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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Goldberg aside, Strowman probably owned that Raw. That match had to be his finest moment yet, surely. I really like the Zayn angle too, hopefully that'll get a really decent match out of him.


Btw, did anyone else notice Dana fucked up the finish of her match with Bayley? She was clearly supposed to get her feet up on the ropes for a dirty win but her stumpy legs couldn't reach that far and everybody was confused.

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Was that Torrie Wilson next to Goldberg's missus? 

I streamed Raw during work but had to miss the promo due to a call.  I thought it would suck until I seen these comments. Just wow! Obviously you could see how moved he was, and how happy at how it went, but I think his clear surprise made it what it was. 


Could this be the best part-time, old-time return since....? 

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I watched the Goldberg return again. I enjoyed it even more the second time because a) I wasn't nervous it would bomb and b) I didn't have the shit in my mouth from the rest of the show.


I was nearly in tears watching it. A proper big frog in my throat and my eyes welling up. Firstly because it was just such a great moment. Goldberg seemed proper choked, the people he was interacting with seemed delighted and his missus at the end just seemed overjoyed. That was beautiful. The other reason is exactly as DavidB describes above. The realisation that wrestling is never going to be this good again made me die inside. I genuinely could have cried when that thought hit me.


I fucking love Goldberg. I always have. From the moment I saw the big bastard, I just thought "wow". He's the real prototype. I've never stopped loving him either. Never understood any of the thick as shit people who thought he couldn't work, or that it mattered one iota. Never understood how WCW could be so utterly fucking stupid as to mess up what they had with him. They deserved to die for that alone. Never understood why Vince didn't go harder for him in 2001. The cost was high but they had at least three mega-money matches with Steve Austin as well as The Rock, HHH, Undertaker, etc. Then never understood why when they finally got him (and lost Austin), they didn't suck him off as hard as he demanded for the next five years. Madness. But he's back now. Lap it up.

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In a weird way, I think Goldberg suffered from Austin's retirement and the rock going very part time. If both had been about he would have more likely been in feuds involving them, or atleast a lomger one ity the rock. instead he was left with a very insecure radioactivity large HHH, and that led to summerslam where I don't think he did anything with much enthusiasm after that

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Big surge in ratings aswell from a 1.9 to a 2.2


Which is good cause we all know how much the wwe care about the ratings.didnt realise how bad raw was doing lately. Doing less now them what nitro was doing when it shut down

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Pff, fuck that.


Ryback would actually look pretty tiny compared to Goldberg wouldn't he? Ryback's ripped but he's still not all that big

Edited by sj5522
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That's because we don't watch TV like we used to in 2001 as it's been mentioned many times.

As far as eye openers go, "big surge in ratings aswell from a 1.9 to a 2.2" is a mental sentence, though.

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'Not watching TV like we used to' isn't any good to WWE, though. They got their big network deal by selling themselvs as TVR-proof, and as being ATV content in the same way live sports are.


Even if their ratings consolidate massively over a +7 period, it'll still be terrible for them.

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I know this discussion has happened a gazillion times before but aren't ratings shares anyway?


Of all the people actually watching TV, way less people are watching etc.

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Not really. If you're going to compare them you have to look at the number of people watching rather than ratings. A 2.0 now would be well above a 3.0 in the early 2000s.

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Don't be thinking big Trips hasn't noticed this, he will have his paws all over Goldberg soon, you wait, next weeks Raw will see Hunter try and stop the match or something and we will get him vs Goldberg in an Authority type angle.

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Don't be thinking big Trips hasn't noticed this, he will have his paws all over Goldberg soon, you wait, next weeks Raw will see Hunter try and stop the match or something and we will get him vs Goldberg in an Authority type angle.


"You see the thing is, Goldberg, I've ended your kind. I've built an empire on the burial ground of WCW. I've sent back shadows from the past. I put an end to Sting's WrestleMania dream. And by god, Goldberg if the coffin needs one more nail then I'll be more than happy to drive it in this Sunday."


Slap on a stupid skull king entrance and whatever Metallica song Triple H just found out about. It's all too real, isn't it?

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