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-Starts off with a brawl

-Ends with a new heel stable.


Same TNA as ever. Except the production has been lowered to the point where you'd think they were filming it in the arches in Albert Square.


Dixie: "We want it more reality based". Why not show us the reality of how incredibly low the attendances are? 

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I read that sales for Friday night's tapings are ok, but yesterday's and tonight's aren't.


Ok is just not acceptable though, not for the first time they look absolutely awful, would you want to go to a taping that looks like that?


Until the wrestling industry really starts to ask Dixie Carter serious questions on how she runs the company they'll continue to go through the same old. She's rotten and nobody has the balls to ask her why it's got this bad. 


Her time was up 5 years ago.

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