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WrestleMania XXXI Discussion thread *SPOILERS*


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At the moment Paige seems to be taking on both Bella's so I would assume that she will find herself a tag partner for Mania against them. I would love it to be someone like Lita making a return for one more match should they do this, but it would most likely end up with AJ as her tag partner.

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If Lita was going to return and tag with someone, I'd prefer it to be AJ, given the real life story with those two.


Paige & (mystery partner) vs. The Bellas doesn't feel like a Wrestlemania match though. I'd like it to be, but it seems like they prefer shoehorning in 10-14 divas in one match these days.

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Iv been expecting Maryse and Eve Torres to return for sometime now, if there was a multi diva match id like to see them involved but doesn't seem very likely. How about a inter-gender 6 person match the Uso's and Naomi against Tyson Kid/Cesaro and Natalya? But with latter team holding the belts at the minute I cant see how that would work, unless Natalya wins the Divas title between now and Mania and both titles are on the line.

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Does anyone else think that this year's Mania might end up with disappointing viewing numbers (at least by recent Wrestlemania standards). Obviously The Network makes it harder to tell the exact figures these days, but this year it really fells like there is just so little momentum going into the event.


There's no Rock coming back for a big match.

No Streak match - one of the biggest and most important aspects of Wrestlemania for years.

The Royal Rumble completely failed to build momentum for the number one contender - so they are now trying to get their shit together to avoid a possible hostile crowd situation for the Title match.

The Cena/Rusev build has been fine - but ultimately we are still getting a rematch at Mania, not an epic "First Time Encounter".

The most consistently popular star, Daniel Bryan, is likely to be somewhere in the middle of the show against Sheamus or Ziggler.

There's not even a Batista turning up to liven things up and get a bit more mainstream press.


Outside of Sting/Triple H, it all feels rather underwhelming to me. I'd also imagine that anyone super interested in seeing Sting's big match would probably fall into the "older fans who order Mania most years out of habit anyway" category, rather than him being a new and independent draw for WCW fans lost over a decade ago,


Maybe it's just me, and the numbers this year will be fine, but it just doesn't feel like that big of a deal to me yet.

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Undertaker vs Bray and HHH vs Sting is way to similar for me, in the sense that there's a massive chance they are going to sadly stink up the building in the saddest way possible. HHH is a good wrestler, but his judgement of how to work a match with a special case isn't the best. His matches with Scott Steiner, Goldberg, Kozlov and Brock ranged from alright to outright abysmal. If he tries to do a Ric Flair of 88 match with a 56 year old Sting, its going to bomb massively. There's a way to get a good match out of Sting, but HHH tends to work his own style whoever he wrestlers. And the Undertaker/Bray Wyatt match just doesn't interest me at all. The magic is gone with the Undertaker for me. He's fucking bald for one thing. He doesn't even look like the Undertaker anymore. And the streak is gone. If they were going to do the retirement angle with him next year, he should have sat this year out. And the thing with Undertaker is, he was a gimmick wrestler for years, so I always thought you could just slip him in and out forever because it was all about the spooky shit. I thought I'd have still enjoyed that when he was in his 80s. But he developed into so much more, so late on. People actually cared about the Streak and his matches because legendary for the quality of them. So now you have to lower your standards again. Which I could have done, had it not been for the last 6 or 7 years where he was just amazing at WrestleMania. Doing a zombie vs cult leader angle with a knackered old Undertaker just doesn't appeal to me.

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I honestly don't know how they work out the financial figures for Mania anymore. Surely if you subscribe to the network all year anyway, then your purchase for the month of Mania is just regular business? It's not extra profit if they subscribe anyway. Even then it's only $9.99 rather than the full whack. Of course it's still on PPV too, so there's that to factor in.


Like I said, it might have as many eyes on the show as ever, but perhaps it makes less because of the lower cost of the Network anyway? Maybe less people are bothered this year due to the lack of mega matches, big returns or great momentum? It certainly feels to me that "Wrestlemania Season" has been shite so far.


Regarding the Taker/Bray match - it would have been much better if the rest of the Family was still around. Make it a no DQ affair and make it more of an Attitude Era brawl, with less big bumps or risky spots for the Taker and just some brawling and weapon action. Have Rowan chucked off the stage through a table and Harper chokeslammed through the Spanish announce table to get some cool spots in without hurting old Mark. I recon this match needs all the shortcuts and smoke and mirrors you can think of. Two blokes just trading punches and headlocks is going to be very dull indeed.

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It makes loads less money now -- the network fucked WrestleMania for the sake of year-round income. When (well, if) the network reaches stable numbers high enough to go back to the company making the money it made in 2010, WrestleMania profits will still be way down but the profit on the other months is way up.

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Do they release actual viewing figures for individual events on the Network? Do we know how many actually watched Mania on their last year?


Regardless of how or if they are paying, I honestly can't imagine as many people being invested in this year's event as much as the last 2 or 3 at least. Over the last 6 years or so we've had two main events with The Rock, the awesome streak matches with HHH and HBK, Lesnar returning and Bryanmania running wild last year. No offense to Real Estate Steve but there's nothing like any of that this time around that's creating such buzz.

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Do they release actual viewing figures for individual events on the Network? Do we know how many actually watched Mania on their last year?


No, they just pretend everyone who has the network watches it. That's how they got the number they got last year, when lots of people who subscribed to the network also bought the PPV because they didn't trust the stream. This year, the PPV number should be way down from last year, but the network subscriptions way up.


Regardless of how or if they are paying, I honestly can't imagine as many people being invested in this year's event as much as the last 2 or 3 at least. Over the last 6 years or so we've had two main events with The Rock, the awesome streak matches with HHH and HBK, Lesnar returning and Bryanmania running wild last year. No offense to Real Estate Steve but there's nothing like any of that this time around that's creating such buzz.



Yeah, but $9.99. WrestleMania's an odd one now, because it only has to be a better-than-usual $10 show, rather than a big megashow. But if they strip it down, eventually it loses a lot of appeal as far as fans traveling to it etc.


It was also inevitable that eventually the part-timer bubble would burst. If this one is mostly a transitional year making Reigns a star, and introducing Sting, they might pull out whatever big guns they've got left for next year in Texas. After that, I think we'll be back in the pre-2011 days of doing WrestleMania with the roster they have. Which will seem like a big step down.

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