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Tony Khan Buys ROH


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3 hours ago, JLM said:

Jimmy Jacobs (!) vs Satnam Singh

Unexpected. They wrestled to a 30 minute draw as you'd imagine. 


Jimmy Jacobs getting that much pyro had to be some kind of rib on him didn't it? It never ended!

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20 minutes ago, Lorne Malvo said:

Jimmy Jacobs getting that much pyro had to be some kind of rib on him didn't it? It never ended!

They had loads of leftover pyro and apparently it's a bit of an issue taking stuff like that across state lines etc, so they just blew the wad and did a rib at the same time.

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Haha that is amazing. Also didn’t notice the first time that Bobby Cruise breaks a little bit during his announcement. 


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  • 3 weeks later...
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ROH 30/05/24
Skipped: Serpentico vs Jobber (!!), Red Velvet vs Jobber. Billie Starkz attacked Velvet and did the title belt face bonk after it. Zak Knight vs Jobber, Lee Johnson vs Action Andretti vs Aaron Solo. Three of the blandest men in wrestling there. Oof. The Workhorsemen vs Top Flight. 

Athena vs Viva Van

Wondering if this one was ended early due to an injury. It was looking like they were going for a more competitive match than the usual Athena squash, then it ended off a fore arm strike quite suddenly. 

The Kingdom vs Jacoby Watts/Nick Comoroto

Intrigued enough by this Watts/Comoroto thing that I watched a Kingdom match. Nicky Boy playing a babyface loveable oaf character who's starting to believe in himself, only to be shafted by Watts' staunch refusal to tag in when they team together. It's like Otis/Gable but not as good, though I'm still finding it strangely watchable. 

Marina Shafir promo. She tells Lexi to ask her why she's The Problem, then does a short promo in which she uses the word "Problem" about 30 times. It was OK. By Marina Shafir on camera promo standards it was a masterpiece. I'd still stick with pre-taped vignettes (the one one the last episode was good!) and giving her a manager though. 

The Premier Athletes vs The Bollywood Boys

OK The Bollywood Boys getting a great hometown reaction in Vancouver finally breathed some life into this episode. Don't think this was even 10 minutes long but was easily the highlight of the episode. Really good heat throughout, with the Athletes attacking before the match, repeatedly stopping the babyfaces doing their dance and then attacking them after the match for good measure. 

Nothing episode there. 




ROH 06/06/24

Skpped: Queen Aminata vs jobber. I did watch the end to see how she finished it. Happy to see she's using the running air raid crash as her finish, it looks so good. Dark Order vs Johnny TV/Carter/Garrison vs Iron Savages. It seems like it might be the sort of random ROH clusterfuck I'd enjoy but it has too many duffers in there. Iron Savages, Carter and Garrison are all completely dead weight. 

Dalton Castle promo! Apologises to Lexy for putting her through hell during the John Television feud. He's over it, he's challenging for the TV Title and he's running on cool now. So of course that piece of shit Jonathan Television has to butt in and accuse Dalton of stealing his designer sunglasses. As much as Garrison/Carter vs Serpentico/Angelico feels like a never ending waking nightmare, if they want to keep *this* particular feud rolling indefinitely I would be OK with it. 

Marina Shafir vs Jobber

Despite some hideous ring gear, Shafir looked very good here. It was a simple squash but all of her stuff looked devastating and I love how her throws and takedowns look quite unlike anyone else's. Notable that Marina won with the Mother's Milk reverse sleeper she's been using on the indies. Seen a lot of criticism of the move and people saying it looks more like she's cuddling them than choking them out. I think that's the point of it though. She's a bit of a weirdo and I think it suits her perfectly in that regard. Also, as awkward a live promo as she is, she does have some great facial expressions and this hold allows her to do the Waylon Mercy/Dexter Lumis style stare at the camera as the opponent fades away. 

I liked Caprice's call during this one about Shafir not transitioning from MMA to pro wrestling, but rather bringing what she already has and just doing that in pro wrestling matches. I think that's what separates her from everyone else and when it works I'm a fan of it. 

Her match against Mike Bailey in Revolver is her style at its best for me, and the best match of hers I've seen. The match is "ugly" in the best possible way. It feels like a frantic and chaotic struggle with the element of danger/ belief it could finish at any time you get in a real MMA fight. To me it's a clash of styles in a good way; they don't mesh perfectly but they shouldn't because they're trying to beat each other using two different disciplines. Bailey is doing his martial arts inspired cruiserweight pro wrestler thing, Shafir is almost exclusively doing strikes, judo throws and submission attempts. 

It's here if anyone cares to check it out: 


ROH TV Title: Dalton Castle vs Kyle Fletcher

This was a belter! No comedy from Dalton here, just fantastic babyface fire throughout, and a little glimpse of what he is still capable of even after all the injuries. I love his comedy very much and I'm glad he keeps things light to look after his health most of the time, but it was a treat to get a bit of big match Dalton here. Fletcher was a great prick as well, constantly riling up the crowd and disrespecting our hero. Really good stuff, baffling that this wasn't the main event of the episode. 

Nick Comoroto and Jacoby Watts vs The Infantry

Once again poor Nicky Boy spends the entire match as the legal man. Watts did at least distract and cheap shot The Infantry once or twice. He still showed no intention of tagging in at any point. I just want the best for the big man, he's trying his hardest bless him. 

Lee Johnson promo. It's bad but thankfully Kyle Fletcher interrups and bails him out a bit. They're gonna have a 2/3 falls match for the TV Title. If Supercard of Honor is anything to go by, that match will be three hours long and have 200 near falls. I will be skipping it but I'm sure it'll get loads of stars. 

Billie Starkz vs Zamaya

Zamaya has completely lifted Bull Nakano's look. Bit cheeky that. Match was fine. Post match Velvet and Aminata corner Starkz and Velvet gives her a good beatdown as revenge for last week. Good stuff, slightly marred by them accidentally playing Billie's music instead of Velvet's and then hastily changing it. Whoops. 

Much better than the previous episode but only because of the Fletcher/Castle match. 



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Posted (edited)

ROH 13/06

Skipped: NOTHING!!!! Unprecedented scenes on ROH TV. 

Billie Starkz vs Sandra Moone

Fun little extended squash this. Sandra Moone is a likeable underdog babyface with some good looking offense. Starkz got the most heel heat I've ever heard her get for denying the people the swanton bomb at the end and submitting Moone instead. Liked that a lot. 

Nick Comoroto/Jacoby Watts vs Shane Taylor/Lee Moriarty

Ok this is where sticking with the Watts/Comoroto saga pays off a little. This was good fun. Nicky dominates Moriarty and press slams him to the floor, and Watts actually accepts a tag! However, this is only so he can grab the house mic, cut a quick promo getting his catchphrase in, then tag back out again. Beautiful. Later in the match Nicky hits a beautiful running powerslam. Watts tags himself in, tries to pin Moriarty, then tags back out immediately when unsuccessful. Big fan of this schtick, give me them against The Righteous next please. The Comoroto skin the cat spot is definitely something that can get over if they stick with it too. He looks so pleased with himself. Other highlight of this was Taylor getting the win with an absolutely glorious knock out punch. Delightful. 

Taya Valkyrie promo. Calls out Queen Aminata for not being a real queen. 

Red Velvet vs Viva Van

Good competitive match here, these two worked well together aside from one iffy looking flipping neckbreaker thing where Van didn't seem to know when to bump. Other than that this was solid. 

Lance Archer and The Righteous vs Top Flight and Andretti vs Dark Order vs Dalton Castle and The Infantry

OK this is what last week's main event was going for, but with even more bodies and an infinitely more appealing line up. This is how you fill out your ROH undercard. Match was nuts and I was thoroughly entertained. Highlights included Dalton Castle suplexing damn near everybody back to back, Dutch Bossman slamming Evil Uno, Castle cheap shotting Archer as a receipt for blocking the hard cam during his entrance and a bonkers closing stretch with everyone killing everyone. I don't know if the ref or Riccabone or the wrestlers knew who was legal at the end of this and I don't think it particularly mattered. Loads of fun. 

Lady Frost/Leyla Hirsch/Abadon vs Marina Shafir/Diamante/Alex Windsor

Once again I love this ROH women's undercard. What a wonderfully diverse bunch this is. The episodes are measurably worse when these lot are left off the card. Shafir rocking the same utterly awful gear as last time. Terracotta spandex with the Blue Dragon logo from the Sweet Chili Sauce slapped on it. Good lord. 

Enjoyed this match a lot. Some lovely grappling from Hirsch and Shafir, everything Alex Windsor does looks great and all wrestled at a nice brisk pace. Would have liked a few more flashy Lady Frost things  but other than that I was satisfied. 

Harley Cameron vs Trish Adora 

Harley Cameron's great. Full of personality and trash talk and perfectly capable in-ring. She brought good fire and retaliatory trash talk out of Trish Adora here, when showing her personality is usually a bit of a weakness for her. Another solid match. 

The Kingdom vs The Wolf Zaddies

I enjoy Bad Dude Tito *and* they drafted in Daddy Magic as guest commentator for this match? Well I guess I'm in then. People need to stop giving me reasons to watch The Kingdom matches, it's really eating into my wrestling viewing time. Short and sweet sprint match, highlight was Bad Dude Tito's hot tag. 

Just over an hour run time and I enjoyed everything on the show top to bottom. Can't quite believe it. This is what ROH on Honour Club could be... 

Edited by JLM
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