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McGregor McRetires? No. But let's talk about him anyway.


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If they can get McGregor vs Diaz 2 back on for 201, I think it could well be the biggest back-to-back buyrates they've done since UFC 100 and 101. Whack a Robbie Lawler title defence on under Diaz vs McGregor 2 and that's a great follow up PPV to UFC 200.

That would probably be 2 PPV's in a row that would surpass 1 million buys. I don't think that's been done before.
They've done it twice! UFC 91 (Brock vs. Randy) and UFC 92 (Rashad vs. Forrest, Rampage vs. Silva, Big Nog vs. Mir) and UFC 193 (Rousey vs. Holm) and UFC 194 (McGregor vs. Aldo).
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I thought 101 might've just scraped over the 1 million buys mark, I remember it doing very well, but it did around 850,000 from what I can tell. Still a great number. Especially considering the undercard was weak. You had Penn vs Florian and Anderson vs Forrest...then a massive drop off in names and quality. Josh Neer vs Kurt Pellegrino opened the PPV main card, for fuck's sake. I mean, not a terrible fight but that's a fight that would've been lucky to make a Spike Fight Night main card back then. 850K is a pretty remarkable number considering it was a two match show and was coming off the heels of the monstrous UFC 100 show.


I thought 116/117 might've both done a million as well but 117 only did around 600,000. I knew the first Silva vs Sonnen fight didn't do as well as the rematch but I always thought it did better than that.


Edit - how in the fuck did I forget that 193/194 did it?! That was just a matter of a few months ago. Jesus Christ, I'm losing my marbles.

Edited by wandshogun09
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UFC 92 was fucking loaded. When you've got a fight like Wanderlei Silva vs Rampage Jackson 3 and it's only the second fight on the PPV, you know you've got a strong as fuck card. It would've been even bigger if Rashad Evans hadn't KO'd Chuck Liddell a few months earlier as well, because the UFC were supposedly hoping to end the year with a Forrest vs Chuck title fight, which would've been massive in 2008.


I just remember feeling a bit sad after that show though. All the results seemed to go wrong that night. Wandy got flattened by Rampage, then Zombie Nog got stopped for the first time by Cunty Mir then Forrest's title reign came to a crashing halt in his first defence against Rashad. I love Rashad now and if him and Forrest had fought at any time from 2009 on, I'd have been chuffed with Rashad battering him. But in 2008, I was a huge Forrest fan and was so happy to see him overachieving and holding the belt. And I wasn't that nuts about Rashad until his run on TUF 10 the following year. Late 2008 I loved Forrest and was indifferent to Rashad, by late 2009 I loved Rashad and thought Forrest a bit of a cock. It was like they did a Hart-Austin double turn in 2009.

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UFC 92 was a bit of a perfect storm. You had the momentum coming off Brock beating Randy. You had that really great season of TUF which made Big Nog seem like the nicest man alive. Forrest and Rashad were coming off big victories over Rampage and Chuck respectively. Plus, the build up to Rampage vs. Wanderlei is one of the most underrated bits of promotion the company has ever done.

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I thought 116/117 might've both done a million as well but 117 only did around 600,000. I knew the first Silva vs Sonnen fight didn't do as well as the rematch but I always thought it did better than that.

If I recall rightly, early estimates put the buyrate higher. Even 600k was welcomed at the time. A few months before, it was thought that the buyrate would come in at half of that figure. Although the rematch drew more, I enjoyed the build-up to the first fight a lot more. 

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That summer of 2010 was amazing. Fuck the buyrates, just as a fan it was so much fun and the cards were delivering big time, both in fight quality and big fight atmosphere. Yeah, UFC 112 in Abu Dhabi was a fucking abomination but after that they went on a run of incredible PPVs one after another. UFC's 113 to 117 were so great, 112 being so shit was almost worth it.

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UFC 118 was pretty dire as well. Penn was a shell of his former self. Couture vs Toney didn't create the buzz that some thought it would. I was quite uncomfortable with it. Not just because Toney had no chance, but also because it was evident that Toney was punch-drunk. He made Chuck's infamous Dallas news appearance seem coherent. The rest of the Main Card doesn't bring back fuzzy memories either. Other than perhaps Nate beating the "plastic paddy"


But yeah,overall the Summer of 2010 was a success on both levels. The last hot period of the initial boom. 

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I loved Couture vs. Toney. Is that the only time there's ever been a, "UFC!" chant at an event? I thought it was a really cool moment the way Randy won handily as the crowd chanted that. A total freak show fight, where the result was obvious, but for what it was I really enjoyed it.


2010 was the most fun ever. It was all downhill from there until Dana's "We're back!" promo at the end of 2014.

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Couture/Toney was an utter embarrassment in cage. The "UFC" chants were something out of a Full Sail smart wank scene, but the build of that fight I found so highly entertaining. 


"Hey Princess, I'mma getcha, I promise ya..."


And this fucking amazing promo video... https://youtu.be/8HoVbI5m8-4


Edited by Silky Kisser
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UFC 201 Would have to be at the end of July or the end of August, otherwise they aren't doing a million buys.


I have said several times that the media will be covering the Olympics and the numerous medal winners the US is bound to get, all with people with new interesting stories to tell and most of America haven't heard before.


He's better off waiting until 202 but then you are probably in the same month as a Canelo PPV, as he seems to want to take those Mexican dates off Floyd but I'm sure 193 &194 were between Canelo's last fight, so maybe that doesn't matter as much.


They do have some aces up their sleeves with both Conar & Ronda coming back and a potential GSP return.


GSP - Nate Diaz would have been perfect for 200 but I think Nate knows GSP does the exact same thing he did to Nick, perhaps easier as Nate is a little smaller.

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