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Guest DJM

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Jimmy Carr - Stand Up


having already seen the show live twice, i was buying more to add to my collection than expecting to enjoy the jokes as much third time around, but still had me in stitches!


A decent collection of extras and the 'Comedy Idol' feature is hilarious! The guy who does the song about Gene Hackman, and the guy who walked in with the notes written on his hand were easily better than the eventual winner, but a really awesome special feature, with a good running time too!


Not as good as 'Jimmy Carr Live' but that was a show far longer in the making, and definately an above average follow up.


***1/2 out of 5


Quantum Leap Series 1/2


Only 2 episodes into the second series so far, but i'm amazed at how well this programme has aged. I fucking adore this show, so far i've seen 18 episodes in total and not one that i've considered forwarding, skipping or lost concentration watching. My favourite series of any genre ever, and thats saying something considering that drama and sci fi are probably my least favourites, but i fall in love with this show over and over each time i watch it especially the early episodes where Sam is swiss cheesed, and cant remember details of his family, the phone call home, remembering his brother died in Vietnam, really tear jerking moments, in what is essentially a sub plot in the episodes in which they occur. I could talk for hours about this series.


***** out of 5


Bill Bailey Cosmic Jam


Bit of a let down in all honesty, some top class musical comedy as ever, the starsky and hutch and cockney music skits are fucking brilliant, but his other material is far less, 'odd rambling weirdo' for which he's so popluar nowadays, and much more 'stoned festival going student' type stuff, although its not without its hilarious moments such as..


"so i wonder....who photographs Kebabs?"


Definately enough good, previously unseen stuff to make it worthwhile buying, especially considering you get a directors cut of bewilderness (a much better show) as an extra, but sadly not as strong as his most recent stuff. Understandable as it was early days, but those expecting something on par with Bewilderness or Part Troll may be a little dissapointed.


*** out of 5

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I haven't seen it, and I didn't like the original. I only suggested it because it looked more tolerable than the Ghost rip-off starring Greazy Reazy Witherspoon*.* 10 points to anyone who gets that reference.

No, thats fair enough. I don't wanna feel the wrath of Mr. Seven :p Oh, and I do not get that reference. :( Edited by HBAndy
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Just watched XXX 2. That was a riot :bored:

I had to see that about 30 times when it came out due it to being on fucking repeat on the televisions at work. Most downright offensively racist bit in the film?Geeky White FBI Agent: "Sorry guys, we need to commandeer this vehicle."Cool black guy #1: "Man I cannot believe we just got robbed by a white guy!"Cool black guy #2: "We'll just say it was 75 black guys!" Yes, because it's alright to have such "humour" now. Reverse it though, and that's racist. And just so nobody gets confused, I'm not saying "Yes I want to be able to be racist thank you", I just hate the double-standards.
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It was a comment made in Kevin Smith's book 'Silent Bob Speaks' and is not only because she insulted his writing skills but also because she was rude to Joey Lauren Adams(Smiths then girlfriend) when she went to congratulate her for a recent performance.Do I get extra points for being a nerd?

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I saw Darkness Falls last night and my god it's awful. Really really shit and predictable,it started out kinda good but just got funnier and funnier as it went on. Then we watched Friday The 13th VI which is tremendous...love that film :D Does anyone have a copy of the track that plays on the credits,"man behind the mask" i think it's called,which is potentially the best song ever written...just fantastic :) If you do have a copy,PM me :)

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I saw Darkness Falls last night and my god it's awful. Really really shit and predictable,it started out kinda good but just got funnier and funnier as it went on. Then we watched Friday The 13th VI which is tremendous...love that film :D Does anyone have a copy of the track that plays on the credits,"man behind the mask" i think it's called,which is potentially the best song ever written...just fantastic :) If you do have a copy,PM me :)

Yes, it's by Alice Cooper, I have it, but I can't use msn.:(
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Alone in the Dark

A poor film, with what could have been an entertaining and interesting story, but in the end is poorly filmed and seems like a made-for-TV or DTV movie. There is poor acting, a poor script, a bad (loud) soundtrack, and CGI which doesn

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Just watched "Conspiracy Theory" with Mel Gibson and Julie Roberts there. Brilliant film. Sounds gay but I always enjoy watching Gibson act. He is truly one of the most underrated actors out there. They way he plays the twitchy, paranoid role where he rambles to himself is tremendous.Mel Gibson~

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