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Duration: 12:57Taken: 17 April 2007Location: United StatesDDT - 4-1-07 -

MIKAMI's Ladder defends the Iron Man Heavy Metal title in a Battle Royal! If Ladder lasts 10 minutes, it retains the title! The title is also defended under 24/7 rules. Participants include: Poison Sawada JULIE, Mango Fukuda, Gorgeous Matsuno, Naoshi Sano & Antonio Honda. Be sure to keep watching after the match is over!

Clicky clickyWow, just....wow.
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Probably alreay been posted, but just found this awesome little match between Christopher Daniels vs TAKA Michinoku from Shothun Saturday Night from around Julyish '98. Some nice moves by Daniels that I have never seen before.

That's the match that first got Daniels booked in this country. :)
Was that his only match in WWE?
I think he teamed up with Corino and Julio Dinero a few times on Shotgun.
He is also seen backstage in his wrestling gear on Beyond The Mat when Headbanger Mosh tells Cornette he's going to steal Michael Modest's finishing move. That was around Summer 1998.
He was also one of the wrestlers underneath the Los Coquistidors (sp?) masks when Edge, Christian and the Coquistidors were all on screen in 2001 during the Edge & Christian vs. The Hardyz feud.
He does have that body shape that is quite easily recognizable even in a mask doesnt he? :D
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Juventud Guerrera & Eric Bischoff ... the 90's Scott & Charlene?!?




The description for this one just said: "Juventud cut's a hilariously rude, juicy, and possibly drug induced promo in XPW".



Mean Gene can't be arsed to listen to Juvi after his WCW debut, and then fans of Goldberg at SummerSlam 2003 and Ultimo Dragon at WMXX will love the last five seconds of this one ...




Ric Flair promo from Bash At The Beach 1996, I've never wanted to be Mean Gene as much in my entire life. :omg:




September 1984: Miss Elizabeth's first on-screen appearance.



A video called "Why XPW sucked" in which Shane Douglas uses a rather far-fetched way to attack the Hardcore Homo ...



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Check out this f*cked up Styles Clash. Disturbing. From Mexico.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0In9wjc98LQ

FUCKAnyone know if that guy is ok? That was absolutely horrific!
From a post on DVDVR..

During a CMLL show at the Arena Coliseo on December 25th, Batman, Lizmark, Mictlan, and Sagrado took on Pierroth, Skandalo, Terrible, and Yankee Star. The match saw Mexico's Most Wanted (Damien 666 and Halloween) interfere and assist in getting the upper hand on Mictlan.Terrible grabbed Mictlan and attempted a Styles Clash type manuver, however, Mictlan failed to lift his head and instead tucked it, causing the entire weight of both wrestlers to land on his neck in a sickening twist.Mictlan rolled out and was left laying on the ground for over 10 minutes until they came for him with a stretcher. It is reported that Mictlan suffered a cervical fracture and a broken neck.

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Thanks for that bAzTNM. Totally unacceptable if he was really left laying there for several minutes. Watching the clip back again today, I've realised that not only is it the brutality of the landing, but its also the smug prick taunting at the end that really angers me. Have to feel bad for Mictlan, although he does seem to be moving his arms at the end so hopefully its not a total disaster for his future.

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Thanks for that bAzTNM. Totally unacceptable if he was really left laying there for several minutes. Watching the clip back again today, I've realised that not only is it the brutality of the landing, but its also the smug prick taunting at the end that really angers me. Have to feel bad for Mictlan, although he does seem to be moving his arms at the end so hopefully its not a total disaster for his future.

To be fair,as the guy was interfering, he wouldn't check on the guy after he'd done that to him would he? It'd totally spoil it.
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Thanks for that bAzTNM. Totally unacceptable if he was really left laying there for several minutes. Watching the clip back again today, I've realised that not only is it the brutality of the landing, but its also the smug prick taunting at the end that really angers me. Have to feel bad for Mictlan, although he does seem to be moving his arms at the end so hopefully its not a total disaster for his future.

To be fair,as the guy was interfering, he wouldn't check on the guy after he'd done that to him would he? It'd totally spoil it.
Thinking about it now, as a fan, he has actually made me really really hate him by taunting the crowd and hot caring about the guy he just destroyed. So I guess, as you say, he has done his job of playing the crowd (well at least me) amazingly. Your comment has also reminded me of when Kevin Nash messed up his leg on Raw, and Buh-Buh Ray bent down to help him, despite being his opponent. I imagine he got a lot of flack for breaking his character on TV. Its an interesting issue though about injuries and remaining in character though I feel.
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