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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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For me, the best thing since "cum-sucking gutter slut."

I actually had to look that up, I wasn't watching wrestling at the time. How the fuck did they allow that to happen??
Live TV, kinks hadn't been worked out, no scripting, Hemme being brilliant. I still crack at King and JR's reaction. Edited by WWFChilli
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For all the praise he gets for NXT, he seems oblivious to the fact that new heels end up floundering after a needless Cena win.


The Cena win just makes stupid teens and stupider adults cry. It doesn't ruin his opponents. What ruins them is doing nothing after a Cena feud. When WWE's philosophy is that you're either feuding with Cena or you're trading stakeless wins with Ziggler and Cesaro, everyone coming out of a Cena rivalry is going to move onto something shit, win or lose.


Don't know anything about HHH/DUNN but if true surely HHH would have a word with the old man about his proteges getting killed in their first big feud out of NXT?



Yes, HHH is probably fuming about Kevin Owens' treatment since he's been on the main roster. Or at least he would be if he was a clueless idiot.


I thought Undertaker looked shite again and his promo was the shits. He doesn't seem to be making any effort with his appearance for this run, which is a shame for a smoke and mirrors gimmick guy like him. He was pulling mad eccy faces during the pull-apart as well. I thought the whole thing fell a bit flat but apparently I was the only one.


Undertaker's an odd one though. When did he last not look completely terrible? He was doing that awful balding goth tranny look for years, and he looked even worse when he finally gave up the ghost and got the haircut. Similarly, his facial hair choices have been exclusively atrocious for a long time too. There's just something so odd about his appearance. He's too aged to pull off the magic scary S&M man character. He doesn't look scary, he quite often looks like he's suffering from dementia. Even his skin doesn't fit him properly, his face and head and neck are so weird.


But even with that, that brawl was fucking brill. Two huge names putting the work in to sell the match in an exciting manner. So much better than Brock Lesnar being scared of a pyro effect or static on the tron.

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LOL constructive as always. Not the first to die a death and Owens won't be the last. The loss does more damage in the long term and it's nigh on impossible to get anyone to care if you don't beat Cena. One feud loss every few years to give a newbie a chance wouldn't do him or the merch sales any harm and it might just give them a chance at building someone to replace their flogged horse.

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The problem's more that Owens has nothing to do afterwards. If they kept him strong by dragging Ambrose away from the Wyatt abyss and giving them a strong feud with Ownes gettin his hand raised in the end he'd still have momentum. It's just that he's circling the drain now with nothing seemingly on the horizon. Well, maybe a three way feud with Cesaro and Rusev, but Cesaro needs wins to regain momentum as does Rusev so it's lose/lose/lose and trade/trade/trade.

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Agree that's an issue. But he's lost the big feud to have in WWE which conditions you to expect a nothing feud. No rub, no title, it will just be another midcard nothing feud and the amount of work to make him relevant when they next decide to move him up the card has proved beyond them so far with Ryback, Wyatt and Rusev.


Rusev is turning shit into gold without much help from creative but it's early days.

Edited by Suplex Sinner
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I wouldn't say no rub, sinner. Getting a clean win on your first night in over Cena and having Cena have to exhaust everything he has to eke a victory out of you is a pretty big rub. But again, it means nothing if you've nothing to do afterwards. Even if he won the feud ender and won the US title he'd be in the same position he's in now. Staring down the barrel of going 50/50 (or 33.33333/33.33333/33.33333) with Cesaro and Rusev only with it being for the US title.

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Fwiw, I think Owens would be way more adept at surfing around the midcard than guys like Sheamus, Ziggler, Rusev. The intrigue surrounding his promos would most likely be enough to sell whatever feuds, much more than like an Orton/Sheamus could ever do. Like people have said, an Ambrose feud is in itself drool-worthy. There's few about, not including currently NXT people, who you think "wow, they've gotta feud"

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