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I flat out refuse to watch Hostel 2. The first was clearly rubbish.The bit where the girl get's her eye cut off was, i'm presuming, meant to be the money shot but really did nothing but make me laugh. The 'gore' was so over the top that it became wacky and just laughable.Everyone knows the Saw franchise is where it's at for, as Empire put's it, 'Gorno'.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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Just watched The Departed again... cracking film (much better on second watch I think) Jack Nic was awesome.. but thats expected.. I thought the performance of the movie was by Leonardo Di Caprio!

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I watched the original Mutiny on the Bounty this morning.


A pretty enjoyable film with some good performances. It's just a shame that they cast an American in one of the lead roles because it just didn't ring true.


I'd give it 3.5/5.

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Really good movie here. The tension throughout is tremendous and then it hits absolute fever pitch at the hour mark in a moment of pure insanity. The little hints of insanity before this point are good too, like the truck driver letting the main character pass. The climax is also fantastic.

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I bought Natural Born Killers about three years ago on DVD. When i first attempted to watch it i fell asleep, and ever since have not got round to watching it again.


I did, last night.


And, it's awful. I'd always liked the look of it and for the longest time i'd been told by my friend that i'd adore this film. And, after finally completing it i can say that you most certainly should never judge a book by it's cover. I know the director went out of his way to stress the satirical nature of the picture, but it was never delivered with a sinister enough underbelly to really explore the serious subtext the film so obviously craved.


The way in which the film danced between 60's style psychodelia, non-sensical animated images and sitcom parody was never really as brave as intended. It certainly didn't achieve the 'art house' stylings the crew so obviously wanted, and instead just seemed an over the top way of dragging the film away from what it was at it's essence, a neanderthal slasher move. Nothing more, nothing less. Except it didn't have the thrill of a 'whodunnit', and didn't have the performances to do justice to a true serial killer movie.


I'm sure there are people who loved this film. Admittedly they're the same sort of people who complain about songs that have choruses and use something other than used car parts for drums. But, that's life.


There is absolutely no redeeming features.


Juliette Lewis, who has made a career out of appearing unhinged, managed to seem relatively hinged. You never quite believed she was seriously deranged, and her jumping up and down like a kid on christmas day at the sight of her fathers demise never really did justice to the death of a consistent sexual abuser. And, throughout the duration of the film she seemed to exchange emotion for just shouting loudly. Annoying, at best.


Robert Downey Jr.'s character never really seemed to know what it was trying to be and Tommy Lee was so camp, and so OTT that he burts through the relm of satire and straight into slapstick.


Woody Harrelson was, well, Woody Harrelson. Never evil enough to inspire hatred and never torn enough to inspire empathy, He played the role of superstar mass murderer with as much emotion as he did the role of white basketball hero in white men can't jump. Only he didn't have a convincing sidekick, like the one Snipes provided, to cover for his weaknesses.




As for my friend that recomended it to me?! ...Well, i haven't seen him since. I'm sure he's away shouting into tin cans whilst some chap who looks like Frank Zappa whacks ferociously at an old Nissan Micra.

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I'm a huge fan of Quentin Tarantino and I'd always meant to get round to watching Natural Born Killers, as he had a part in writing it. From what I understand, he wrote the screenplay and they changed it to such an extent, and he was so displeased with the final product, that he no longer wanted his name on it...Anyway, I finally watched Natrual Born Killers when it was on Film4 recently. I love the premise, but, other than that, I think the film is absolute shit. My main gripe with it is that it's ridiculously over-directed to the point that it's annoying, especially when it switches from black-and-white to colour every 10 seconds in certain scenes.As daz says, it really lacks the edge that it needs and I couldn't take it seriously. Thus, it seriously drags even half way in.

Edited by Van_Dammer
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Tarantino wrote the original screenplay. Stone liked it, wrote the rewrite and made the film with no involvment from Tarantino. Ive seen Tarantino asked about this in two interviews and both times he got pissed. Apparantly his version of the film was a lot different (and presumably better) than Stones. He was unhappy with Stones screenplay and therefore publicy blasted it and refused to put his name on it. (I think he is credited for the 'original story' in the credits.)Oliver Stone would be a good entrant for the 'what is my best work' thread. I think he is one of the most overated directors of all time.

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Oliver Stone would be a good entrant for the 'what is my best work' thread. I think he is one of the most overated directors of all time.

I'd agree he'd be a good entrant he's just one of those guys people either love to hate or praise. I don't fully agree on him being the most overated. We might leave this one untill there is such a thread. I love Salvador.As for NBK i'd agree a 100 percent total shit, his worse film for me but i haven't seen The Hand so that could change.
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I always hear people praising Natural Born Killers but I too fucking hate it. A completely dull, pointless and shit attempt at film making.

Thats the thing there's tons of shit happening, it's Stone at his ADD best but it's still very dull Edited by ultimo the great
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Giving Hostel 2 any kind of praise means your opinion really doesn't count for shit.

Don't start.I saw the leak version of Hostel 2 and didn't like it. I thought the first one had some good scenes and alot of potential but this really was just a dull rehash of the flawed original. The only thing I did think was good was how the security had been upgraded, it was a neat touch but apart from that the acting, script and pretty much everything was poor. If you listen to Eli Roth in interviews he really is completely up his own arse which is a shame because I think with a little guidance there could be a potentially okay director in their somewhere.
i wouldnt say Roth is up his own arse, id just say the guy is a promotion-freak, he hypes his movies to the point where people wanna go see him (although Hostel part 2 tanked).as for the movie, i really enjoyed it...its a shameless excuse to chop some people up but it was fun, its got that thing going for it where you squeam, then you laugh. Basically if you liked the first movie, you'll like the 2nd. If you hated the first movie, you'll hate the 2nd.Roth is a genre director, he cleary makes his movies for the fangoria fanboys (which is what he is himself), i think he's awesome.
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Basically if you liked the first movie, you'll like the 2nd. If you hated the first movie, you'll hate the 2nd.

Hooray for ridiculous sweeping statements. My friend loved the first one and absolutely despised the sequel.

i think he's awesome.

You should be ashamed.
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Basically if you liked the first movie, you'll like the 2nd. If you hated the first movie, you'll hate the 2nd.

Hooray for ridiculous sweeping statements. My friend loved the first one and absolutely despised the sequel.

i think he's awesome.

You should be ashamed.
Now now Seven calm down, your not exactly well known for shying away from ridiculous sweeping statements when it comes to films and the people who watch said films.
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