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Boxing Thread

Egg Shen

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Derry fucking Matthews! Christ, what a comeback and what a punch. Incredible.


Brook looked brilliant in the first few rounds and I think it really demoralised Jones. Jim Watt was doing my head in. He always does. Such a negative, whiny sod. Yeah, Jones didn't look good, but Watt going on with stuff like 'no defence, he's behaving like a novice here', was pissing me off. Jones looked hurt to me from fairly early on. He was getting clubbed with shots around the temples and hit with accurate punches on the chin almost from the off. I think those first couple of rounds just sapped the life out of him. He had a bit of a go later when Brook slowed down but it was too late.


Ogogo and Campbell looked good, as is the point of these early showcase fights. They did what they were expected to do.


Derry Matthews though eh?


Anyone watch the Haye-Fury build up on Ringside? I fucking hate Fury. What an absolute detestable wanker he is. Good for hype and all that, whatever, but I really can't wait to see Haye drop the Desparate Dan chinned twat on his arse.

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Rumor is Brooks next opponent will be either Shane Mosley or Victor Ortiz.


I love to hate Tyson Fury, i thought he was great on Ringside though, Haye's best staying quiet though cause i dont think anyone beats Fury in an argument, he says a lot of stuff that doesn't make sense but he has a response to everything.


If there's a real dislikable party in all of this its Adam Booth, what a twat that man is.

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If there's a real dislikable party in all of this its Adam Booth, what a twat that man is.

I really like Booth, great trainer as well.


I am a huge Haye fan, so I hope he knocks out Fury. One thing about Fury is that he is a character, everyone will have a opinion of him. I find him mildly amusing, I do not think he as stupid as he makes himself out to be.

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Not stupid particularly, just a big irritating, fat chinned, annoying voice having, cunt fanbase having, arrogant twat. Everything he says he sounds like a massive tosser to me. On Ringside, in any interview I've ever seen with him, that little face off with Haye where he was making a big old tit of himself but thinking he looked like Jack The Biscuit. I can't stand him.


What it might be doing though is getting Haye so wound up he comes in angry in the fight and makes mistakes. That's probably what Fury is hoping but I can't see it ending well for him. Lesser fighters than Haye have dropped Fury on his arse. Yeah he got up but you can't rely on that forever. I think if Haye drops him he'll stay dropped, or if he gets up there'll be more to come. Haye's too quick for him I think. I'm picking Haye in 5 or 6 rounds tops. Like Froch said last night, Haye's been in with the best, Fury's just now stepping up a level. If that stuff the other week about Fury originally asking for an 80/20 split was true, then that doesn't fill me with confidence that he's really fancying his chances, no matter what cocky, massive chinned face he puts on for the public.

Edited by wandshogun09
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Fury just comes across as such a lummox, I cannot take him seriously enough to dislike him. I doubt Haye will take the bait though, I agree on that. I also agree he has a "cunt fanbase" I am not especially looking forward to rubbing shoulders with them in September, no doubt there will be a few "handbags at dawn" moments in the crowd.

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Watched the Kel Brook and Luke Campbell fights tonight. Backed both of them to win by KO, so was happy with both results. The Luke Campbell fight never got going though did it. The commentators were hyping his opponent up a bit, and he got finished inside 1 round.


Not sure what there was to hype up about him. He had a 2-5 record going into the fight. Then again, they have to make it look like Campbell isn't just facing some chump for his debut fight. I didn't think he caught with a punch on the first knockdown, but once you saw the replay it was a good shot.

A safe debut, but it will be good for him to get it under his belt and move on. If hes serious about undertaking a proper pro career, he should take another fight soon maybe in the next 8 weeks or so.

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Fury just comes across as such a lummox, I cannot take him seriously enough to dislike him.


Oh yeah, he's almost a comedy figure to me. Especially when he "sings". He's hard to take seriously, he's like Frank Spencer on stilts. But there's just a combination of is unbelievably punchable face (not that I'd have the guts, nor would I even be able to reach), his voice, his smugness/arrogance, that makes me want to see him get his neck knocked in.


I'll happily admit though, he's usually exciting to watch. The fact I dislike him means I'm always invested in his fights because I want him to get walloped, and his vulnerable (and did I mention massive?) chin means I always think there's a chance I'll see that. He has clearly worked hard to improve and physically he has got himself in better shape. I can't knock him for that.


I still can't stand the big pillock though.

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The trouble Haye had on Ringside was that whilst Fury generally talked a lot of cobblers there were a few grains of truth in what he said, and that was enough to shut Haye up most of the time.


Fury has 10 or so weeks to get in shape, the first 4 of them he is going on a cruise, if he turns up in that sort of shape he will be pooped out before he gets off the poop deck and Haye will win easy.

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Derry Mattews after the fight give a brilliant interview. What is it about the scousers and Deacon Blue? Him and Smith both come out to them. Im not sold on Brook either, he doesnt have a punch to end it early or the engine to to dominate for 12 rounds.

Fury has won me over, i think hes brilliant as a personallity, shit voice, linnen suit etc...but pulled haye up on good things like all the shit he was saying he would do to wlad, and i geniunally think fury fancies this. If he was a wrestler he would be praised for talking people into the arena. I think as long as fury doesnt get knocked out early and puts in a half decent performance, theres loads pkaces for him to go. Looking forward to the ruck.

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he definitely put Haye in his place a few times, Johnny Nelson commented that people were taken aback by Tyson's boxing knowledge, there's a method to the madness.


I don't think a fighter has ever split opinion like Tyson Fury, people genuinely hate the man. It's a love/hate thing and i think he's great for boxing, whilst people love to knock his style about how he's clumsy and whatever there's no doubting the guy's toughness and willingness to fight, the guy is fucking granite.


Here's the Ringside interview when they were both on set, it's well worth a look.


Fury: "...i'm asking you the question now my friend, are you going to come and fight? or are you going to stink the place out?"

Haye: "You'll find out on the night"

Fury: "I sense a stinker"



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I don't like him but he's definitely good for the sport, there's no denying it. I actually care about his fights which, to be honest, I can't say the same for all but a handful of heavyweight fights in the last decade. He generates interest, he's usually exciting, he promotes himself well, he drew good numbers a few times on channel 5. Can't deny it. But it doesn't change the fact I want Haye to lay him out bad :) And I'm not even that much of a Haye fan.

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Got my ticket for Haye/Fury too, I can't wait. Fury knows his stuff, I have to give him that. He's playing games for sure, but either way I expect to see him eat the canvas and either stay there or be stopped by the ref inside 5 rounds.

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