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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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I initially thought the Walker who walked through the flames was Benjen. Suuuuurely, he has to pop up eventually?


Depends where he is and what he's doing... 

Benjen's still ranging, Blackfish is still pissing, RIckon & Asha are still walking, Gendry's still rowing....

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I did love the 4 horsemen imagery and the raising of the dead at the end, but are white walkers scared of water!? One row boat and they didn't chase it down.


Jon's sword (Longclaw) is made of Valyrian steel and was the previous Lord Commander's sword (Jeor Mormont, Jorah's dad).  Now we know that Valyrian steel can kill the walkers it's probably worth noting who else we know has some - Brienne and Joffrey has swords forged from Ned Stark's Ice, and I presume Tommen now has Joffrey's one? Also I think the dagger Little Finger has from Season 1 (the one used to attack Bran) is Valyrian steel, but it hasn't been mentioned since.  I@d imagine some of the other big house's have one that we just don't know about yet (I'm thinking particularly the Martell's in Dorne)


To be fair, they probably realised that they couldn't outswim a row boat.


I think there are meant to be around 200 Valyrian steel weapons in Westeros, which in the grand scheme of things still isn't much. I think most houses of note have a Valyrian weapon. The Lannister's were the most notable that didn't have one, as it was lost a long time ago. Now of course, they have (or had) two.




I initially thought the Walker who walked through the flames was Benjen. Suuuuurely, he has to pop up eventually?


Depends where he is and what he's doing... 

Benjen's still ranging, Blackfish is still pissing, RIckon & Asha are still walking, Gendry's still rowing....



Hehe, I forgot about Gendry! God knows where he's ended up on that boat. I doubt we'll ever see him again. But I agree than surely Benjen has to pop up somewhere.

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I did love the 4 horsemen imagery and the raising of the dead at the end, but are white walkers scared of water!? One row boat and they didn't chase it down.


To be fair, they probably realised that they couldn't outswim a row boat.



Maybe, but with that many Wildlings trying to get in the row boats in a panicking crush some probably died in the water but weren't raised and some of the ones on land definitely had bows and arrows but made no attempt on the boat which wasn't exactly rowing hard to get away.  I might just have been tired and grumpy last night!





Jon's sword (Longclaw) is made of Valyrian steel and was the previous Lord Commander's sword (Jeor Mormont, Jorah's dad).  Now we know that Valyrian steel can kill the walkers it's probably worth noting who else we know has some - Brienne and Joffrey has swords forged from Ned Stark's Ice, and I presume Tommen now has Joffrey's one? Also I think the dagger Little Finger has from Season 1 (the one used to attack Bran) is Valyrian steel, but it hasn't been mentioned since.  I@d imagine some of the other big house's have one that we just don't know about yet (I'm thinking particularly the Martell's in Dorne)


I think there are meant to be around 200 Valyrian steel weapons in Westeros, which in the grand scheme of things still isn't much. I think most houses of note have a Valyrian weapon. The Lannister's were the most notable that didn't have one, as it was lost a long time ago. Now of course, they have (or had) two.



I'll take your word for it, I don't know - I think the one's I mentioned are the only confirmed ones but may be wrong.


I'd expect some of the major houses to have them, or some of the renown military commanders (Randyll Tarly perhaps) but neither the Lannisters nor Baratheons had one before acquiring Ned's and together they were the royal family.  Similarly, if the Tyrells had one I'd have thought Loras would have it and it might have been dropped into conversation somewhere, perhaps when Joffrey was showing his off to Margery. Likewise, if the Greyjoys had one I'd have expected Yara to take it when she went to rescue Theon last year.  Of the other current big houses, Bolton have only recently got any status but the Dornish are definitely up to something.  And Dany has dragons, she can't have all the cool weapons.  I don't doubt there are some more I just don't know where.

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Throne cast last night was saying who had one and who doesn't, and that there is thought to be 200 in existence scattered around.

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I didn't see Thronecast.  There are 9 listed on the wiki page:



If the big houses have them I think it would be fairly common knowledge as it would be a big bragging/status thing.


Not that it matters in the slightest really, this is a bit of an unnecessary tangent.


Back on the subject of last night's episode, I've just remembered what else bugged me - as much as I liked the Cersei stuff, what's happening to Margery and Loras in their cells?  The contrast of how Margery and Cersei deal with being held could be quite good given the way they've been storied as rivals.

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I'm expecting them to be able to forge new Valyrian Steel, I'm guessing they'll need Dragon fire to do it or something as we know fire and dragon glass can both kill them and the Targaeryn's of Valyria are the Dragon borns. But aye, bit of a Tangent.


The only minor pedantic annoyance about last episode was how that woman wildling died, they definitely weren't her kids as they were all decomposed and shit so why did she just let them attack her when she's meant to be a savage warrior and had just shown herself as a very adept fighter.

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It's not exactly killing if they're very clearly already dead and the only other outcome is going to be them killing you and you not seeing your kids again, I get the obvious its still kids thing but it's still backwards logic.

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I was sort of glad she got killed. I hate when established shows introduce new characters so strongly in one episode. Like when that new couple suddenly appeared in Lost. Plus I could do without another Jon Snow/Wildling romance, which is where I was sure it was going.

Edited by SpursRiot2012
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I was sort of glad she got killed. I hate when established shows introduce new characters so strongly in one episode. Like when that new couple suddenly appeared in Lost. Plus I could do without another Jon Snow/Wildling romance, which is where I was sure it was going.

Yeah, glad she died. Her acting was bad. "What would our ancestors say? Fuck them - they're all dead lol"


Like one of those Latino bitches with attitude who drove the helicopter in Avatar. They always overact & have shit one-liners.



Edited by herbie747
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I thought she put in a strong performance, especially the bit when she died. The fact that a nothing character mattered in the mere 15 mins or so she existed on screen is a testament to her portrayal.


But yeah, as SpursRiot said, can do without another Jon Snow romance though so that's one saving grace.

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It's not exactly killing if they're very clearly already dead and the only other outcome is going to be them killing you and you not seeing your kids again, I get the obvious its still kids thing but it's still backwards logic.

I think it was more she was frozen in terror and horror at the sight of them. It worked for me.

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