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Best comedy Wrestlers/wrestling


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I was watching the genius that was Les Kellett and made me think about all the great comedy performers!

so who was the best? who had your sides splitting? who tries to be funny and fails?


for me the greatest comedy match of all time is this beauty Les Kellett v Leon Arris. The way they engage a audience is amazing!


i have loads of people and matches i want to mention, managers count too or even comedy comentry

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Regal & Tajiri were an awesome comedy couple from what I remember.


JC Thunder back when I used to watch IPW:UK had some great promo's on his search for his first win. THE STREAK STARTS HERE!

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Regal's probably my favourite modern one. Especially as a babyface. He said on AOW before that he loves doing the cheating comedy as a face because it's like an injoke with the crowd and they "go along" with him.


Chuck Taylor I cannae bare though. Horrid.

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JC Thunder back when I used to watch IPW:UK had some great promo's on his search for his first win. THE STREAK STARTS HERE!


The JC Thunder storyline is probably the best thing IPW:UK have ever done, and is possibly one of the best wrestling storylines ever, no joke. To plausibly book a jobber with literally nothing but losses in a slow-build storyline which culminates in him winning the title in his first ever win - that was a pure work of wrestling art.

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It was a masterstroke. I traversed London on the train after the Heineken Cup final at Twickenham to get to Orpington halfway through the show, just so I could be there for JC winning the belt. It's one of those once-in-a-lifetime things where they just managed to book a throwaway guy perfectly, make everyone care about him more and more, then execute his big push perfectly.


But yeah, JC as a comedy jobber was ace. My favourite example was the mostly dreary Frontiers of Honour 2, where he was booked in a World of Sport match (against Nigel McGuinness, possibly?). He came out and cut a promo saying he didn't know what World of Sport was, but because he was so determined to start THE STREAK~!, he Googled it, found out that it was a sportswear shop in Croydon, drove there, and had a lengthy and inspirational talk with the bemused Indian owner who gave him some invaluable match-winning advice. Superb.

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One of my favourite comedy matches is from ROH The Final Showdown - Samoa Joe vs. Jack Evans vs. Delirious vs. Ebetaroh (Kikutaro).


I used to be a fan of comedy Cabana but much prefered him serious after his feud with Homicide.


The Brahmans are entertaining in BJW with their unusual deathmatch style


The Osirian Portal had some fun moments as well

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Rock in his pomp of 98/99 - Undertaker 33 pound head schtick - also Rock in the 2003 Hurricane segments. At one stage when Coach trys to interview him, and he tells him to go away and wash his ass.

Regal just in general. Subtle and not so subtle mannerisms make him a king as well. You can tell Regal was brought up on British humour and loves to take the piss outer himself as well.

Jericho when he first turned baddie with his conspiracy theory, greenberg, little trooper etc...

I always found The Model with his face expressions and commercials were quailty as well.

Santino when he first started his gimmick.

Scott Hall with his little jibes in his prime, same with Pillman.

Austins initial "What" stuff.

I have never found DX or Kevin Nash funny at all. To me they try to hard to be cool and funny. Sublety is king to me when it comes to humour. Thats why Arthur Daley is the funniest charachter to ever grace british tv screens.


The thing with wrestling is when they write comedy segments they are often horrible and forced. But yet when they write little segments with little bits of humour in with the right charachters they are classic.

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