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The guys commenting over that are fucking awful. Would have been far more entertaining just watching Scottys DVD.


Aye, they were a little OTT, but it was the only video with all the promo spots into one as far as I could see. Still though, what a man haha!

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In one of the strangest things I've ever seen here's an Eric Embry promo from Memphis. Embry talks about how Leatherface is no myth and that he's coming to Memphis. And he's coming for Jerry Lawler. Usually when a new wrestler comes to a territory, the manager or man behind it asks to roll a tape of a promo or footage of the worker in question. Here though, they play clips from The Texas Chain Saw Massacre and Leatherface chopping up bodies while the girl is hanging from a meat hook. As if Gunner Hansen is planning on coming to the Mid South Coliseum to wrestle the King. Embry builds this up like Leatherface is coming in to murder the King and eat his face. What a mad angle.



Low and behold, there he is. To their credit, fans are screaming for the King not to die or get smashed in the head with a hammer or have his finger sucked on by Grandpa Sawyer, but its quite lame. Wrestling promotions never have been able to pull off a decent Leatherface. The masks always look shit, and they never have a fat bloke under the apron. He's either skinny with a shite mask or short with a half decent mask. I've seen some Leatherfaces who wear their t-shirts they are planning to flog at the gimmick table later on in the night. And that just isn't staying true to the gimmick.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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In one of the strangest things I've ever seen here's an Eric Embry promo from Memphis. Embry talks about how Leatherface is no myth and that he's coming to Memphis. And he's coming for Jerry Lawler. Usually when a new wrestler comes to a territory, the manager or man behind it asks to roll a tape of a promo or footage of the worker in question. Here though, they play clips from The Texas Chain Saw Massacre and Leatherface chopping up bodies while the girl is hanging from a meat hook. As if Gunner Hansen is planning on coming to the Mid South Coliseum to wrestle the King. Embry builds this up like Leatherface is coming in to murder the King and eat his face. What a mad angle.



Low and behold, there he is. To their credit, fans are screaming for the King not to die or get smashed in the head with a hammer or have his finger sucked on by Grandpa Sawyer, but its quite lame. Wrestling promotions never have been able to pull off a decent Leatherface. The masks always look shit, and they never have a fat bloke under the apron. He's either skinny with a shite mask or short with a half decent mask. I've seen some Leatherfaces who wear their t-shirts they are planning to flog at the gimmick table later on in the night. And that just isn't staying true to the gimmick.



I loved watching this


Only in Memphis could you get away with pulling shit like this and still get great crowd reactions


Lawler is a master of his craft,no doubt about it

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It's absolutely brilliant on so many levels. Easily one of the best things he's ever done and possibly the best thing ever done in the name of ROH. I'm going to go to ROHSteven's forum now to see if anyone's crying about it.

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Wrestling promotions never have been able to pull off a decent Leatherface. The masks always look shit, and they never have a fat bloke under the apron. He's either skinny with a shite mask or short with a half decent mask. I've seen some Leatherfaces who wear their t-shirts they are planning to flog at the gimmick table later on in the night. And that just isn't staying true to the gimmick.


Im making my way through some Best of IWA Japan DVDs, which feature quite a bit of Leatherface from around 94. I believe this was Corporal Kirchner, and fits your fat and mask quota pretty good. He was the shits in the ring, but the entrances were outstanding. Watching shit loads of fans run for their life from him was a brilliant visual:


- Watch at 1:13 when all those fans collectively shit themselves and stand up, realising the chainsaw is coming from behind them.


Leatherface x2 vs Ono and Nakamaki - An infamous match anyway, but check 1:36 for the chaos from the entrance, with added woman screaming noise effects.


Leatherface vs Perez - 2:00 into the vid for the entrance.


Leatherface vs Bill Demott - 1:20 for more crowd running away scared.

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Kirchners Leatherface was mentioned on Observer Radio a few weeks back. Apparently, to work the journalists and people backstage, he'd run around the halls of the arena with the blades running on his chainsaw. Imagine how terrifying that would be? Having a conversation with a cup of tea in your hand and seeing him storm through the door with a chainsaw in his hand?

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Kirchners Leatherface was mentioned on Observer Radio a few weeks back. Apparently, to work the journalists and people backstage, he'd run around the halls of the arena with the blades running on his chainsaw. Imagine how terrifying that would be? Having a conversation with a cup of tea in your hand and seeing him storm through the door with a chainsaw in his hand?

The only thing I know about him was this match:-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7dxr7zwFwwAs horrible as the description makes it sound. He sounds like a lovely man!
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