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Guest DJM

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Just got back from watching Star Trek, I'm not into Star Trek at all but have to say it's not that bad. The only gripe I had with the film is Simon Pegg's character Scotty. Simon did as well as he could with what he was given but the comedy they tried to pull from him was too forced and more of a hindrence.


Other than that :thumbsup:

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I think you should watch some of the older Star Trek films if you think that's the stereotype. Most non-Trekkies love The Wrath Of Khan, The Undiscovered Country First Contact and Nemesis, because they're actually quite good films themselves. My particular favourite's First Contact, but Khan'll always be a classic, and Nemesis featured some of the best acting I've seen in any movie, let alone any sci-fi movie.


Nemesis isn't good. It's a load of rehashed episode plots and a ton of Data shitness. Khan, Country and Contact are all ~! though.


You and I are going to have to agree to disagree on that one. I personally think Nemesis is dark and almost Shakespearean in some senses; Tom Hardy as Shinzon was a great bit of casting.


You're right about the other three. I suppose I should have mentioned The Voyage Home, but I really thought that it just pandered to mainstream audiences just a tad too much - not saying it had to be all "l33t" Star Trek, but it ended up sacrificing almost a little too much of its essence as a Star Trek movie just to draw casual fans.

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"A Scanner Darkly"


I really enjoyed it for the first half hour or so, like the random conversations about the bike that he had just bought. I found the longer it went on the more boring it got though.

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I've never been into westerns really, but after watching The Good, The Bad & The Ugly a few weeks back and loving it I just thought that I would love this just as much but was left disappointed. Maybe I was spoilt with TGTB&TU? I won't let this put me off the likes of The Dollars films when I get around to catching them.


I could see you're dissappointment then. But in a way the whole point of Unforgiven relates to the Dollars trilogy and those like them. The Dollars trilogy is a total over-the-top fantasy world that glorifies violence but Unforgiven shows the reality of the Wild West that America spins it's escapist stories about that time period. Brutal, nasty men who commited horrific acts of violence that solved nothing. But I'm rambling...if you liked Good/Bad/Ugly you'll probably like the other Dollars films (although they aren't as good). I'd also check out The Wild Bunch aswell.

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But I'm rambling...if you liked Good/Bad/Ugly you'll probably like the other Dollars films (although they aren't as good).


I disagree on that score - for me, A Few Dollars More is probably the best of the three.

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Hmm...I liked it but I just prefer Lee Van Cleef as a villian. I didn't however like A Fistful Of Dollars however.


Other favorite westerns of mine are Rio Bravo and the highly underrated The Bravados which has some great villians and the almighty Gregory Peck kicking copious amounts of ass.

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Hmm...I liked it but I just prefer Lee Van Cleef as a villian. I didn't however like A Fistful Of Dollars however.


Other favorite westerns of mine are Rio Bravo and the highly underrated The Bravados which has some great villians and the almighty Gregory Peck kicking copious amounts of ass.


I liked For A Fistful Of Dollars, just ahead of its origin movie, Yojinbo (which is also an awesome movie). But whether you like it or not, you can't deny its significance in movie history, at the very least.


High Noon is obviously another classic, and I have to say that I really enjoyed 3:10 To Yuma - it's such a shame there aren't so many Westerns made these days, and this one was very good indeed.

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Hmm...I liked it but I just prefer Lee Van Cleef as a villian. I didn't however like A Fistful Of Dollars however.


Other favorite westerns of mine are Rio Bravo and the highly underrated The Bravados which has some great villians and the almighty Gregory Peck kicking copious amounts of ass.


I liked For A Fistful Of Dollars, just ahead of its origin movie, Yojinbo (which is also an awesome movie). But whether you like it or not, you can't deny its significance in movie history, at the very least.


High Noon is obviously another classic, and I have to say that I really enjoyed 3:10 To Yuma - it's such a shame there aren't so many Westerns made these days, and this one was very good indeed.


I thoroughly enjoyed 3:10 To Yumo. Thought it was a cracking film.

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Well, like I said, I've not seen it so I can't judge. Going from your description however, it sounds as if there are several consistency errors. Which to me would imply bad or simply lazy writing.


Wolverrine lazy writing?


Have you seen Indiana Jones 4 or the Knowing. Aliens as an explanation at the end of a movie is the epitome of lazy writing .


Firstly, what has the ending of Indiana Jones have to do with anything?


Secondly, how does Aliens at the end of a movie suggest lazy writing? Do you consider Close Encounters of the Third Kind lazily written then?




I'll re-iterate having Aliens as an explanation to things at the end of a movie is lazy. It's a one shot, encompasses any scenario you want to situation. It's the sort or writing that school kids use in GSCE exams (well I did anyway) when you've ran out of ground/ideas/time to tell a more plausable story.


And what has the ending of Indian Jones got to do with anything? It has aliens as the explanation behind the story does it not or did I watch another film? I don't care if people think that was the direction of the movie because it still reeks of poor writing.


Your example of close encounters is crass and clearly not in context, that is a film about Aliens. Maybe I should be more specific for you, Aliens as an explanation when there is no no need to is lazy and childlike.

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I agree with Dazzer.


Close Encounters is an Alien movie so therefore, it is acceptable to have aliens at the end.


The likes of Knowing is very lazy writing, because it's just like you're watching a really good movie and the ending is "oh it was a dream" you feel robbed of the time you wasted watching the movie.

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Well, like I said, I've not seen it so I can't judge. Going from your description however, it sounds as if there are several consistency errors. Which to me would imply bad or simply lazy writing.


Wolverrine lazy writing?


Have you seen Indiana Jones 4 or the Knowing. Aliens as an explanation at the end of a movie is the epitome of lazy writing .


Firstly, what has the ending of Indiana Jones have to do with anything?


Secondly, how does Aliens at the end of a movie suggest lazy writing? Do you consider Close Encounters of the Third Kind lazily written then?




I'll re-iterate having Aliens as an explanation to things at the end of a movie is lazy. It's a one shot, encompasses any scenario you want to situation. It's the sort or writing that school kids use in GSCE exams (well I did anyway) when you've ran out of ground/ideas/time to tell a more plausable story.


And what has the ending of Indian Jones got to do with anything? It has aliens as the explanation behind the story does it not or did I watch another film? I don't care if people think that was the direction of the movie because it still reeks of poor writing.


Your example of close encounters is crass and clearly not in context, that is a film about Aliens. Maybe I should be more specific for you, Aliens as an explanation when there is no no need to is lazy and childlike.


I'm certainly not attempting to defend Indiana Jones 4, in any way. It is lazily, not to mention badly, written, but I think there is much more wrong with the writing than the aliens at the end of it. The entire rest of the movie for example.


However, it seems that were arguing here over different flavours of shit sandwich, neither of which I would prefer to taste. Wolverine is shit, as is Indiana Jones, one being shit does not negate the others shitness.



Close Encounters, although an alien related film, wasn't necessarily a film about aliens. If you'll remember, most of the film deals with people going crazy, closing themselves away and making mountain shapes out of mashed potatoes. It isn't until later that we discover that it's aliens that are causing this. Granted the title of the film gives that ending away somewhat, but it's still only in the final minutes of the movie that we see the aliens.


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I agree with Dazzer.


Close Encounters is an Alien movie so therefore, it is acceptable to have aliens at the end.


The likes of Knowing is very lazy writing, because it's just like you're watching a really good movie and the ending is "oh it was a dream" you feel robbed of the time you wasted watching the movie.


Knowing sounds fucking awful from that description. You wouldn't get away with writing like that in Hollyoaks. I was never likely to watch Knowing since Nicholas "I play the same character in every movie" Fuckface Cage was in it, but I'm even less likely to ever see it now.


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I agree with Dazzer.


Close Encounters is an Alien movie so therefore, it is acceptable to have aliens at the end.


The likes of Knowing is very lazy writing, because it's just like you're watching a really good movie and the ending is "oh it was a dream" you feel robbed of the time you wasted watching the movie.


Knowing sounds fucking awful from that description. You wouldn't get away with writing like that in Hollyoaks. I was never likely to watch Knowing since Nicholas "I play the same character in every movie" Fuckface Cage was in it, but I'm even less likely to ever see it now.

It's really awful mate, don't bother.

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Im in love with Takashi Miike, Just watched Imprint from the masters of horror box set Season 1... pretty distrubing but in a good way :D


Incest.... Yep

Girl with Talking Hand on her head..... Yep

Blood........ Yep

Dead babys....... Yep


All Though, it kind of what i expected from the directer of Ichi The Killer..


Cracking stuff !! :thumbsup:

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