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If you want to know what kind of man Goldberg really is ...


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Really wish they'd done a big time storyline when Goldberg came in rather than have him just be another member of the roster, even if it meant bringing him in as a heel with Bischoff or something


Anyway, that video and the card were sound, has always come across as a genuinely nice bloke in any interviews he's done, as for Hall, as stated above, everyone knows what a prick he is so it's nowt to be shocked about, the blokes a wanker

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That is such a brilliant and heart-felt video. It's great to see those wrestlers doing something so incredible. Goldberg seems like such a nice and genuine guy, what he did is inspiring.


I read in Bret Hart's book that Scott Hall kept a dying boy once waiting years back when he was in the WWE. The boy was dressed like Razor Ramon and waited quiet sometime to one side with his family to meet Scott and In the end he didn't bother meeting the boy. Sounds like Scott Hall is an egotistical arrogant prick.


Just to defend myself, I can't see anything wrong with having passion for the job your doing and putting that passion over something like money when you are all ready a millionaire, I think it's a small slap in the face to wrestling fans who would love to see a wrestler return but what's stopping them is either their ego or money or both. Some things are more important than money. I understand wrestling is a business but when your a millionaire already it just seems sometimes wrestlers don't have their priorities straight. Just my opinion.

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Just to defend myself, I can't see anything wrong with having passion for the job your doing and putting that passion over something like money when you are all ready a millionaire, I think it's a small slap in the face to wrestling fans who would love to see a wrestler return but what's stopping them is either their ego or money or both. Some things are more important than money. I understand wrestling is a business but when your a millionaire already it just seems sometimes wrestlers don't have their priorities straight. Just my opinion.

Yep - things like good health..... which could be lost in a split second by returning to wrestling.


Saying 'some things are more important than money' doesn't even make sense in the context of your argument anyway.  If he was going to return, it would be for money. it's a point you would make if you were taking the exact opposite view from what you're arguing.


In the real world, his priorities are just right. He doesn't owe anyone anything. When you paid to see him or buy his merch or whatever, you got your entertainment in return - as a fan, it doesn't give you a hold on him for life because of it!


I would've liked to see him return too, but you have to be able to seaparate reality from the fantasy of wrestling fandom.

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Very classy move from Goldberg and the other wrestlers, seeing how much it touched some of them for them to be fighting back tears whilst speaking to the camera shows they are a good bunch deep down, no matter what stories you may hear about some of them. Saying that it also shows what a prick Hall is if he refused to even sign the card, especially after the amount of people who pulled together to help him in his time of need. I hope Danny all the best with this too and hope for a miracle that he gets past this, it is a heart breaking story hearing it's terminal and realising he's only celebrating his sixth birthday too.

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Just to defend myself, I can't see anything wrong with having passion for the job your doing and putting that passion over something like money when you are all ready a millionaire, I think it's a small slap in the face to wrestling fans who would love to see a wrestler return but what's stopping them is either their ego or money or both.

You need more than a small slap in the face, you worthless fucking idiot. And that "Scott Hall" story was actually about Ultimate Warrior.

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Just to defend myself, I can't see anything wrong with having passion for the job your doing and putting that passion over something like money when you are all ready a millionaire, I think it's a small slap in the face to wrestling fans who would love to see a wrestler return but what's stopping them is either their ego or money or both.

You need more than a small slap in the face, you worthless fucking idiot. And that "Scott Hall" story was actually about Ultimate Warrior.


There was a similar story about Scott Hall as well, in Bret's book. For what that's worth
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