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Wrestling shows you've been to

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9 minutes ago, Jazzy G said:

I also attended the first Raw and Smackdown tapings in the UK, and at the Smackdown taping we got a dark match of Undertaker Vs Heidenreich. The one Raw house show we attended had Shawn Vs HHH before the interval. 

Ah, dark matches. I'll never forget how I didnt go to the SmackDown that had Styles win the belt, but I did go to the one the year after where the star-studded dark main of Styles & Bryan vs Miz & Orton (the only match of the night for any of them) consisted of a short match where AJ & Bryan barely broke a sweat double teaming Miz into defeat while Randy walked around ringside completely nonplussed - he didn't even take his vest off.

For crossing Orton off the "bucket list" - Omega vs Y2J at WK, it wasn't.

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2 hours ago, no user name said:

Does anyone on here go in their own to wrestling shows? I don't know anyone who likes wrestling so I go alone 

I went to quite a few on my own, always tried to not sit near someone who smelled of piss, and seldom succeeded. 

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I used to go alone a lot at Uni when I didn't know any fans. A few IPW shows in an I'd met a whole group of people who I enjoyed chatting to or having a beer with before/after. Then I headed to a few properly on my own after uni while my mates from home were having an off wrestling period. Didn't mind it too much if the show was a bigger indy or something but a small show felt quite lonely. 

I don't these days as I'm married with a kid and it seems odd to explain to my wife I want to go out to wrestling on my own. 

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1 hour ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

I went to quite a few on my own, always tried to not sit near someone who smelled of piss, and seldom succeeded. 

Funnily enough, the fella sitting next to you said the same thing!

I'll likely be going to All In on my own this year. If any keffers are around, I'll be the one in the black t-shirt with a neck beard. Say hi!

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1 hour ago, westlondonmist said:

Yep, I've gone to the odd one with someone else. All In was a long day by myself.

Yeah I did all in on my own. Will this year as well. I've been to 3 shows but all of them have been in London. All in and two rev pro shows. This one is only a short drive. 

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While never my first choice, I’ve gone to shows alone when I couldn’t rope in casuals, if the journey was excessive for my usual sidekicks/plans changed/money was tight etc. Everything from Noah to Dragon Gate UK to RevPro to Progress and too many more BritWres shows to name the length and breadth of this here island, plus NXT house shows and NXT UK tapings. From venues as diverse as the M&S Bank (formerly Echo) Arena in Liverpool and York Hall, to nightclubs, conference halls and leisure centres everywhere from Preston to Wolverhampton to Reading.

Some of my quirkiest shows attended on my tod were during my trips to Japan when I went to Ice Ribbon, Wave and DDT at Shin Kiba 1st Ring and Ayako Hamadas 15th anniversary show at Shinjuku Face all without my host and sometime keffer tsve, because he didn’t fancy it, was having a beer with mates or was on a promise. One of said mates being occasional wrestler out there Mike Atkinson, whose “gentleman” gimmick name i forget, who was our introduction to sponsors son Tsukasa and Hailey Hatred, Mia Yim and Luscious Latasha. Which lead to many beers, tickets to shows “sold out” to the public, freebies to All Japans biggest Korakuen show of the summer, and the gleaning of such knowledge that Minoru Suzuki is the nicest bloke you’ll ever meet, Fergal Devitt/Finn Balor is a complete lightweight, and some of the sexual preferences of some of the wrestlers both native and gaijin.

Found out within the hour, tsve has beaten me to MSG. Though he’s gone for the darts. You know what that is, Michael, it’s saaaaad. Although Littler came out to Kingdom so that’s something.

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7 hours ago, no user name said:

Yeah I did all in on my own. Will this year as well. I've been to 3 shows but all of them have been in London. All in and two rev pro shows. This one is only a short drive. 

All In was close for me, I got a lift to 10 mins walk to the stadium but I was there early, a 5 hour show and then an hour odd back home on the bus.

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Great show tonight. Chaos wrestling the company was called. I was surprised at the level of quality of the wrestling. It some ways I preferred it to revpro as it was less showy and more believable. One wrestler was only 17. Can't remember his name but he will get signed for a big promotion for sure. The atmosphere was really good. Everyone knew each other it was like being at a local football club. Great night 

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