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That's the kind of thing you'd imagine would be very useful for most TV promotions.


I can imagine from a company point of view when you're laying out the shows rather than watching as a fan, you might miss just how stale and unappealing so many wrestlers get to much of the TV audience - especially the kind of guys who are of a level that they still get good reactions from live crowds who are excited to see them in person.

Edited by Benno
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Problem is that you'd probably end up with skewed results anyway, because the only people who'd take the surveys would most likely be those who spend a lot of time online. Very often those online who are passionate enough to want to fill in a survey want very different things compared to the casuals who make up the majority of TNA's audience (such as it is), and who probably can't be arsed to show their preferences beyond the usual crowd reactions.

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The 'casuals' don't even know TNA exists for the most part.

Wonder if that's true. Pretty certain most casuals don't watch TNA or care about it. It'd be some achievement though for a company that has had a wrestling show on a prime TV channel for many years if wrestling fans have never heard of them.
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The 'casuals' don't even know TNA exists for the most part.


They knew they existed when they got big numbers for the debut Monday Night show on Spike. 


Fans know they exist it's a company that's been going for over 10 years, it's just the company is rotten from the very top and fans don't buy into the bullshit Dixie Carter continues to sell. Survey's are pointless while Dixie is running the place.

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I know it's not exactly what Carbomb is saying, but this idea you shouldn't give at least some weight to the opinions of people "on the internet" when the biggest company in the world has mortgaged their future on an internet network, is getting more and more dated.


I mean take it with a pinch of salt considering some of the "IWC" loons that are out there, but it's still useful data.

Edited by Benno
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Copy and paste your results if you do the survey. I'd like to know what people think of Crazzy Steve.


As Crazzy Steve stands at present (Survey is probably at 10% completion at present (about 35 done, would like 384 to make it statistically sound) 

  Familiar (%) 44 

  Like a Lot  0%

  Like a little 11.1

  neither like nor dislike 11.1

  Dislike a litte 14.8

  Dislike a lot 7.4

  R+ Score 0

  R- Score 16.8


As it stands he should be a heel, his R- score isn't drastic enough to get him the fuck out. His familiarity would be on a par with Bobby Walker in WCW.

Edited by Great Bear Promotions
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I know it's not exactly what Carbomb is saying, but this idea you shouldn't give at least some weight to the opinions of people "on the internet" when the biggest company in the world has mortgaged their future on an internet network, is getting more and more dated.


I mean take it with a pinch of salt considering some of the "IWC" loons that are out there, but it's still useful data.


I agree there should be some weight - after all, it's the internet hardcores who spend the most money per person on merch and specialist stuff. It's just that the numbers they comprise are not great enough to warrant setting so much store by their opinions as the future direction of the company is concerned; such a strategy is not likely to draw you many more in terms of the same type of fan, especially when RoH seems to command a much larger and much more loyal percentage of that market.

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I've done the survey, which is a good idea, but don't think you've got appropriate groupings for the "How often do you watch Impact" question, jumping from "Most weeks" to "Never".


I would guess there are a lot (well, you know...) of people that check it out every now and then, somewhere between once a month or a few odd times a year. They are the ones that make up TNA's main potential fanbase and would provide the key answers - those who know it exists, have some interest, but still don't bother most weeks.


I fall into that category, and will tune in maybe 4-5 times a year to see a relaunch, a big match or something that has been reported as worth seeing, but don't see enough to stay interested.

Edited by Big Benny HG
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