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Wrestling cliches with little thought put into them


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Anyone who ever uses the phrase 'in-ring product'. I seemed to hear this a lot a few years back with TNA fans claiming that TNA had a better in-ring product than WWE.


What phrase would you instead of 'in-ring product' to describe a company's in-ring product?


People who use "awesome workrate" to describe a wrestler who uses a top-rope piledriver as a rest-hold.

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He did a Snake Pit with Hogan and DDTed him but got cheered too much or something.




Seriously though, it goes to show the star power they had way back when to not put the belt on Jake. Crack habit and having a transitional move like a DDT as a finisher aside, he'd have had 10+ runs with the belt during the PG SUX era.


Not a clich

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Sorry Carbomb, that was my terrible attempt at humour hinting at people like Fin Martin who preach against wrestlers using moves that were once legitimate finishers as transitional moves. It was a tongue in cheek post really. I definitely agree that a lot of moves have been watered down too much these days but I guess that's just how it is.

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Sorry Carbomb, that was my terrible attempt at humour hinting at people like Fin Martin who preach against wrestlers using moves that were once legitimate finishers as transitional moves. It was a tongue in cheek post really. I definitely agree that a lot of moves have been watered down too much these days but I guess that's just how it is.


Ah, I see! No bother, I should've spotted it really.


Has anyone ever done a better DDT than Jake? It's always so final for me in a way that no others have been.


Oddly, I always thought Lita's was quite good, with the swinging leg.

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Arn Anderson's had a great snap to it. My favourite. Best spinebuster by a mile too.


One of the most beautifully executed wrestling moves ever. That one in the Undertaker-Flair match at Wrestlemania was something else. Speaking of Undertaker and DDT's, I always liked his running DDT.

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Arn Anderson's had a great snap to it. My favourite. Best spinebuster by a mile too.


One of the most beautifully executed wrestling moves ever. That one in the Undertaker-Flair match at Wrestlemania was something else. Speaking of Undertaker and DDT's, I always liked his running DDT.


As a 12 year old who had never heard of or seen Arn Anderson in his life before, that spinebuster still amazed me and made me pop for a guy I'd never seen before. It truly is perfect. Bobby Roode is the only one who came close.

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Anything near a piledriver is a finish to me. Pisses me off when it's not.


Couldn't agree more. I remember being a young fan and seeing Perry Saturn on he receiving end of a botched neckbreaker and he had to be stretchered out. For the next six months the neckbreaker was the hottest move in wrestling for me. Anything half credible working the neck or head should be a gamechanger in my eyes. There's no need for all these finisher-near falls watering down moves. Once or twice a year is fine but any more and you're left with an Angle Slam where fans expect to see it kicked out of. The pedigree is the most protected move there is and look at the reaction it gets on the rare occasion it doesn't get a 3-count. The idea is to wear your opponent down to the point where he can't block or reverse your finisher and BAM you hit it for the victory.

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