I thought it was all right. They did a good job of putting Kid over as a tough guy anyways.

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