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Doomed anecdotal megathread #2

Sergio Mendacious

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Call me judgemental, but I have a horrible habit of holding my breath as I approach/pass potential stinkers, so whilst I can neither confirm nor deny, I'd say it's entirely likely.


Purely unrelated but how has no wrestler ever been called Judge Mental before! I'm off down the patent office.

The promotion I announced for, BWE (hosted Will Ospreay's 2nd ever match) had their head ref as Judge Mental from 2009-2013

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Every now and then when you open a tin of baked beans (Heinz)Ā  there's far too much tomato sauce in it ?Ā  I fucking hate it when you have to drain some of the shit off to prevent the other food on your plate from swimming in the fucking stuff. Some tins seem more watery then others.Ā 

who fucking poors a whole tin out? just spoon out what you need


Unless I'm putting it on toast, I want the beans almost dry.

You want haricot beans

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hand spray bidet, like so - retro-handheld-bidet-installed.jpg

When my FiL got ill (RIP), with Dementia, the council installed a toilet which when you fushed a pipe would come out and shoot water up your bum so didnt have to wipe, then a air heater came on to dry it. It wasnt a fancy looking Japanese thing, but it was bloody awesomeĀ 

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May just be me here, but I like the cut and thrust of a good arse-wipe. IĀ know that my ringer is spick and span after I've gone to town.


With a bidet, I would be in constant apprehension that it hasn't caught all of the poo and that I'm now squelching it into my boxers. Or, ifĀ I do decide to take an exploratory rummage with some toilet paper, I'm going to end up with a soggy, excrement covered mess of towelette, if the bidet has alreadyĀ done its squirty-work. Ā 

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Bidet's really confuse me. After you soak your arse with all that water, do you not need a towel to wipe after? TP surely doesn't cut it, unless you use half a roll as it just gets all soggy and falls apart.

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We really love talking about toilet habits here, don't we?


I believe a lot of people do use towels. I find that a bit gross. I still use less toilet paper than I would use dry wiping, but I think my wife goes through more now. But I think she uses the spray every time she goes, even if she's just peeing.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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How long are you spending on the crapper, Chest? Because I've never had this problem of getting shit-caked rasta-hair on the arse. Get a crash mat going, get on the lav, get shitting, get wiping. I'm in and out within a few minutes and ready to continue my day.

Edited by Gus Mears
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Normal paper for the first wipe to get rid of the bulk of the shit. A moist wipe for tidying up & another wipe with paper for drying. Squeaky clean & you don't need to have any plumbing work done.

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It's not an issue of time. With dry wipe you're going to smear an amount of shit into the hairs on your arse sometimes (If you've got a hairy arse that is, of course). It's just a matter of fact that is impossible to avoid.



I'm a piano player with dextrous fingers, so I can pinpoint my arsehole with laser-like precision. I appreciate that the sausage-fingered among us might not be able to though and may end up smearing Nutella all over the undercarriage.

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