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Favorite Rumble Matches


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So, having a conversation with a mate and we got talking about our favorite Rumble matches ever and also which matches outside the actual Rumble match were our favorites. I'd put it too a poll to find out our favorites, but there's obviously not enough options. So I'll keep a tally on everyones answers and keep updating this first post.


So in regards to the Rumble match itself, I find it hard to choose between 1992 & 2002. Both Rumbles were great for star power with 1992 just edging it.


1992 - Had possibly the best Roster ever. Legends such as Undertaker, Hogan, HBK, Slaughter, Piper, Flair...Skinner. It was the only rumble to have the title on the line, which made it seem so much more important. And you had the most perfect comentry ever delivered in a match with The Brain and Monsoon both on fire. I still think that at some point, everyone from this match will make the Hall of Fame. Well I'd bloody love if they did anyway.


2002 - Aside from the fact that every man and his dog, knew that Triple H would win this, towards the end of the match, they actually had me believing that Mr Perfect might pull of the upset, which was just great story telling on all parts. The pop for the Perfectplex on Angle was immense. This match also had possibly the greatest moment in Rumble history when Maven elimiated The Undertaker. The returns of Godfather, Goldust, Perfect and Venis, just added top this Rumble.


So after writing my thought down there, against my better judgement, I think the 2002 Rumble just edges it for me. Not the best, but its my favorite.




In regards to matches outside of the main event, there are tons to chose from.


Tag Classics such as The New Hart Foundation vs Orient Express from 1992 or the Rockers Vs Orient Express from 1991, Steiners Vs Beverly Bros or Bret & Owen Vs The Quebecers.


Some great IC title matches like the ladder match between Y2J & Benoit or Razor Ramon Vs Jeff Jarrett.


WWE/World title matches like Razor Vs Hart, Taker Vs Yokozuna, Bret Vs Diesel, HHH vs HBK in a last man standing match or Cena Vs Umaga in a classic.


For me Benoit Vs Angle takes it. Great match, possibly the best they had together which says something.



So I'm looking for your two picks. One favorite Rumble and one favorite undercard match. Remember, these dont have to be the best, just your favorites. Who am I to question anyone who prefers 1993 over 1992?

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Favourite Rumble match - 1992. The match that hooked me on the business for life. A seemingly endless parade of colour, with a great overall story, some brilliant smaller stories amidst it, and an unmatched roster. Fantastic commentary as mentioned, and with so many credible contenders to win THE belt (rather than to earn a shot at one of two belts), this was definitely the best one.


Favourite undercard match - 1991's Rockers vs Orient Express. Just so much fun. Years ahead of its time, with a finish that has to be seen to be believed.

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I loved the 2007 Rumble match, mostly for the end sequence with HBK and Undertaker obviously, but it featured a lot of cool shit that still holds up today, having watched it the other night. Notably, it was the first Rumble to feature ECW wrestlers (or Extremists as WWE called them then, ugh). They didn't have a significant impact on the match really, but they featured some fun moments. Sabu got chokeslammed through a table to the outside to get eliminated. Sandman is always a fond memory of this PPV, for his backstage segment picking his Rumble number, his superb delivery of, "like it matters", which turned out to be prophetic as he lasted all of 13 seconds, but he got to twat everyone with his cane and make his proper entrance, so I was happy. Rated RKO were pretty hot at the time, coming off a feud with DX, and Edge & Orton both put in solid shifts, as did a rookie CM Punk making his first Rumble appearance.


My favourite match would be Cena vs. Umaga also from the 2007 installment. You could be forgiven for thinking, then, that the 2007 Rumble was my favourite of the Rumble PPVs, but with pretty crap title matches like Batista/Kennedy and Lashley/Test, and a Hardys/MNM tag match that was only okay, it doesn't make the cut. My favourite overall Rumble PPV is 2005. Edge and HBK had a really fun opener, Taker pulled a miracle casket match out of Heidenreich, JBL/Angle/Show was a fun triple threat (Angle and Show in particular always work well in those. HHH vs. Orton was a bit average for those two, but was still a better title match than the aforementioned '07 debacles. Also, the '05 Rumble had London's SSP bump, Vince blowing his quads and Batista beginning his road towards Wrestlemania and mega stardom.

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Favourite Rumble match - 1992. The match that hooked me on the business for life. A seemingly endless parade of colour, with a great overall story, some brilliant smaller stories amidst it, and an unmatched roster. Fantastic commentary as mentioned, and with so many credible contenders to win THE belt (rather than to earn a shot at one of two belts), this was definitely the best one.


Agree. Doubt we will ever see a single match with so much star power involved.


As far as the undercard goes, Bret and Owen vs the Quebecers in 1994 was a favourite of mine.

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Favourite Rumble match - 1992. The match that hooked me on the business for life. A seemingly endless parade of colour, with a great overall story, some brilliant smaller stories amidst it, and an unmatched roster. Fantastic commentary as mentioned, and with so many credible contenders to win THE belt (rather than to earn a shot at one of two belts), this was definitely the best one.


Favourite undercard match - 1991's Rockers vs Orient Express. Just so much fun. Years ahead of its time, with a finish that has to be seen to be believed.


Spot on. Same for me. Best Rumble PPV as a whole I'd probably go for 2000. Triple H vs Cactus and the Dudleys-Hardys table match were both really fun, Tazz' debut was very well done, short, lots going on and opened the show with a bit of an impact You had the Jericho-Holly-Chyna match as a bit of inoffensive filler and the Rumble itself was pretty good.


Oh and Mae Young's tits. If that floated your boat.

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Well considering Rockers/Orients is my favourite match ever, it shouldn't be much of a shock to find it's my favourite Rumble match ever!


1992 for the Rumble match itself. Obviously. Predictability aside, 1991 was a lot of fun also, and I'll always stick up for the fun of 1993 in the face of almost universal hate.


For event as a whole, it's 1991, but I do agree with the above post that 2000 was particularly good from top to bottom.

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I loved the Benoit vs Angle match. 2003 maybe. Rockers vs Orient too but that should be a given to most. Foley vs HHH in 2000 was good and the I Quit from 99 was what got me back into wrestling after 6 or 7 years away from it.


The 1992 Rumble was spectacular and I enjoyed the 2001 Rumble with all the hardcore action and Kane's dominance.

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1992 for the Rumble match itself. Obviously. Predictability aside, 1991 was a lot of fun also, and I'll always stick up for the fun of 1993 in the face of almost universal hate.


What universal hate? There will always be a place in my heart for Bob Backlund's awesome performance, admittedly dampened somewhat by Randy Savage attempting a fucking pinfall.

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1992 for the Rumble match itself. Obviously. Predictability aside, 1991 was a lot of fun also, and I'll always stick up for the fun of 1993 in the face of almost universal hate.


What universal hate? There will always be a place in my heart for Bob Backlund's awesome performance, admittedly dampened somewhat by Randy Savage attempting a fucking pinfall.


You know what. I always loved this Rumble as a kid and never really twigged on to the lack of star power until I watched it again as an adult. Never bothered me as a kid though and I was always amazed by Backlunds performance and was a massive Yokozuna fan ever after the Rumble. I never really thought too much into Macho's going for the pin at the end either, as a kid I always put it down to him being knacked, dazed and confused and that he had been playing on Wrestlefest a bit too much.

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Royal Rumble 2000 was my first proper WWF PPV experience. I remember looking at Cactus Jack prior to the bell ringing and think he was legitamtely danergous and capable of anything. The match is a barnstormer, and everything a main event should be. MSG. Excellent commentary. Blood and gore that was built to. The younger champion coming out of it looking like an absolute killer, with the loser still looking strong enough for a rematch a month later. Awesome.


Plus you had the tag tables match from that show too, including that excellent shot of his pov from the balcony.


Now I want to go and rewatch that whole show.

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1992 for the Rumble match itself. Obviously. Predictability aside, 1991 was a lot of fun also, and I'll always stick up for the fun of 1993 in the face of almost universal hate.


What universal hate? There will always be a place in my heart for Bob Backlund's awesome performance, admittedly dampened somewhat by Randy Savage attempting a fucking pinfall.


You know what. I always loved this Rumble as a kid and never really twigged on to the lack of star power until I watched it again as an adult. Never bothered me as a kid though and I was always amazed by Backlunds performance and was a massive Yokozuna fan ever after the Rumble. I never really thought too much into Macho's going for the pin at the end either, as a kid I always put it down to him being knacked, dazed and confused and that he had been playing on Wrestlefest a bit too much.


Thats pretty much what I thought too, 1993 the event itself is fairly decent, Steiners mauling the Beverly Brothers, Michaels vs Janetty and Bret Hart vs Razor Ramon are both really good matches. The Rumble match is decent, not the greatest, but not the worst... but because of the pinfall attempt and Giant Gonzalez it'll always be looked at unfavorably.

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Favourite Rumbles were 1991, 1997 and 2001. Besides the whole Austin/Hart gig running through the 1997 Rumble match, one thing that has always stuck out in my head is Terry Funk's entrance. No music, and his swagger of just being a hard cunt before he enters the ring.

My favourite Rumble undercard was 2001's.

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Always liked the 93,94,95,96 WWF title matches for various reasons.


Giant Gonzales (93) role in the Rumble and Taker getting put in the casket (94) always stuck with me from my childhood.


1999 probably my favorite Rumble PPV on the whole.

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