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ITV World of Sport: Tapings postponed until July?


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1 hour ago, NotAlexShane said:

I seriously doubt any wrestling fan is also a Love Island fan that show is aimed at brain dead Reality tv wannabes girls of about 18-25 how many of these are also going to be wrestling nerds ?

You've completely missed the entire point of my post, where I mentioned at least three times that the show clearly wasn't aimed at a traditional wrestling audience.  

Also, who cares if he was on Love Island for 50+ episodes or five? It's a potential hook for him having appeared on one of the TV station's most talked-about shows. They'd have been daft not to mention it in at least a passing reference.


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The thing to remember with Maxted is that even if he was only on Love Island for thirty seconds, it's an ITV show, so they shouldn't have any difficulty securing the footage. They'd be fools not to try and get some cross-brand stuff in there, and use the footage of him on Love Island in vignettes to promote his character (if they ever do any).

I didn't mind the whole light entertainment look - it's primetime ITV, that's what it should look like - but the commentary was dreadful, and the whole moody opening video and Stu Bennett's promo being built on "this is serious now, no more clowns and buffoons" was tonally completely at odds with the presentation of the show itself. Given that my biggest complaint about the pilot was that it had a bit of an identity crisis, that definitely wasn't resolved there.

My other complaint about the pilot was that it was over-complicated and convoluted - the opening match didn't exactly move away from that. A number one contender's match to earn a spot in another match later on the same show, and then to have that match go to a Dusty finish and swerve a triple threat for the main event, in a finish that openly shat on the referee's credibility, was a dreadful way to open the show. It was all just too busy. I wouldn't have introduced Cyanide in this match either - it meant he had to share the ring with people too close to his own size when they're trying to get him over as a monster, and him being eliminated early meant you'd forgotten about him by the end. 

The tag match had a similarly overwrought finish - seemingly something booked because it's a good wrestling angle, not because it made sense, or would be the best fit for an ITV primetime show. Martin Kirby turning heel had absolutely no emotional resonance, because we don't know Martin Kirby yet, it doesn't mean anything to us. That he was prepared to abandon a match during a tournament for the new Tag Team Titles (and the first match in that tournament, to boot) just made it look like he didn't care about winning those belts. And if the people fighting for them don't care, why should we? Again, just felt rushed.

Davey Boy Jr vs. Will Ospreay was a decent little match. I'd have opened the show with this, it would have been a much better way to introduce a new generation of British wrestling to the audience.

Grado jobbing in the main event was a poor decision - we've just seen a promo where Stu Bennett says that he's a joke and not good enough to be champion, and then he loses more or less clean in his first title defence. So I don't come out of that thinking "poor Grado", I think "hm, I guess Stu was right".

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24 minutes ago, Fatty Facesitter said:

You've completely missed the entire point of my post, where I mentioned at least three times that the show clearly wasn't aimed at a traditional wrestling audience.  

Also, who cares if he was on Love Island for 50+ episodes or five? It's a potential hook for him having appeared on one of the TV station's most talked-about shows. They'd have been daft not to mention it in at least a passing reference.


I haven't you are making a vast jump of assumption that people who watch Love Island and care enough about someone whom if they blinked they missed are also a wrestling fan with nothing better to do at 5pm on a Saturday afternoon.

How did Billi Bhatti  foray into wrestling go ? how many bums did he put on seats ?

Answer is not very well and zero and you have to bear in mind Big Brother then was an immensely much more bigger show than Love Island is now and why did this have this result because people who watched big brother then were not wrestling fans.

It's amazing to think that ITV have such poor expertise in recognising their target markets that they have managed to make any profits at all and have lasted as a company for over 60 years without your business expertise guiding them isn't it ?

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16 minutes ago, johnnyboy said:

I was speaking to my mum today and she brought it up unprompted.  She enjoyed it and said that it was "perfect on in the background as she had a cup of tea."  I know that's not exactly a ringing endorsement, but it could be far worse.

Exactly and that's really the bottom line personally I can't recall the last time , outside of a sporting event, that I watched ITV at 5pm on a Saturday afternoon.

I doubt many of us off the top of our heads could tell you what program was on at 5pm on ITV last week or a fortnight ago

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ITV aren't looking for wrestling fans anymore than they're looking for Parkour fans when they do Ninja Warrior. They want families and part if that family will garner enjoyment from any sort of Love Island cross over.

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It doesn't really surprise me too much that an older crowd were watching it. If many of them saw World of Sport Wrestling on their programme guide, they may have flicked to it to check out what it was based on their knowledge of the brand when they were younger.

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3 hours ago, NotAlexShane said:

You do realise Maxted was on Love Island a few years ago and for about 5 minutes.

It's about as relevant as having who finished 6th on Big Brother back when Cameron won it on any show

I seriously doubt any wrestling fan is also a Love Island fan that show is aimed at brain dead Reality tv wannabes girls of about 18-25 how many of these are also going to be wrestling nerds ?


You'd be surprised. I was at a 30th the other week and a lot of the talk in the hot tub wind down period was gentlemen of that age who i know to be wrestling fans discussing it. I didn't have a clue wgat they were on about but there's at least a few who enjoy both. Im not surprised, its just as worked as wresfking and has many of the same tropes and babyface and heel turns and stuff.

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My reasons for wanting it to fail are that if the terrestrial channels keep going back to WOS as a baseline for a tv wrestling product then they are not going to change the view of what wrestling now is compared to what we saw in the early 80’s.

There is some fantastic stuff out there at the money. The progress shows and rev pro should be the stuff the put on TV, not this relic.

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You actively want it to fail? Wow.


Its giving well paid work to UK wrestlers and could act as a gateway drug to going to local halls for people. Also it's WOS in name only. It's not World of Sport, its not under Mountevans rules. It has more in common with modern UK product than the days of Joint Promotions on a Saturday afternoon.

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WOS has signed wrestlers to contracts that means they get the same union benefits as actors, and collectively bargain their wages. They could be putting on the worst wrestling show in history and I'd still support them.

Ultimately, PROGRESS are running Wembley. They didn't need a TV deal to manage that. The scene's the strongest its been in decades, without needing TV. This idea that if WOS weren't on TV something like PROGRESS, emphatically not an ITV Saturday afternoon product, could be there instead, is nonsensical. The scene is strong enough to have room for both.

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56 minutes ago, machinegunn said:

My reasons for wanting it to fail are that if the terrestrial channels keep going back to WOS as a baseline for a tv wrestling product then they are not going to change the view of what wrestling now is compared to what we saw in the early 80’s.

There is some fantastic stuff out there at the money. The progress shows and rev pro should be the stuff the put on TV, not this relic.

You realise that niche, hardcore-fan workraterulz wrestling is not suitable for early evening mainstream TV, right?

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17 minutes ago, NotAlexShane said:

I haven't you are making a vast jump of assumption that people who watch Love Island and care enough about someone whom if they blinked they missed are also a wrestling fan with nothing better to do at 5pm on a Saturday afternoon.

How did Billi Bhatti  foray into wrestling go ? how many bums did he put on seats ?

Answer is not very well and zero and you have to bear in mind Big Brother then was an immensely much more bigger show than Love Island is now and why did this have this result because people who watched big brother then were not wrestling fans.

It's amazing to think that ITV have such poor expertise in recognising their target markets that they have managed to make any profits at all and have lasted as a company for over 60 years without your business expertise guiding them isn't it ?

Ok, now you're just being ignorant and you've even missed the point of the initial post for a second time. 

Just on your last par, that's not only stupid and petty, but you've also completely ignored where I said I understand the reason they've edited the show as they have, that I want it to succeed, praising the action etc. I've even praised the studio setup saying they did a better job with the setup than WWE. You've either completely mis-read the initial post, or you're turning a blind eye to it. Talk about making wild assumptions, Christ. 

With your Billi Bhatti comparison, Maxted was already a wrestler before appearing on Love Island and full trained in the profession. Completely, utterly different from a contestant/fan who wanted to play wrestler. Total opposite. I said the show wasn't aimed at the traditional fan, and it isn't, but I didn't make any mention that Love Island fans would automatically watch this. As I said, it's a show on the same channel where they can take conventions from it to further develop a heel persona. 

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5 minutes ago, Fatty Facesitter said:

Ok, now you're just being ignorant and you've even missed the point of the initial post for a second time. 

Just on your last par, that's not only stupid and petty, but you've also completely ignored where I said I understand the reason they've edited the show as they have, that I want it to succeed, praising the action etc. I've even praised the studio setup saying they did a better job with the setup than WWE. You've either completely mis-read the initial post, or you're turning a blind eye to it. Talk about making wild assumptions, Christ. 

With your Billi Bhatti comparison, Maxted was already a wrestler before appearing on Love Island and full trained in the profession. Completely, utterly different from a contestant/fan who wanted to play wrestler. Total opposite. I said the show wasn't aimed at the traditional fan, and it isn't, but I didn't make any mention that Love Island fans would automatically watch this. As I said, it's a show on the same channel where they can take conventions from it to further develop a heel persona. 

Its probably not wise for you to be tying up your telephone line accessing the internet as ITV are probably trying to call you for TV marketing advice and how to hit a correct projected demographic

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Also Billi Bhattis porn is dreadfully poor. Darnell slotting his coin and Britwres Luke's Bex Shiner touchibg her tits and not getting involved. Is Bhatti still with Stefan Hard's ex?

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