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AEW Dynamite Thread 2024


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27 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Thinking about it, the way they could have spinned Nigel's challenge was that he's only made the challenge because he's confident that Danielson is not actually turning up because he's injured and this is all overconfident heel showboating.

Yeah, that would have been a good way to do it. Or they could have framed it as Darby not wanting to face Bryan if he was anything less than 100%; whereas Nigel, obviously, has no problem with facing him in a less than perfect state. 

That said, I really enjoyed the show. The storytelling was generally excellent, even if the transition to Darby/Mox and Bryan/Nigel was unnecessarily messy. Page/Jarrett was a lot of fun, and absolutely the right feud for Hangman to move on to. Okada is also brilliant in his role, he's absolutely hilarious. I'd still love to see them ditch the vast majority of their titles, though - I hope someone goes about unifying everything in the not too distant future; so we move to a landscape where we have just a World title and one singles title in the men's division once again.

I enjoyed the Casino Gauntlet match, but I can't have been the only one expecting a surprise entrant. The Grizzled Young Veterans really suffered from that expectation, coming to the ring to crickets. 

As far as Jericho is concerned, I do wonder how we'd perceive him if it wasn't for the allegations made against him. The gimmick itself...it's fine, and it's let Bryan Keith show how fun he can be. Big Bill seems to be doing OK from it too. That said, I don't enjoy watching Jericho or his segments - ever since the JAS formed, I've found Jericho difficult to tolerate. The allegations and the inadequate way AEW addressed them publicly simply added an air of unpleasantness to his screen time. 

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I think the problem with Ricochet in AEW is that he'e a one trick flip pony (albeit a very good trick).

In WWE he stood out as something different, and he had opportunity to go up against or work with people who work vastly different styles to him. Which is why the short lived tag run with Braun was fun.

On the flip side (pun intended), you have AEW, where there are already several guys already doing what he can do, sometimes better, who have more character and personality, and for some reason they seem adamant that these are the people he should be up against.

If you want to make us believe that Ricochet is a star and something truly different, then don't put him in matches with people who can match him move for move and have more personality when doing it...it is never going to work.

Let him mess around with the bigger, slower workers for a bit, heck even stick him in the Jericho vortex.

The plan seems to be "face all the flippy guys, and then face Osprey". I think it needs re-evaluating.

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2 minutes ago, thatvinylgeek said:

Also, I can't help but think they have pressed pause on Darby to build him up and have him be the one to beat Danielson eventually...but it was a messy way to do it.

I don't think that's the plan at all. I think he's going to lose to Moxley, and lose the title shot in a brutal manner - and the next long term story for AEW will be Darby overcoming Moxley to become World Champion. And I'm definitely on board with that. 

5 minutes ago, thatvinylgeek said:

I think the problem with Ricochet in AEW is that he'e a one trick flip pony (albeit a very good trick).

In WWE he stood out as something different, and he had opportunity to go up against or work with people who work vastly different styles to him. Which is why the short lived tag run with Braun was fun.

On the flip side (pun intended), you have AEW, where there are already several guys already doing what he can do, sometimes better, who have more character and personality, and for some reason they seem adamant that these are the people he should be up against.

If you want to make us believe that Ricochet is a star and something truly different, then don't put him in matches with people who can match him move for move and have more personality when doing it...it is never going to work.

Let him mess around with the bigger, slower workers for a bit, heck even stick him in the Jericho vortex.

The plan seems to be "face all the flippy guys, and then face Osprey". I think it needs re-evaluating.

Am I the only person on here who thinks Ricochet is doing perfectly fine? He's been solid enough in the limited mic time he's had, and his matches have been fun. Yes, there are people who can do similar things to him, but I do think he's a step above the vast majority of them in ring. The looming threat of Ospreay makes sense - but he has other things going on, so I don't think they'll have that match right away. I could actually see them tagging together to face Takeshita and Fletcher (or Davis and Fletcher) - I don't think the stuff with Callis culminates in anything other than Ospreay getting his stabbed in the back; either by an angry Takeshita, or a returning Mark Davis. Or both. 

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That International title will look so good around Takeshita's waist.

Make him the modern belt collector, first taking down Okada after a long feud while slowly building up against Will, too. I'm not a fanboy or anything...

Edited by Merzbow
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4 minutes ago, Tim Healys Chutney Spoon said:

Just one slight observation here, if Ospreay gets injured, AEW would be fucked! He seems to pop up in everything at the moment!

I can't say I agree with that - there's no doubting that he's a pivotal part of the roster, but the main storylines right now seem to be the Moxley thing, alongside Hangman's descent into madness. On top of that, you have the prospect of a Toni Storm return, The Patriarchy just generally being great, Okada being an utter gem and even Jack Perry. While they clearly wouldn't want to lose Ospreay, they'd be fine without him - and it might even led to someone new stepping up in his absence. 

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Oh yeah, can we talk about Jon Moxley and his potentially really fucking bad idea? I'm not talking the bag spot, I liked that but more his recent nods to Romper Stomper and this week straight up quoting Mussolini?!? I get he's an edgy cunt but come on, neo-nazi chic in 2024 is too much.

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3 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

Thinking about it, the way they could have spinned Nigel's challenge was that he's only made the challenge because he's confident that Danielson is not actually turning up because he's injured and this is all overconfident heel showboating. Then next week you have a pissed off Danielson turn up all fired up to accept the challenge and Nigel sells it as "oh shit, I've put my foot in it now". But they didn't really present it as that so yeah I dunno.

They leaned into that with McGuinness saying that he's going to enter to Oasis, but the "American Coward" might not be entering to Final Countdown, but I'm not sure that makes sense to me. Nigel wants his match with Bryan, that's his motivation, but then by the end of the promo he's content to take a loss by forfeit? I guess in heel logic that's proving that he's "better" than Bryan, even if he's not remotely responsible for Bryan not being able to make it.

None of it adds up, though, in or out of kayfabe. You have Darby Allin looking like a prize idiot for allowing himself to be manipulated out of a title shot, but they also shit on the credibility of the match he won specifically to earn a title shot at that show by having Moxley challenge him for it on the show he's supposed to get the shot.

EDIT: Disregard what I had previously written here about Nigel vs. Bryan, I hadn't realised that was non-title.


On top of all that, we have a current champion challenging for a different title. Again.

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I'm working on the assumption that Bryan won't be there at Grand Slam and Nigel will do the heel count out finish, at which point he'll claim he's proved his point. If Danielson is there and they have a banger, then I agree that's really dumb, but sometimes you gotta pivot.

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I think Nigel/Bryan will be more of an angle than a match, but if they do either that or a Danielson no-show, it feels really risky - doing a bait and switch on that match will kill a lot of goodwill with a chunk of the fanbase.

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3 hours ago, RedTwoster said:

As far as Jericho is concerned, I do wonder how we'd perceive him if it wasn't for the allegations made against him.

I forgot all about the allegations and I expect most people have. I think how he's currently perceived is based on him being boring and shit.

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14 minutes ago, TheScarlettChad said:

I watched the Mox segment, I don't get how he came off like a neo nazi? Is it just cuz he's bald now?

Did you skip pass the bit where I said he quoted Mussolini? He's also made it known that Romper Stomper is a current influence (apparently said this to Alvarez) , like I'm not saying he's a Nazi but he's playing off neo Nazi chic. I'll be honest, when I first watched that as a edgy yute I thought everyone looked cool as fuck but this is an old arse man who should maybe not.

He does come across as the kind of lad who would watch it and think it's the highest of art though.

(Sorry, that came across as dead snippy, I blame the back pain)

Edited by Merzbow
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