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Rob Feinstein Perverted-Justice Story

Bob Barnett

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Guest foleyisgoodhhhisgod

will  anyone take my bet on who the next wrestling personality to be found dead will be? My guess has the initials R.F.  :devil:

Try and some level of taste and decency. Please..
Taste? Decency? Why should i give a toss about wether Feinstein is found dead? Just because he is a 'Wrestling Personality' doesn't mean i should view what he has done with any less contempt than if it was some random person i read about in the papers. When i was at school our Vice principle was convicted for 20 years worth of abuse. I knew this man and he was respected in thec ommunity. Did that stop me from condoning what he did? Did it bollocks! Maybe it is a hard lined view but people who abuse children just don't decide to stop. They can't help themselves. It is the most disgusting thing to do. So if it turns out Rob has been involved with other children will you say oh well? Untill you have to deal with abuse or the consequences keep your little comments to yourself. I pose the folowing question to you. If you or any member of your family have been abused [and i hope to God they haven't] would you be wishing that the abuser is given a cushy jail cell with plasma screens,pool tables etc. I think not
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Guest Rob Gothic

Mr CZW Eric Gargiulo speaks!

This has just been one crazy week. Honestly, my phone has just started to stop ringing off of the hook. At first it was fun, but soon I wound up shutting the ringer off. I have received a ton of feedback from people asking to comment on this past week's situation. Well, I think Owens should be an Eagle. But that is not what everyone has been asking. So I will do so here on my website. It seems within 73 hours, the wrestling world has met the real Rob Feinstein. Let me make some things perfectly clear first. Do I have an agenda? Yes. Do I not like Rob Feinstein? Yes. It is also fair to point out that I was fired from his company in 1999. The reason I was fired however is quite different from the one he has publicly spun. I will get to that later. We did repair our business relationship a couple of years later. When the real Rob Feinstein reared his ugly head again, this time I was smart. I quit. That said, I am not going to come on here and gloat and tell crazy stories. Believe me, I have quite a few. That is not what this is about. That is not what I am about. This is an incredibly serious issue here. I will say some things that some people just flat out may not like. But, unlike what seems to be 95% of the wrestling media. I will not protect someone who was busted quite evidently in an underage sex sting operation. I will tell it like it is, how I TRULY SEE IT. Meet the real Rob Feinstein. I have known Rob for 24 years. I have only had one brief conversation with Rob in the last two years. I have only seen Rob once briefly in the last two years. For ten years or so we were the best of friends. Rob gave me some great opportunities in my lifetime. None were charity, and all were a well paid investment for him. As horrendous as this incident is, some people may have had it a bit easier than Rob. Unfortunately, Rob has made a hobby and a living of screwing with people, conning people, and taking great joy out of it. The Rob I knew 10 years ago is a slightly different guy. He was slimy back then, but the arrogance that grew in him was frightening. In 1999 Rob and I just did not get a long. His arrogance and way of doing business was fine when I was younger, but those days were gone. The two of us could not sit in a room without arguing. See, Rob surrounded himself then with a lot of, "Yes Men." These people would only fuel the ego of Rob. Unlike them, I spoke my mind and spoke up. I was pretty much done. At the time I was presented with a noncompete agreement. The agreement was more or less to prevent any former employees from getting jobs in pro wrestling once they finished with RF Video. Everyone signed immediately but me. I refused. I knew this was the writing the wall, so why sign? Rob and I continued to fight over it, but I saw no good reason to sign it. I was offered nothing conditionally to sign it. Our biggest blow up came over an incident that happened in the office. It was an ugly office, that I will not talk about here. Something I heard about that happened in our office. I confronted Rob on it and well, that was not a good thing. We had a blow up, and I quit. After I cooled down, Rob and I sat down and worked things out. To show my loyalty (and stupidity) I told Rob if he would give me his word he was not going to fire me I would sign the papers. He gave me his word, I signed the papers. Even after this incident I knew I wanted out of the company. I wanted nothing to do with him personally and professionally. So, I started sending out resumes for non-wrestling related jobs. I used Tommy Dreamer as a reference on one of the resumes. I called Tommy to let him know, but just left a message. Tommy, not knowing the real Rob Feinstein told him to tell me everything was cool with the reference. Rob flipped when he heard I was looking for other work, and I was fired 24 hours later. 72 hours later Rob began threatening my radio station and my sponsors. I had just begun hosting the radio show about a month before I left. The radio show was offered to me a few months back from WBCB. I took it and offered Rob the CO-host spot. Rob got it in his egomaniacal head that the radio show was his. Not mine, not WBCB's, but his. Rob's lawyers called me and was very threatening about continuing the show. It should be noted why Rob was upset. Rob wanted to see me ruined and jobless. No other reason. My friend, my business partner. This was just done out of spite and ego. Rob continued to call and threaten my radio station daily. Even one of Rob's employees called my Program Director and left a message with his wife threatening to rape her and harm her kids if the show continued. Needless to say, that would be RF Video's first dance with the law. Honestly, I was bankrupted and lost all of my assets. I had no choice. I had to fight for what I believed in. I had no choice but to pay for a high priced attorney. He was the best, and the case was thrown out before it even went to trial. I say this because I, like many others have been trashed, defamed, and victimized publicly for years by Rob. Rob did his own shoot interviews in which he blames my firing on me being a thief. I have never seen it, but that is what I was told. Rob also goes on in the shoot to trash my character and just flat out lie with everything he says. Everything at least that I have been told that he blames me for, or accuses me of was just a flat out lie in his shoot. Rob continues to this day to bury me to mutual friends and just tell them flat out lies about me. How can I forget about Rob on his hotline making fun of my dead father? Another great Rob Feinstein moment. What do I say when people ask me about him? He's a scumbag. But I don't sit and give stories, unless prompted. The only reason I tell my story is to show you what kind of man he is, and how he operates. I was his best friend for ten years, and this is how it went down. I also tell you this to give you some background and to be honest about my feelings and agenda. Rob has tried to personally get me blackballed from the wrestling business for the last few years. Believe me, I was taking the opportunity to attack Rob with this incident. I could blow your mind away with what I could write. But I won't, and don't even ask. The real Rob Feinstein has trashed not just me but several of my friends over the last few years. Rob takes glee in gloating at other's failures. Rob has fucked with my employer CZW from the start. Partly I would think to make sure I am unemployed. Believe me when I tell you, there is no honor in the operations of ROH. The real Rob Feinstein tried to lure talent away from CZW when ROH started. That same Rob cried foul when XPW tried to do the same thing. The real Rob tried and sometimes successfully went into other promoter's regular buildings with the intent of taking over as sole proprietor. When MLW booked the Rex Plex last December, Rob cried foul. Rob has made a lot of money from bootlegging video tapes. I encourage you to sell and trade his shoot interviews. The WCW and WWE footage inserted into all of those shoots are not his legally to use. But recently Rob had a man in VA sent to prison for bootlegging Rob's ROH tapes. Court Bauer is a good man that recently went out of business. Rob has taken great glee from constantly trashing him for his financial woes. Rob has begun screwing with CZW again. Putting press releases up the same day as ours. Leaking information about a shoot interview he did with the Backseat Boyz. An interview which is done out of malice to hurt our company. Rob conned these kids into burning their bridge for a few hundred dollars. Everyone on DVDR are familiar with Rob and his postings on message boards. Trashing people in very vicious ways under false names. But gloating about it later. Hell, he even sabotaged ECW when he worked with them. He sent out an anonymous email to news sites claiming that RVD was leaving and guys were not getting paid. How do I know it was him? I told him in confidence about RVD, and boom it was out there. He came clean immediately and laughed about it. Well, Rob played the ultimate game of sabotage. He sabotaged himself and his own company. As someone that has been fucked with and the target of Rob's vindictive and unwarranted hobbies of screwing with people, defaming them, and trying to bankrupt me, I can't say I don't feel a sense of Karma. But the true Rob that I have told people about for a long time, as someone that knew him better than anyone for many years has come out. Not the sexual predator Rob. But the selfish and arrogant Rob, who would rather see his company go down in flames as well as the people that have worked to build it and sustain it, than to bite the bullet and do what is right. There is no honor in the handling by the company of this situation. The carefully worded statements are not telling people what they want to hear. That ROB FEINSTEIN WILL NO LONGER BENEFIT FINANCIALLY FROM EITHER COMPANY! They have been crafty, and quite arrogant in their carefully worded statements. Their fans deserve better than this. Don't con your fans, they want to support you. The fans want to support ROH, but they have made a mockery of this. Not once have they offered an apology to their fans. Not once have they denounced Rob's acts. Not once have they apologized publicly to their employees. Not once have they even apologized to my good friends at PWG for having their names dragged into this disgust. No apologies from Rob himself, and I doubt you will ever get one. How about offering refunds to your fans who bought tickets under false pretenses. The pretenses that their money was not going to a man caught on video meeting a 14 year old boy. People should just keep in mind that as of now, your money you spend on these companies will still be going into Rob's pockets. If you can work for a company like that with good conscious or give them your business, more power to you. I couldn't. Take Rob and ROH out of the equation and I think a lot of you may feel different. As one very famous wrestler that has done business with Rob in the past said to me yesterday over the phone, "there is a very hot place in hell for those people." Unfortunately, unless Rob is a changed man that won't happen. I have no reason to believe he will ever change, his arrogance has been a part of him since I knew him in Cub Scouts at 7 years old. I think his actions post-incident are almost as sick and disgusting as the act itself he went to commit. Read the statements close. Rob is basically taking a long vacation until this blows over. I am sure it will be a paid vacation. I have bad news for those guys over there, and Rob himself. The teflon attitude that Rob has about everything is not going to work here. This is bigger then being caught bootlegging PRIDE tapes. Superman has finally met his kryptonite. What confused me more was the treatment he has received from some people. Almost painting him as the victim. All of the upper echelon news reporters should be ashamed of themselves. With the exception of Wade Keller, and Mike Johnson the rest of them have been an embarrassment. Your obligation is to report on the news if you are a reporter and commentate on the news if you are a commentator. Whether the news involves someone you like, someone you do business with, or someone who's product you are a fan of. You people are protecting a man caught on video and caught in a published chat going to meet a 14 year old boy. Most of these sites did not even report on it until the newscast. If any of these people were doing their jobs, they would have researched perverted-justice.com and saw it was a reputable site. It got even worse when they did report the news. Rob Feinstein, who has been reported over the last two years as owner and promoter of ROH was now a partial owner of the company. Rob's actions were alleged. These same people reported on Austin punching his wife, Beefcake's anthrax incident, anything Rob Black did, and more without even batting an eye. Here was a case with a guy on video and caught online and yet it was ignored. These people were protecting him! Shame on you. Even further. more coverage has been given to the articles about the neighborhood being upset at the sting operation. In none of those reports, are the facts reiterated. ROB FEINSTEIN SHOWED UP TO MEET A 14 YR OLD BOY! I have seen all kinds of comments thrown in. Dave Meltzer in his threw in there that nobody has ever been sent to prison from this group. He failed to mention that 10 adults are going on trial shortly from the actions of PJ.com. Everyone is quick to print those stories, almost like they are trying to vindicate him. O.J. got off, but do you think he is innocent? Then come the carefully worded press releases from ROH. Kudos to Mike Johnson for having the balls to finally stand up and say flat out, they are bullshit. It is also funny that all of these news sites just throw up these press releases stating that Rob is gone right away. Is there proof? You needed to see the newscast before you threw up anything from PJ.com. Double standards I would say? Bob Magee and Eric Walker, who commented on anything and everything Rob Black ever did won't even touch this. Eric Walker who makes snide remarks about everyone continuously in his columns, says he is not going to make remarks and anyone that releases a press release will have it thrown off of PWBTS.com. Are you kidding me? You are a commentator. You have made comments about everyone else for the last six month. Magee, who is a friend is taking the same route. Shame on you and your website for protecting a man should I say again, CAUGHT ON VIDEO GOING TO MEET A 14 YR. OLD. The follow up by the wrestling media, Rob, and ROH themselves has just been an absolute disgrace in my opinion. This whole thing does nothing but just give the entire wrestling business a bad name. The true victim in this case, besides whatever kids were harmed previously are the fans that had their faith in him and his companies. They want so bad to continue to support them both. But most are saying that they just can't. In the last week, everyone in the real world has finally met the real Rob Feinstein. 

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Here is someone from DVDR chatting with Jay Alternative, the guy that caught Rob. Jay comes over as a cunt...jayalternative: Sites, you have to understand one thing, ROH is doomed regardlesssites: no it's notjayalternative: I hate to tell you that but it is inevitablesites: Nope.. sorrysites: You don't understand wrestlers and wrestling fansjayalternative: but I do understand businesssites: do research on PTC and WWFsites: What you guys are doing to ROH is no different that happened between PTC and WWFjayalternative: once again, it is not me because I know it is an utter waste of timesites: Right. sites: Are you one of the "converts"? jayalternative: converts to what?sites: A pedo who has "seen the light"jayalternative: lol....oh please, don't start that shit with mesites: Simple questionsites: Peeps from your forums PMed me to say that I wasn't that far off with my statementssites: that converts help with the sites: sitejayalternative: just with any site, there are molesjayalternative: or forumsites: Hmmjayalternative: personally, I do not know of any "converts", including myself, who work on PJsites: Some of them have thousands of postssites: I'd assume if they were a mole they would've gone moley right awayjayalternative: sites, it is a forum, anyone can until they give a site reason to ban themsites: sighsites: yea, i was banned because I support ROHjayalternative: no sites, you were banned because what you said was just plain idiotic and non productivesites: So, unless I'm working for you, I say thing that are non productivesites: Very classysites: left wingers are so predictablejayalternative: now, do you want to talk "rationally" about ROH or are you going to dump that logic on me and waste both our time?sites: You said it yourself, ROH is going to failsites: disregard of Robjayalternative: And you never let me finish did you.sites: Unbased and biased commentjayalternative: biased, yes, for it is my opinionjayalternative: most opinions are biasedsites: And then, the last thing I suggested was for your activists to contact ROH and simply ask them for their finances. ROH management doesn't read the PJ.com forums.sites: They don't have the time to. sites: But you guys expect info to fall in your lapjayalternative: Sites, do you have a direct email for ROH besides an aol one?sites: You guys have phone #'sjayalternative: Understand something, rule of thumb, burden of proof falls upon the accused in most situations. It is not just PJ that is outraged, it is the general publicsites: You bypassed my solution. sites: Call themsites: contact themsites: for the truthsites: Stop being Pro-Active if you can't be PROjayalternative: Site, as I stated, I am staying out of this whole deal because I know exactly what they are doingsites: I'm trying to show you that Rob is no longer in ROHsites: which you guys refuse to believesites: I want the protest against ROH to stopsites: That's what I'm trying to dosites: that's what I've been doing since Day 1jayalternative: Sites, I don't care, I care that he gets helpsites: Well, I know one thing that will help him is if he knows ROH will succeed past this. Past his mistakes. Help him see this. jayalternative: You really believe that don't you?sites: It sucks knowing that you are scum. But it hurts worse when you know you are affecting others. jayalternative: Okay, let's be real here, he does not care.sites: He left ROH. I think that shows something. jayalternative: He left ROH by title, how well do you know people there?sites: Did you listen to MJ? jayalternative: I read MJsites: Listen to the commentaryjayalternative: I will when we are donejayalternative: do you think he is still driving his Lexus?sites: Okay. We are done. Now Listen. sites: Martha Stewart still is worth 350 million after being convicted. jayalternative: I would just like to know if he is still driving it.sites: Contact ROH, if they know then he still is in the company. sites: or at least have contact with himjayalternative: Sites, this is where you are not listeningsites: come on bud. Pro-active. Remember that's the name of the game. jayalternative: His Lexus is registered to RFVideojayalternative: Which means, paid for by his company.sites: Rightly so, it was his company. jayalternative: Which is finejayalternative: How many other were considered owners in these two companies?sites: How many does your gut tell you? sites: from the info that you've gatheredsites: come on dudesites: the truth is in front of yousites: The "money mark"sites: Gabsites: Gabe*sites: gentrysites: Why are you avoiding these names? jayalternative: I'm not, like I said, I have not really followed the whole deal because I knew from the day he resigned what they would be doing.sites: And what are they doing? jayalternative: I am assuming they are both shrewed business mensites: ?sites: You didn't answer my question. jayalternative: ROH and RFVideo are front companiessites: To what? Terrorism? jayalternative: Okay, let me make this easier for yousites: What are they doing. sites: ? sites: Since you know, please share with mejayalternative: You drink pepsi sometimes correct?sites: What is Pepsi? jayalternative: soda pop....sites: Is that the behind company? sites: ROH and RFVideo are fronts to Pepsi? sites: Pepsi supports terrorism? sites: Come on dudesites: answer my question. What is roh doing now that RF resignedsites: jayalternative: I'm not, like I said, I have not really followed the whole deal because I knew from the day he resigned what they would be doing.jayalternative: what I am saying now has nothing to do with ROH, or RFVideojayalternative: Just listenjayalternative: Pepsi is a parent companysites: You are bypassing sites: the questionsites: Do you always do this? jayalternative: I am trying to make it easy for you to understand how companies work and who they legally cover themselvesjayalternative: Pepsi owns Taco Bell. If Taco Bell goes bankrupt, it does not affect the earnings of Pepsi.sites: Rob doesn't own either RFvideo or ROH. sites: Has been this way since March 5, 2004jayalternative: Furthermore, Pepsi has a seperate land development company established. It builds and owns all the Taco Bell locations. In turn, Taco Bell leases the building from the delvelpment company owned by Pepsi.sites: So now that you have taught me about Pepsi Inc. Can you please answer my question. "jayalternative: I'm not, like I said, I have not really followed the whole deal because I knew from the day he resigned what they would be doing." What are they doing? jayalternative: Pepsi also owns a company that purchases all the equipment for Taco Bell. Once again, Taco Bell leases the equipment from this company.jayalternative: Do you understand what I am saying here?sites: Yak yak yak. Reel in the p ointjayalternative: do you understand all that?sites: What do you think? Hmmm?jayalternative: then tell me, if Taco Bell goes bankrupt, what do the creditor have as far as assets for liquidation?sites: Taco Bell is set up wtihin the Pepsi name, but since it is it's on Corporation they can only go after Taco Bell. sites: Can we get to the pointsites: I'm getting bored jayalternative: okay, you got that part, but what about the creditors, what can they take from Taco Bell itself in order to cover the losses Taco Bell has left them?sites: The creditors are going to go after Pepsijayalternative: they cannotsites: or at least until they get their moneyjayalternative: Pepsi has no legal responsibility for Taco Bellsites: Whewsites: Go Pepsisites: Never liked Taco Bell anywayssites: Topicsites: pleasejayalternative: So put this all together and think how ROH and RFVideo are set upsites: They aren't a corporationjayalternative: Yes they aresites: You have Sole Proprietership, Partnership, and Corporation. sites: ROH is a Partnershipsites: also LLCsites: in that group. sites: They might be LLC. jayalternative: Rob has 6 functioning business registered as corporations with the state of PAjayalternative: ROH and RFVideo are two of themsites: Sweet. sites: So Rob isn't liable for anything ROH and RFVideo doessites: likeswise ROH and RFVideo aren't liable. sites: Thanks for the clarficationsites: Back to this.. jayalternative: I'm not, like I said, I have not really followed the whole deal because I knew from the day he resigned what they would be doing.sites: What is ROH doing about this? jayalternative: I just told yousites: They are buying Pepsi? !sites: Spell it out for mesites: In one sentencejayalternative: I thought the pepsi deal would make it simple for youjayalternative: and it cannot be done in one sentence with out it being a runonsites: Using ROH and Rob in the example tell me what ROH is doing. jayalternative: I am not fimlar with the equipment and hard inventory required to run a wrestling companysites: In your opinion what are they doing ? jayalternative: however, I do have a good guess what might be involved in video production.sites: So you thin kthey are counting their assets? sites: Is this what you are trying to say? jayalternative: no, they are covering thier asses and assets at the same timejayalternative: damage controlsites: And how are they doing this? sites: Would.. disassociation with Rob mean anything? jayalternative: Any equipment used by RFVideo, I can tell you is not owned by RFVideosites: Why don't you ask Doug Gentry thatjayalternative: it is purchased through a seperate company which Rob and Doug both probally ownjayalternative: it is then leased back to RFVideojayalternative: Same with all realestatesites: So until every last asset is checked and ownership is confirmed are you saying that you will have a problem with ROH? jayalternative: so while Rob is not legally associated with ROH or RFVideo, but he is still on the remaining holding companiessites: Do you dislike Rob's parents? In a sense, they had ownership of Rob for 18 years. jayalternative: Pal, do not turn this on me when I am simply explaining something to you.sites: It was a question. jayalternative: What Rob and Doug are doing now, since I am sure both face companies are not solvent to buy Rob out, they are doing a balance of assets and paper shufflessites: I'm sure Rob probably bought christmas presents for his parents. sites: You saying that Rob can't give away the companies for free? sites: I can't give you my assets out of charity?jayalternative: good god do you even work?sites: So, you are saying that. sites: Interesting. jayalternative: What moron is going to give away a multi million dollar operationjayalternative: wake upsites: How about one who's been humiluated, embarrassed, and will never be liked by a lot of people ever again within the wrestling business. sites: If I had that stigma on me, I'd sell it in a heartbeatsites: I'd give it away*jayalternative: really, would you admit to your public that what you did was unspeakable, and you are seeking help for your problem?sites: I personally would admit to it. sites: I'm not Rob. sites: That's why a lot of us are angered at him still. jayalternative: he is still refering to it as accusations.....that should answer your question right therejayalternative: he is in damage controlsites: That was before he was removed. sites: We haven't heard a thing from him since on the netsites: Don't you agree? jayalternative: one, he resignedjayalternative: two, he is making every legal manuver now to put a new face man on both companies while his end of the profits are funneled through the 4 otherssites: March 5, 2004

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Here is someone from DVDR chatting with Jay Alternative, the guy that caught Rob. Jay comes over as a cunt...

Your kidding me right? sites is the one acting all cunt like.
I gotta agree here. Sites is acting like a ROH mark who thinks all the stuff on the internet is true. Like he thinks Rob is not one of the money people anymore.Fucking idiot :devil::crazy:
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Here is someone from DVDR chatting with Jay Alternative, the guy that caught Rob. Jay comes over as a cunt...

Your kidding me right? sites is the one acting all cunt like.
Agreed.Sites is blatantly acting dumb most of the time in order to try and make Jay look like he's avoiding questions, most blatantly during the whole Pepsi discussion.
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Guest alanhill

If they are just shuffling papers at ROH, then I'm amazed that they thought for one minute they could get away with it. I still say it's a case of wait and see though.

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I suppose they both come over as cunts. I'm an ROH mark (although not as much as sites seems to be, I could live without ROH) and don't like to belive that the promotion is gonna fold over this fiasco.

The promotion won't fold.Most wrestlers are whores and would take a paycheck from Osama.Fans just want their shows.I'll bet that Feinstein has already floated the idea of him as a superheel.Put Doug, Gabe , and the Pedo on a polygraph. Edited by Bob Barnett
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Here is someone from DVDR chatting with Jay Alternative, the guy that caught Rob. Jay comes over as a cunt...

Your kidding me right? sites is the one acting all cunt like.
Abso-frickin-lutely. Jay Alternative must have the patience of a GOD to put up with that little toad for so long.That Garguilo post was great.
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