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TNA's TV is absolutely not worth covering anymore. I dont watch it anymore, but hearing about it sounds like its the same thing that always happens. The same angles they've always done featuring GMs and heel stables. Only with shitter wrestlers. I really hope Samoa Joe and Austin Aries leave. They are two of last wrestlers they have that I'd actually love to see elsewhere. Joe could really get back to his old form if he went back to ROH and went to New Japan, PWG and did the indies over here. AJ's enhanced his reputation so much. Its almost like people forget that its TNA sucking the live out of them that makes them poor unmotivated shadows of their former selves. Its tragic how Joe's career has went. I downloaded his ROH DVD recently and fuck me the guy was so good. So good I decided to watch that TNA DVD they brought out of him and the guy was amazing from 2005-07. If he's got an Indian summer left in him, its not going to happen working in front of dead crowds or empty buildings for TNA. I hope TNA lowball him and he leaves like Sabin, AJ, Shelley, Kaz and Daniels.

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It would be great to see Aries and Joe leave TNA. Whatever Aries is involved in, he just feels like a big deal and I'd love to see him over here and on the top US indies. As for Joe, it'd be fantastic but I think he will be with TNA for a while longer. I seem to remember reading that he had signed a contract around the start of the year when he was in a World title programme with Magnus.


Talking of Joe's feud with Magnus this year, it might have been TNA's last chance to offer something that the fans would be interested in. A remotivated Samoa Joe as Champion against a heel James Storm, Bobby Roode and a couple of other guys could have been some solid TV.

Edited by Sexy Dad
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TNA's TV is absolutely not worth covering anymore. I dont watch it anymore, but hearing about it sounds like its the same thing that always happens. The same angles they've always done featuring GMs and heel stables. Only with shitter wrestlers. I really hope Samoa Joe and Austin Aries leave. They are two of last wrestlers they have that I'd actually love to see elsewhere. Joe could really get back to his old form if he went back to ROH and went to New Japan, PWG and did the indies over here. AJ's enhanced his reputation so much. Its almost like people forget that its TNA sucking the live out of them that makes them poor unmotivated shadows of their former selves. Its tragic how Joe's career has went. I downloaded his ROH DVD recently and fuck me the guy was so good. So good I decided to watch that TNA DVD they brought out of him and the guy was amazing from 2005-07. If he's got an Indian summer left in him, its not going to happen working in front of dead crowds or empty buildings for TNA. I hope TNA lowball him and he leaves like Sabin, AJ, Shelley, Kaz and Daniels.


Those first few notes of the old theme tune and Samoa Joe returning at a New York show would blow the roof off the place more than just about every wrestler other than Bryan. I didn't realise until just then how much I want to see it happen.

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Joe and Aries would be great out on the indies, but Roode and Storm are the guys who need to get to WWE and find out just how far they can go.

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Those first few notes of the old theme tune and Samoa Joe returning at a New York show would blow the roof off the place more than just about every wrestler other than Bryan. I didn't realise until just then how much I want to see it happen.


Nah I'm not having that. I believe Punk would get a better reaction from the ROH fans.


I believe this may even happen once his contract expires.

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Those first few notes of the old theme tune and Samoa Joe returning at a New York show would blow the roof off the place more than just about every wrestler other than Bryan. I didn't realise until just then how much I want to see it happen.


Nah I'm not having that. I believe Punk would get a better reaction from the ROH fans.


I believe this may even happen once his contract expires.


I'm not going to lie, I forgot punk existed there. Top 3 then. Fuck it, even bring back Morishima for night 1. I havent watched ROH consistently for years, but I did love those days.

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It really is time to give up watching Impact for now. You can cut up the show by two thirds, extracting all the waffle & talking segments that go nowhere. I got my hopes up when a loser gets fired match this week between Aries & Joe meant one of them could get out but it ended in a no contest to set up an 8 man tag, first blood match as the shows main event. As a sidenote,

Then at the end of Impact, you had Dixie's group (which consists of her, EC3 & Spud) declaring war on MVP's group. I thought they were both feuding with Eric Young's group but now you've got a 3 way clusterfuck going on. There's no point in two heel factions feuding over the company, whoever wins/loses is going to do the same thing and abuse their power. I don't really get the deal with Dixie, does she think her character is over on TV because she keeps bringing it back or has being on TV gone to her head and she loves being in front of the camera now. And this weeks episode was the tenth anniversary of Impact. Forget doing anything special for it, they didn't even acknowledge it on air. What a missed opportunity.
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Dixie being all over TV is a major reason GFW exists. The Carters wouldn't sell to Jarrett and Keith unless they kept on Dixie as an on-screen character. Jeff rightly told them where to go.

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I've always thought the GFW thing is sort of a placeholder. If TNA and Spike re-sign with each other, it wouldn't stun me if Jarrett tries to buy them again. TNA haven't been able to find a regular place to run their shows for free. Surely the Carters cant take much more of all this money they are losing. Jarrett should buy TNA and transfer GFW into their time slot. The only thing TNA is worth is the TV contract, so if they re-sign with Spike Jeff should be all over it again. It would be the best for all involved if Jarrett buys it and just puts GFW on Thursdays and the Carters disappear. TNA is so dead. Even if they survive, its just a shit hole where nothing will ever happen with it.

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Wikipedia tells me Joe is 35. An Indian summer as Ian alluded to could still well be possible. He could easily have another 3-5 good years in him with a top promotion.


Joe doing the ROH/NJPW thing could be great, even Joe on NXT could be something. Wasn't he offered the Umaga gimmick originally? I wonder if WWE would now make him a decent offer or lowball him like they did with Styles.

Edited by the flananator
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I'll write about it more after i've watched this weeks Impact but i can't be the only person that enjoys Impact each week? I'm not saying it's the greatest show ever but there's plenty of good things and some good wrestlers and i just happily watch it every week.

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Joe doing the ROH/NJPW thing could be great


I would love to see them making up some twaddle that Joe is an NWA affiliated wrestler since he once went round Harley Race's house and told him he made the world's best chilli or something, and Joe could end up having those matches with Tenzan and Kojima that Rob Conway's been having. And if he got over in New Japan, shove him in there against Chaos or Bullet Club. I'd love to see Joe against Yano, Iizuka, Ishii, Anderson or Gallows in any kind of singles or tag scenario. Maybe even Fale.

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