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Tony Khan Buys ROH


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ROH 09/08/24

Rhodes/Guevara vs Dark Order was OK. Guevara is in good shape. Simple formula of Dustin getting his ass kicked until the Sammy hot tag. 

Athena/Starkz promo. Really piling on the Athena bullying now after Billie's loss. Starkz is demoted back down to Minion in Training. Aminata and Velvet interrupt to inform Athena and Billie they'll be facing them in a tag match later. A promo early in the show to set up a match later in the same episode? This is revolutionary stuff for ROH on Honor Club. 

Griff Garrison is interviewed and asked when Qole Qarter is due back. Interrupted by Angelico and Serpentico. I'm going to post a box of shit to Tony Khan. 

ROH Tag Titles: The Infantry vs The Undisputed Kingdom 

Normally would skip but I will give credit once again for ROH titles being contested on the ROH TV show. All four in the ring for the code of Honor at the start, Aubrey says "OK now one from each team, one guy from each team" then all four start fighting so she calls for the bell anyway. Guess the one from each team thing was just a suggestion. I think it's Shawn Dean's fault I usually skip The Infantry. Carlie Bravo has some fire and charisma about him but Dean is a big load of nothing. The match was perfectly fine, this residency with the lively crowd makes everything on these ROH episodes better. It played out EXACTLY as expected though. Back and forth match, Infantry doing OK, low blow, Kingdom win. I feel like they've done this 500 times. 

Taya Valkyrie defeated a jobber. 

Rachel Ellering fought a jobber. As ever, she is an incredibly unlikeable babyface, though I'm wondering if it's intentional at this point. Hard to say. Her entrance and the thing where she shouts "squiiish" before she does her senton I *think* are meant to be babyface spots? But then she makes fun of the jobber and talks shit during the match and seems very disingenuous. I don't know what her deal is. Also the gear is still terrible and I think she gave the jobber a bloody nose. So that's not good. Buuuuut she did win with a glorious spinning Bossman Slam. I am too easily won over by a Bossman Slam. 

Lee Moriarty promo, he says he's sick of the feud with Top Flight and Andretti. Oh mate, me too. This is the most relatable I've ever found a Moriarty promo. He then gives Andretti an ROH Pure title shot. Ewwww. 

Outrunners squashed some jobbers. Fun, high energy performance from The Outrunners here 

Robbie Eagles fought a jobber. They did some quite fun lucha/indyriffic counters I don't recall seeing before. 

Nese/Ishii was a decent scrap. Daivari seems to be leaning into the Andrew Tate look lately. 

Rachel Ellering promo. Harley Cameron interrupts to make it more fun. She also drops some pure, unfiltered truth on Ellering about the whole vibe and look she has going on. I hope Rachel takes it on board but it's probably going to set up a match. 

Good match from Johnny TV and Fuego Del Sol. Solid little run from Fuego on these shows. Obviously being in Texas helps but he's always been a decent underdog babyface, nice to see him get back on the shows for a bit. 

Aminata/Velvet vs Athena/Starkz. An actual main event, well I'll be damned. New theme song for Velvet, also I love that both teams have matching gear. Love teams in matching gear. Lexy ring announcing with the bare minimum enthusiasm for Billie was funny. 

Good tag match this. Heel/face dynamic is a bit messy because Texas loves Athena so much, so it's hard for her to be the heel even though her team cheats to win *and* she's bullying her own underling. Other than that though it was good stuff, these four work well together and they definitely have a better match than this in them. Also furthered the story of Billie being out of favour with Athena, who still didn't give her any credit despite Billie picking up the win. 

Last week we ended with a return angle, this week we have a bona fide high quality TV main event. We'll have to see if this changes when the Texas residency ends, but for now ROH TV is definitely doing the thing.

Edited by JLM
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28 minutes ago, JLM said:


Rachel Ellering promo. Harley Cameron interrupts to make it more fun. She also drops some pure, unfiltered truth on Ellering about the whole vibe and look she has going on. I hope Rachel takes it on board but it's probably going to set up a match.


I actually though Rachel Ellering showed some personality in this interview, but yeah - for the most part she is not good.

30 minutes ago, JLM said:


Griff Garrison is interviewed and asked when Qole Qarter is due back. Interrupted by Angelico and Serpentico. I'm going to post a box of shit to Tony Khan.


Laughed my head off at this.

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Yeah there were some fun bits in that promo to be fair, I just can't quite tell what she's going for. I'm not sure if she's being sarcastic or quirky or knowingly a bit lame or if she's just throwing stuff out there to see what sticks. I want her to put it together because for all the grief I give her I do think there's something there. It's like she has enough stats in total but they haven't been distributed correctly. 

Oh I also forgot, Dustin busting out the spinaroonie to copy Sammy but also call back to Bookdust was a cute spot. 

Edited by JLM
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  • 2 weeks later...
16 hours ago, Chili said:

Delightful. I'm such a fan of Mansoor's amusing voice and their patter in general. Great to see their grafting post WWE release got them back in the big time.


They're absolutely brilliant, but credit to Maria Kanellis too, whose mic work is seriously underrate - I hope she gets the chance to manage someone on the main AEW roster, she's really good. 

Edited by RedTwoster
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