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Raw Discussion 12th March 2012


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Because of the time difference, I am actually slightly tempted to have a nap now and watch this live tonight and risk the after-effects of fragmented sleep at work tomorrow, just because knowing my internet I won't actually get this ep downloaded properly till the day after if I wanted to and by then I'll have spoiled it for myself :( Here's hoping come 3am I'm not swearing at myself for sacrificing sleep in return for a shitty show.

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Hopefully they announce the Mr. Excitement vs Teddy Long team match too. I'm tempted to stay up as well.


They already did announce that today, a 12-man tag team match.


Unless of course, you meant the participants?


Well I meant the match cause I didn't know it had been announced! Didn't see it until you said and the I looked in the 'mania thread, but yay, a 12 man Tag Team Match will be good and yeah I hope they announce the participants then :thumbsup: I just hope it gets the time Cole and Lawler got and not the time the Corre vs Kofi and that lot got last year.

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Rockaoke was absolutely dreadful. If John Cena was the one pandering to the crowd like that the internet would have exploded already. "Yay, we're in the great city of Cleveland. Clevelanders are great. This great city rocks! Sing it with me, Clevelanders. CLEVELAND CLEVELAND CLEVELAND!!! IF YA SMELLALELLALALELALLELLLALLLEAAALLL what Cleveland is coooking!" Fucking sickening. Rest was just typical Rock, "baby hermaphrodite etc.." I laughed at the Teletubby line, then he ran that into the ground within seconds, too.


But the rest of the show wasn't that great, either. I'm not happy HHH was benched so Shawn Michaels could cut a shit promo. Jericho vs Punk somehow managed to make their feud less interesting, "your daddy had demonz!!" Yeah, fascinating. Vickie's delivery was even more god-awful than usual. And to top it all off, Sky Sports sound was shite, genuinely inaudible at points.


There were a couple of bright points, though. We got our beloved Funkasauras back, Sheamus vs Ziggler was an alright wee match, Eve looked tidy, and the warring GM's story's picking up pace, I'm looking forward to seeing who gets added to the teams.



Really poor for a show this close to Mania. You know you've had an off night when the guy in one of your marquee matches manages to botch the date of the show by a good three weeks!

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Rockaoke was absolutely dreadful. If John Cena was the one pandering to the crowd like that the internet would have exploded already. "Yay, we're in the great city of Cleveland. Clevelanders are great. This great city rocks! Sing it with me, Clevelanders. CLEVELAND CLEVELAND CLEVELAND!!! IF YA SMELLALELLALALELALLELLLALLLEAAALLL what Cleveland is coooking!" Fucking sickening. Rest was just typical Rock, "baby hermaphrodite etc.." I laughed at the Teletubby line, then he ran that into the ground within seconds, too.


But the rest of the show wasn't that great, either. I'm not happy HHH was benched so Shawn Michaels could cut a shit promo. Jericho vs Punk somehow managed to make their feud less interesting, "your daddy had demonz!!" Yeah, fascinating. Vickie's delivery was even more god-awful than usual. And to top it all off, Sky Sports sound was shite, genuinely inaudible at points.


There were a couple of bright points, though. We got our beloved Funkasauras back, Sheamus vs Ziggler was an alright wee match, Eve looked tidy, and the warring GM's story's picking up pace, I'm looking forward to seeing who gets added to the teams.



Really poor for a show this close to Mania. You know you've had an off night when the guy in one of your marquee matches manages to botch the date of the show by a good three weeks!


Hindsite is a wonderful thing, but I would of loved it if Punk had dropped the title to Cena in the Chamber and go on to be the captain for Team Long, whilst Nash came back to be the captain for Team Lauringitus. Personally I think that would of capped off the fued and tied up various loose ends nicely.

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So all I got from Rock's concert was him reading lines off of his chord sheet then getting help from the tron and fucking that up to, Cena should definitely point this out next week. Eventually leading to Rock losing his shit and going all out, I want to see a hate-fueled brawl of brawls, with security guards and police, maybe add Vince into the mix. I dunno, Rock just sucks.

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Didn't enjoy the Rock Concert at all. Rock used to have a nice soulful voice but even his singing was shite. The gags were all recycled and the pandering to the crowd was vomit inducing. What a disappointment.


Enjoyed Cena going old school, it worked much better. Some of the content was a bit childish but I liked the Cena raps the first time roun so this would always appeal.


Brodus being back was a nice surprise. The black gear is disappointing though.


The Jericho/Punk feud took a desperate turn. If they'd gone down this route from the beginning, it wouldn't have been great but would have made sense. Bringing it up now id just admitting that you're desperate because this thing isn't catching on. Note to Vince, don't ask pro-wrestlers to do an acting job in the ring with camera in close. It never works.


HBK/Undertaker confrontation was terribly, terribly dull.


The TrendTracker backfired this week. You've got you big babyface in the ring on his way to WrestleMania and you announce to the audience that #1 trending topic is "Dolph Ziggler".


The wrestling saved this show big time.

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I thought this was a very good show, I LOVED both the Cena rap and The Rock Concert. Rock was the better of the two for the night, he was actually hilarious. Huge improvement over everything else he has done since The Survivor Series match. Undertaker messed up and said the wrong date for Wrestlemania, but other than that the whole segment was fine and I enjoyed it. This alcoholism stuff between Jericho and Punk was intense and I'm glad I've got something to sink my teeth into when watching now, becuase it sounds very interesting. Other than those main three parts though, all I have to say is that Jack Swagger is possibly the most boring high profile wrestler I have ever seen, Brodus Clay is getting old, and Johnny Ace getting shoved on his ass off the desk chair was gold.

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I didn't enjoy The Rock concert as much as I did Cena's schtick, but it did raise a few smiles. I thought Cena was incredible, as has been the case recently.


Jericho might as well have said 'I'VE GOT NO HEAT! THIS ANGLE ISN'T WORKING SO HERE'S A RE-WRITE!'. Going into a feud with a supposed veteran, i'm not sure that my feelings on CM Punk should be that he's been dragged down...badly.

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I thought John Cena looked ridiculous this week, more so than normal. Funny that the character he is potraying in the build up to this match is worlds apart from the goofy one minute, dead serious the next, babyface he has been for the last 6 years. Rock totally blew me away with his segment, the ending was superb. Up on the ropes at the end saying he was gonna kick Cena's ass in the biggest match of all time made it feel huge. Something Cena just doesnt have the abilty to do for me. Having Queen playing at the end of Raw with the crowd singing along is certainly a sight I never thought I'd see. Wonder what kind of entrance Rock might have at mania? What with the big production effort Cena and Trips get every year, I cant see them just playing his music and have him walk down.

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