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Guest DJM

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Went to see Wanted last night AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE. This film was so shit it was funny. Angelina Jolie was shit in it she did a grand total of fuck all but got paid millions for it. James McAvoy was alright in his role but cant do an american accent for shit as usual with british actors. Morgan Freeman just his usual boring self :sleeping: . So yeah AVOID

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One of my mates came over last night for me to do some work on his dreads and we stuck Ghostbusters on.Now, Ghostbusters is one of my favourite movies of all time. As a kid, I watched it time and time again. I must have bought the DVD about 5 years ago just so I owned it but I realised last night that I don't think I'd ever watched it. I can't even remember the last time I actually watched the film and whilst my favourite lines came to me, there were things I noticed that I either didn't remember or didn't notice when watching before.Namely that there are so many places where there's a blunt cut that leaves you thinking "what happened there?" like something had been snipped out.I'm guessing that this was because they did, in fact, snip bits out in order to trim the film down to a kid friendly length. However, that left me wondering, given the cult following and huge love for the movie, why we've never seen a directors cut? There's not many things I'd change about that film if I was to go back and remaster it, but if there are bits that could be put back it to make the pacing of some scenes more consistent, I'd definitely do it.

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As I seem to be recommending world cinema I might as well go on and list a few others well worth further investigation off the top of my head.JSA Joint Security Area - Korean

Brilliant Film. I really recommend it.

City of God - Brazilian

Yeah stonking film. Puts across the desperation and sadness across so well.

OldBoy - Korean

Has everything, good story, great actors/actresses, clever set pieces. It really is a superb film.

Ong Bak - Thai

one of the best 'stunt' films of the past decade.

Warrior King - Thai

Didn't like this that much, thought the story was too crazy.I'd like to add a few on here as well.AuditionVisitor Q - Both Psychotic dramas from Takashi MiikeTwilight Samurai - Story of a man just wanting a normal life. But does he hide a hidden talent?The Brotherhood of War - Fabulous movie about two brothers in the Korean warLast Fortress - Someone called George Lucas stole some parts of star wars from this :DSeven Samurai - Remade as the Magnificent Seven (a western)Iron Monkey - A really fantastic early 90's kung fu movie. don't get the dubbed verison it's done 'comedy' style :sYou should also really check out Sympathy for Mr (and Ms) vengence as well if you like Oldboy. Different films but also very good.
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To be a bit anal ^^ It's just Brotherhood (very good)and it's Hidden Fortress (never seen). Plus the Twilight Samurai is an incredible film, slow but very worthwhile.

Most places call The Brotherhood "Brotherhood of War" to prevent confusion with other things. You're right about Last/Hidden Fortress... Never know why but I seem to have a blind spot with that for some reason....And yes, Twilight Samurai is really very, very good.Edit: Oh and for an extra bit of Miike freak out fun watch "Gozu" Edited by DJ Stevie C
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The Bourne Ultimatum:Great way to end the trilogy I loved it wasn't bored at all during it and really hope they make a 4th...Freedom Writers:Watched this simply for Hillary swank been a fan of hers since ''million dollar baby'' Very similar to 'Dangerous Minds'' But better way better she's a far better actress than michell pffier (however its spelt)

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I've been watching Natural Born Killers which a friend lent me but the second half was on a second disc which I didn't know until I watched :( I saw about 80 mins of it and thought it was bloody excellent! The film seems to tie in with the paedophile thread - that they weren't killers because of their genes but the incidents of abuse that they reacted to.

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The Love Guru - and Mike Myers has lost the plot. This movie was shocking, he's clearly tried to create another Austin Powers, but he's failed miserably. The movie also confirms the fact that Jessica Alba is the worst comedic actress in the world. The only redeeming factor about the whole thing was Justin Timberlake, his canadian-hockey-big-dick dude was the only thing in the movie that got a smirk out of me.

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