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It's a very good film. Thank you.



Speaking of that, though... I saw the Great Outdoors on TV over the weekend. I hadn't seen this in absolutely years.


The premise: John Candy and his family go up to a cabin by a lake for a vacation to get away from it all, only to have their holiday crashed by his obnoxious brother-in-law (Dan Ackroyd) and his family. Hilarity ensues, in a very 80s family comedy kind of way.


It has stood up remarkable well. It wasn't amazing or anything but is was certainly enjoyable.. Good Sunday movie.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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Watched "W." earlier on.


Must say I was pleasantly impressed by the whole movie. It's not a film seeking to demonise Bush like some would expect, just more of a film to show it how it is and basically show he had his countries interests at heart.


Josh Brolin is a fantastic actor and in my opinion this proves Oliver Stone is back on form.

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Watched "W." earlier on.


Must say I was pleasantly impressed by the whole movie. It's not a film seeking to demonise Bush like some would expect, just more of a film to show it how it is and basically show he had his countries interests at heart.


Josh Brolin is a fantastic actor and in my opinion this proves Oliver Stone is back on form.


I was just going to post here and ask if anyone had seen that movie, as i've got plans to watch it tonight.


Was hoping it wasn't just a few hours of Bush-bashing :smug:

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Watched "W." earlier on.


Must say I was pleasantly impressed by the whole movie. It's not a film seeking to demonise Bush like some would expect, just more of a film to show it how it is and basically show he had his countries interests at heart.


Josh Brolin is a fantastic actor and in my opinion this proves Oliver Stone is back on form.


I was just going to post here and ask if anyone had seen that movie, as i've got plans to watch it tonight.


Was hoping it wasn't just a few hours of Bush-bashing :smug:

Yeah, it's not that at all.


Actually gives you a wider perspective on the man.

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I came out of the film just feeling real sorry for the guy, it portrays him as a guy seeking to do anything for his fathers approval and that eventually leads him to become president which he was just not equipped for

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I came out of the film just feeling real sorry for the guy, it portrays him as a guy seeking to do anything for his fathers approval and that eventually leads him to become president which he was just not equipped for

I picked up on a lot of that too.


A scene from his younger days when he's going to fight Bush Sr. after being out drinking celebrating getting into Harvard Business. A line that really caught me off guard was "just to show you I could."


It's a shame in a way because I think a lot of people will steer away from this film simply because of who it's about.

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The Wrestler - Good movie, very enjoyable. I would have liked abit more meat of the plot to get into, it is quite simplistic, however I guess it's more of a character movie than a story-driven one. Mickey Rourke is really good in the main role.


Slumdog Millionaire - Another good movie, I particularly enjoyed the parts with the young brothers growing up. Some of the scenes looked amazing. I felt in the scenes with Jamal as an adult(or older teen at least!) seemed abit more like a TV-Movie. Also, for a movie which had a strong romantic part, we are never shown many scenes with the couple, I realise they were together as kids, but I found it abit unbelieable he would still be pining for her after that length of time. Still enjoyable, I think I'm being picky due to the 5-star reviews i read before i saw it.


Godfather Trilogy - I have large gaps of 'must-see' movies I've never seen, and Godfather trilogy was one of them. Thought this was an excellent set of films. Part I is great, Part II fantastic and the third was one was merely good. Particularly enjoyed the scenes with De Niro as Young Vito in Part II, he was very convincing and showed how he could use his people-skills to become in such a position he was in Part I. Also thought the score for Part II was amazing. Was a little disappointed Duvall wasn't back as Tom Hagen in Part III as he would have provided a good link of being a legitiamte business. I guess overall the story of Michael Correlone is a pretty depressing one...

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Planet of The Apes - Collection - i've gone abit mad in the past few days and watched the 6 Apes movies, the only one i'd seen prior was the original. This seems to be the forgotton movie series of the 60's/70's, not so much in that people don't know about it (everyone knows the name) but in that any one born after that time probably haven't seen the movies (unless their movie buffs).


I caught up anyways, and i have to admit i fucking lovesed 'em! I was thinking the series would dwindle in quality after the first, but apart from the budget drop i found the movies to be excellent viewed as one big story, 2 was the logical follow onto 1, then 3 took it into a very interesting new direction to be complimented by 4. The only one i thought could have been avoided was the fifth movie (Battle of The Planet of The Apes), which kind of took the story back to it's roots for no real reason.


Anyway's excellent series of films, The Apes in the series are fantastic and the good guys are incredibly likeable. The turn from peaceful ape to crazy rebellion leader of Caesar in Conquest of The Apes is fucking fantastic and pretty powerful stuff.


The films do deal with some real serious topics like slavery, animal rights, racism and all that kind of thing but it never really rams it down your throat, there's lots of humor thrown in there as well. Not to mention the brilliant endings to the movies, everybody knows the ending to the first film (i did before i even seen it, which is a shame), but every film has a great ending, it was the movies' calling card.


As for Burton's re-imagining (a better word than remake), i kinda liked it. He definatly changed things enough for the movie to stand on it's own away from the series. Most people's gripes with the movie appear to be the 'twist' ending, which i thought was actually pretty fucking cool...confusing at first, but when you read that Burton's aim was to create a cliffhanger for the series, i think it works well. It also would have taken the sequel in a nice role-reversal direction from the original movies. Not as bad as people say.


I've got the Planet of the Apes boxset and it's a much-underrated series. I found the 2nd movie was the low point for me(but what an ending!!!) the worshipping of the bomb was stupid and something you'd see in the B- movie. Whilst the other movies may have B-movie production values, the stories are top class. I thought Conquest was best after the original, like you said some good social commentary within. The films are also linked in such a way where the 'major/suprise/whatever' ending is never ignored within the next film. The cynic within me but have thought it's another way to ensure a sequel out of a series which was making less and less money with each film but I enjoyed it. I've saw comparisons to many other movie plots within these films, not least the story of the Terminator with children being born from parents of the future! I'm sure someone with greater intellect and understanding of the films can explain it better!


It's a shame most people's experience of the series is either the remake, watching 10 minutes of the 1st film or seeing some of the 3rd 'comedy' film, which style of out of sync with the rest of the series, still very enjoyable. I orginally saw the first film as a boy, not knowing the ending, perhaps that explains why I can enjoy the series better than those watching knowning the finish(without a doubt the best ending to a film i've ever seen!)

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and the third was one was merely good.


Why lie, Sir? It was the shits. And Sofia Coppola provided one of the worst screen performances ever! Godfather and machine gun helicopers should never meet... Interesting point though, Sofia was the baby being baptised at the end of the first flick...


I would love to be in your position though and have a line up of these sort of classic films I haven't seen. Unfortunatly, my passion for digging out gems has faded over recent years. With a changing work schedule, it does not afford me that much spare time to watch too many movies.

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Tried to watch Michael Clayton earlier, really couldnt get into it :S Am I mssing something? I have to be honest, i didnt completely understand what was going on after a bit, well through most of it, and once that happens i just switch off, dissapointing really because i was looking forward to seeing it.

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