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Okay perhaps not quite World War 3 (yet) but what do we all think of this whole North Korea/US stand off that is happening at the moment that the media suggests could kick off at any moment?

Is this the media making this to be a bigger deal than it already is? North Korea not listening and actually being a threat or bluffing with all the stats they are rolling out? Or is this the US almost trying to infuriate North Korea in the hope that North Korea step out of line giving the US the excuse to go into war? What about Russia/China?

I have read various things about this but not seen much on here? It's a scary thought that both men with all the power appear to be immature with an all guns blazing (no pun intended) type attitude.

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Best not to give yourself a headache trying to work out Trump's strategy - he has none. He just does whatever he thinks will make him look best at any given moment. Usually after watching Fox News, so perhaps follow their angle to see where he might be headed next.

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The fact is Trump isnt about to take NKs constant testing of missiles.

Kim keeps churning out videos about nuking the states isnt going to help at all. China are doing what they can to end it Russia dont want to know. 

This wont be world war 3. What it might be is a real messy nuclear/chemical war. Kim is mad enough to try and launch at US friendlies within reach should Trump attack. 


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If Trump starts with North Korea then the first thing that happens is that Seoul would be flattened. It's only 30 miles from the border and has a staggering amount of North Korean artillery pointed at it. After that it degenerates into a messy conventional/chemical/possibly nuclear conflict in which there are no winners, only casualties. 

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When it comes to the US Fatboy Kim and his cronies are all wind. It's South Korea (and maybe Japan) that North Korea really poses a threat to. 

North Korea is a situation that had to be seriously addressed eventually, sadly it had to start heating back up with a thick dipshit like Trump in office.

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A lot is written and spoken about the North Korean military. What sort of arsenal dies South Korea possess? From what I understand they are a very tech savvy nation. That has embraced the internet. E-gaming is a phenomenon for them. It has a massive following. How does any of that translate to them defending themselves against their northern neighbours? 

They have a pretty strong engineering structure. With heavy industry and car production. I've heard very little about their military ability though. Surely they must have a fairly robust deterrent in order to oppose Pyongyang.

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They have a decent military, with mandatory service.

They're not worried about being overrun, or ultimately losing a war. What they're concerned about is the fact that even relatively short range missiles could reach the densely populated city of Seoul.

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Does anyone think though that North Korea have all these missles they speak of? I don't doubt that they have intentions and are trying to make them, but is it all talk to put fear into the rest of the world, even if in a roundabout way by threatening it thinks the US won't go near them? Or is it all smokescreen like everything North Korea rolls out to its own nation (TV channels etc). 





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Doubtful they can reach US, however they are move than capable of chucking some Nuke/chemical weapons over the border and to Japan.

Dont get me wrong they did that the country would be flattened in hail of strikes from the US. Just how many millions will they get to kill before that happens.

Hence Russia and China getting a bit nervy about it all. The fall out would impact both directly..

Put kim and trump in the old WWF blue cage, first out wins. 

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Wouldn't America need to be on better terms with China and Russia for any such attack to happen? Ground invasion would have to come via South Korea or a coastal landing. The chances of anything going through the Chinese border is extremely remote. Can the numpty even be contemplating this?

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China's main concern is any US attack could lead to refugee's fleeing North Korea for China.

Also, everyone makes a big fuss about NK's nuclear capability, but that wouldn't be their go-to move. Any use of nuclear weapons across the border would probably see the Russians lose interest in defending their sovereignty, and the Chinese become at least ambivalent to propping up Kim's regime.

The real issue is that, Nuke's aside, North Korea has the 4th largest army in the world. Their conventional arsenal is more than enough to make it, at least, not a case of 'we go in, we take them out, we hand Korea back to the South'. They could very well overwhelm South Korea without so much as a Nuke leaving its bunker.

It's the scenario that follows where the US escalates, that's when things get really squirly. AT that point, there are no good scenarios. If China decide to back the North militarily, then CONGRATULATIONS WORLD, you've just won World War 3, only on a scale never before seen in human history, with toys the like of which have never been seen in full scale conflict...and with the most unstable set of world leaders in generations. If China decide to tell Kim Jong-Un to Kim Jog-On, then that's when South Korea and Japan may have to learn to exist with big chemical holes in the middle of their major cities and the course of human history is changed forever. Kim will be dead after the US go straight-up SCORCHED EARTH on them, but every crackpot, despotic regime in the world will renew attempts to get their own deterrent, and the credibility of the US as ally and protector will be fucked. Historic allies will start looking for support from Russia, China and India. Our own miserable existence, clung to the hip of the US, will be made a million times worst, and we may as well all move to fucking Switzerland.

Happy Tuesday.

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