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WHAT PLAY YOU!? Version 2.0


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If that's the same hulk game I played on the ps2 then I absolutely loved that game. In fact, it was in my top ten when we did that brilliant top games run down several years back now.. so much fun just trashing army bases and surfing on trucks... HULK SMASH!

Was that the one that was on the Xbox 360? Amazing game. You could beat the shit out of skyscrapers to the point they collapsed. Had the Bacter Building and the Stark Building in it. So much fun.

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My wife was dropping hints about a PS4/XboxOne for Christmas but in all honesty i've still got that many 360 games sitting there that i've still to work through i reckon i could quite easily be here at this time next year with some of them still untouched thus i said there wasn't really much point plus hopefully by then there will be better bundles and hopefully a drop in price too.


Bit disappointed Tiger Woods franchise is only going to be nextgen from now onwards but everything else still seems to be getting produced on the PS3/Xbox360.


Is there any kind of official timeline when they will stop producing stuff for the 360?

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Just download and played a game of PES. In the full game can you change the game speed? I'm finding it a bit slow and clunky.

Pause -> System Settings -> Game Speed Settings



That option isn't on the demo, however I was getting a bit more to grips with the speed yesterday.


I need to improve on my shooting. I always went for manual shooting on Fifa, and I gave it a go on this but it's a completely different entity.


Also, please tell me that stamina has improved on the final release. All my forward players are practically dead by the 75th minute. I don't hold sprint all the time either. I'm quite a conservative player and like controlling the ball. I only really sprint on counters, running after a loose ball or trying to catch up to a player in possession.

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