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25 years since Owen Hart

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Yeah it’s horrible. There’s been a clip of Undertaker and Paul Bearer in the ring before the main event that’s been doing the rounds for years and you can see Taker looking at the spot of canvas in the corner where Owen landed and he looks visibly shaken up. Can’t imagine how it felt for all those wrestlers being sent out there after that. Maybe some of them at the time shared the silly ‘show must go on’ bollocks mindset but looking back they must feel like it was seriously fucked up, even if they don’t say it.

I remember thinking that at Badd Blood in 97 when they announced during the show that Brian Pillman had died, it attached a strange and somber atmosphere to the rest of the show but I can kind of understand continuing the show there. A man falling to his death actually during the event, in front of the crowd, and still carrying on with the show is a different level though. I worked in a factory for years and we used to joke (well, we were only half joking) that if one of us dropped dead on the shop floor, management would probably just drag us out the way and get an agency worker in to replace us within the hour, because at the end of the day we were all just another clock number to them. Vince obviously felt the same way about his empl…sorry, independent contractors. 

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On a lighter note... for fans of the Shawn matches, I complete forgot about this one that I never saw at the time because parents dragged me on holiday - same Raw where Bret vs Farooq has the frankly surreal sight of Steve Austin helping Bret Hart win a match - Steve was already turning the wheels for his little NOD feud.

And here's an even more forgotten one where fiery babyface Owen takes on the IC champ on All American!


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47 minutes ago, TheScarlettChad said:

Not defending it, just trying to get into the mind of a Ghoul, but in Vince's mind, was he shitting it about WCW and he felt he couldn't postpone the event?

They were caning WCW by that point. More likely he just didn’t want to have to give every paying customer in the arena and watching on PPV a refund.

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15 hours ago, air_raid said:

The saddest bit for me (which is a fierce battle, to be fair) being that when they haven't quite figured out what to do over the course of the next couple of matches, Jeff Jarrett has to look into the camera and say "We're pulling for you, buddy" when he already knows Owen has died. 

Jarrett looks absolutely haunted in that promo, I saw it on Twitter yesterday. I still don't think I have ever watched the show itself.

On an early episode of his podcast, Jarrett said that when he was in rehab he was diagnosed with PTSD, that a lot of his addiction issues all stemmed from having never processed Owen's death properly, and being forced to work immediately afterwards can't have helped. That his wife died on the same date is a horrible coincidence too.

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1 hour ago, Merzbow said:

It's always seemed strange that it wasn't seen as a crime scene immediately, accident or not.

Someone's got to actually call the police, haven't they? Between paramedics, WWF employees and others at the scene they were probably all either (a) too busy trying to save Owen (b) in shock or (c) not wanting to get their own employers in trouble.

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Sorry for the double post and sorry for the repost from House Show Happenings, which won me one of my two Slammys last year, but if (a) you don’t mind fancam footage and (b) always wondered what Bret vs Owen as an Iron Man/marathon match would look like… here it is.


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