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Just saw that Alex Zanardi has won gold in a cycling event at the Paralympics. Never even knew he was competing. Doesn't surprise me though. Everything you read about the guy says he is a fighter and competition is his life.

Did he ever make it to F1?

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Just saw that Alex Zanardi has won gold in a cycling event at the Paralympics. Never even knew he was competing. Doesn't surprise me though. Everything you read about the guy says he is a fighter and competition is his life.

Did he ever make it to F1?


Yes he raced for Jordan briefly in 1991, Minardi in 1992, Lotus in 1993 & 1994 and again Williams in 1999. Never made an impression in F1, his F1 stint is remembered a lot for his huge crash at Eau Rouge in 1993 in qualifying.


Him winning gold is a wonderful story and made my day when it happened.

Edited by windoesnot
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Alex Zanardi might be one of my favourite people in the history of sport. Comes back from an accident that no one could even dream of surviving after losing both of his legs and something like 3/4 of his blood at Lausitzring in a terrifying crash to race in touring cars, retires from motorsport and then decides he'd like to give hand cycling a try, almost wins the New York marathon at his first attempt and now wins Paralympic gold. He said a few weeks ago that if he won gold, he'd be looking for his next challenge and if reports are correct, he's got his eye on attempting to race at Indy next year in a modified car.


For a guy who was so talented, he always seemed to be in F1 at the wrong time. His US record speaks for itself though.


Hamilton to Mercedes might seem like a bit of a strange move, but Hamilton could probably do with a fresh start to give his career a kick. There's always that possibility of him 'doing a Schumacher' and taking Mercedes from the upper midfield to title winners. Alonso did it at Renault, I think Hamilton needs to do it too. I don't know if the rumour is true though, and if it is, I'd hope that Rosberg is swapping seats with him. For me, the money is still on Schumacher sticking around for at least another year with the option of a second. If Schumacher does leave, Hamilton will probably take the seat. Remember, Mclaren have to pay for their engines next year and have already said they can't match Hamilton's current deal. Throw in his demands of wanting to keep his own trophies and the tweets over last weekend, and signs point to him leaving relatively soon.

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What a nice story Zanardi is now he won gold, heartwarming stuff.


Sky Sports News made the point tonight that Lewis may go to Mercedes as the new regulations would favor manufacturers in 2014 due to engines. I would say Schumacher brought Ferrari up to title winners more than Bennaton for the record, at Bennaton he had the best car for the most of the 1994 season and 1995 season.


It took he and Ross Brawn years at Ferrari but when they got it right 2000-2004 speaks for itself, some years the domination was too much, you can argue after Mika left no one serious turned up until Alonso and Renault though. Kimi and McLaren never got it right despite coming close in 2003 and most years he had no one to seriously challenge him.

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Thanks. Never knew that. I was aware of his racing in the WTCC. What an amazing bloke. Will be great to see him racing competitively at the Indy 500.


Monza this weekend. Apparently Hamilton had to answer some awkward question at the Drivers press conference. Something that Alonso found entertaining.

Just watching the analysis of Grosjean's accident from last week. He really didn't give Hamilton any room. Bit of a comedy moment at the end, with the marshal chasing after an errant wheel. Can be seen on Skys F1 show.


The F1 show also covers the Carfest event. Carfest North is this weekend.


CarFest North - Cars - http://www.carfestnorth.org/Content/Cars/11/


Pretty cool Dakar Rally feature on Fifth Gear this week. Worth checking out.

Edited by BigJag
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I do wonder what Alonso would have managed if he hadn't had a problem with the rear of the car during Q3. They were alluding to the fact that Alonso felt a 23.5 was possible from him today which, had he managed it would have put him on pole by a long way. With Massa being so impressive, it does make you wonder whether Alonso could have stuck it on pole. He's always at his most dangerous when he's out of position and in a fight, so I'm expecting big things from him tomorrow to come fighting through the field.


Mclaren's long fuel runs didn't look fantastic yesterday. They were solid, but if yesterday's times are anything to go by then Mercedes are potentially leading the way and could be able to pull a bit of a surprise. Provided he has a clean race without any technical problems, Schumacher's looking pretty good for a podium finish, and I think he'll beat one of the Mclaren cars.


If you can, I highly recommend watching GP3 and GP2 tomorrow morning. The GP2 race was won today by Luca Filippi who hasn't competed in the category for a year for a variety of reasons, but he was utterly dominant. That title is still up for grabs with Valsecchi looking favourite to win after Razia failed to finish today. GP3 has drama galore as it's their final championship weekend (and also the last weekend for the current generation car). Championship leader Mitch Evans retired at the start of the race after a poor start and then damaged the steering by going over a kerb so he was unable to continue, which left Antonio Felix Da Costa looking as though he was going to take the championship lead until his car had a problem too. So neither of those guys scored points while Daniel Abt won the race and kept himself in contention ahead of the final race. Abt starts tomorrow's sprint race from 8th while Evans will be starting dead last. Abt needs a win and for Evans to not score any points. It's a slim chance, but it's possible...and it's going to be a great race!

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He's always at his most dangerous when he's out of position and in a fight, so I'm expecting big things from him tomorrow to come fighting through the field.


Mclaren's long fuel runs didn't look fantastic yesterday. They were solid, but if yesterday's times are anything to go by then Mercedes are potentially leading the way and could be able to pull a bit of a surprise. Provided he has a clean race without any technical problems, Schumacher's looking pretty good for a podium finish, and I think he'll beat one of the Mclaren cars.

Well you were right on the first point.


I am not sure if Perez would have gotten past Button if he had not retired or if Button would have caught Lewis, but over all other than Sauber, Mclaren got it right today strategy wise.


Mercedes just seem to lack race pace, whether that is down to the car or the drivers is open to debate. Rosberg had a nightmare of a start and Schumi when lacking pace did show he still has some fight left in him when he blocked Alonso for a good few laps.


Perez is a fantastic driver, out of the young guns I think he is the best ahead of both Force India drivers, Romain and Pastor. His preservation of tires is top notch and he can push as well.


I am amazed that Kimi is only one point down from Lewis, quietly Kimi must pick up points in every race whilst not being spectacular. I mumbled to myself that Kimi was over hyped during today's race, but I cannot argue that he is still right up there in the driver standings. Red Bull had a terrible weekend, after Vettel dominating last year its nice that the race is closer this year.


All in all though I am just chuffed Lewis won and the gap is down to 37 points.

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