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WWE Elimination Chamber 2015 Discussion. *SPOILER ON WWE APP*


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Enjoyed Cena/Owens, but (as good as they've been individually) Cena's matches have just been the near enough the exact same formula for the past few months - bar the result on this show.


These cracking Cena matches are in danger of losing their shine. Already after the last month or two, it's got to the point of him beating someone with an AA first time being a shock.

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Didn't enjoy much about Owens/Cena other than the finish. It started out decent but ended with too long of high spot kick outs.



Cmon it's two lads who are really used to pinning guys for the 3 this year, the kick-outs were perfect. Just showed whatever Owens/Cena can usually do to someone, they'll have to step it right up tonight. Owens pulled off some amazing moves.

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Oh and when Paige says "this is my house!!" am I the only one who can't get a pissed up Delia Smith out of my mind. Wrestlers shouldn't be from East Anglia

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These cracking Cena matches are in danger of losing their shine. Already after the last month or two, it's got to the point of him beating someone with an AA first time being a shock.

Internet: "Oi, John, you're shit and you can't wrestle"

John: :(


Internet: "Oi, John, stop having brilliant matches every week"

John: "Make up your fucking mind"

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I hated Cena/Owens. May not be a popular comment, and I REALLY try to look past Cena's obvious flaws, but by god he was awful. His "you can't see me" missing by 6 inches, his bumping on the base of his spine, the punch in the corner flying over Owens head, his shouting the spots....that fucking double tackle spot followed by that spinning powerbomb.....I feel he really had an off night. Sure he out Owens over and made him, but his actual execution was abysmal at times.


As for the rest, I skipped the divas except for Nikki Bella entrance, the tag match was ok, Cesaro is phenomenal though ( that corner dropkick

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Ambrose will probably win MITB. That or we get some sort of co-win shenanigans with him and Reigns setting up a triple threat.



MITB will be: Orton v Neville v Ziggler v Reigns v Sheamus v Kofi Kingston. I have a sneaky feeling it could be Nev!

and there'll also be a rematch of Owens/Cena, bad news for the "I heard the wrestler call a spot the whole match is ruined now" crowd

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 instead of them instantly announcing a re-match at MITB for no particular reason.


Did you switch off after this match? 10 minutes afterwards they put a huge graphic up on the screen "Money In The Bank: THE REMATCH - Kevin Owens vs. John Cena"

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instead of them instantly announcing a re-match at MITB for no particular reason.

Did you switch off after this match? 10 minutes afterwards they put a huge graphic up on the screen "Money In The Bank: THE REMATCH - Kevin Owens vs. John Cena"

Which will be great to see how they build it over the next two weeks worth of TV. You can have Owens play up the fact that he's already proven himself by beating Cena fair & square

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and there'll also be a rematch of Owens/Cena, bad news for the "I heard the wrestler call a spot the whole match is ruined now" crowd


I would enjoy the match more if I didn't hear every damn spot being called or them making it so blatant. It takes me out of the match and lessens the drama when it's so blindingly obvious when they do it. We all know how this works, but they don't need to advertise it mid-match. It's pretty unprofessional IMO. Surely an agent would mention it to them.

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Be nice if just for once they stayed away from the same formula. Keep them apart a couple of months and whet the appetite. Be easy to do. Stick one of them in the MITB match, have Owens say Cena has to earn a shot at him and Trips agree or tell Cena he has a mandatory US Title defence. I know that's bullshit but it sounds plausible. Then in the meantime build Owens some momentum before he gives Cena the win back.

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 instead of them instantly announcing a re-match at MITB for no particular reason.


Did you switch off after this match? 10 minutes afterwards they put a huge graphic up on the screen "Money In The Bank: THE REMATCH - Kevin Owens vs. John Cena"


I know, that was my problem with it. They announced the re-match straight away for no real storyline reason. They could have had Owens make Cena beg for a re-match for a week or something. Why would Owens sign up for a re-match after he'd beaten Cena clean? Doesn't make much sense to me.

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I think that was maybe the best non-gimmicked Cena match I've seen. He and Owens were really good, they really gelled.


A great PPV. The tag match, Cena/Owens and Ambrose/Rollins being particularly good. Ambrose should have battered they ref's, appalling decision.


The IC match was a bit jerky in places, and was maybe the only let-down IMO.

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I was half asleep when the show started and dreamt that Gangrel had accompanied The Ascension to the ring. I was pretty gutted when I realised this wasn't the case.


I thought Kalistos spot took too long and as has already been said, it fell a bit flat.


Cena/Owens was the only thing of any note on this show although I'm glad ryback captured the IC title.


I don't know if the microphones on the cameras/ring were turned right up tonight but you could hear so many spots being called. Cena and paige being the main culprits.

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