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WWE Wrestlemania XXVIII Discussion Thread


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3 pages of hype? cmon... Fantasy stuff in overdrive. Often a lot of wrestlers at Mania, who coulda shoulda woulda etc.... If it comes off then great. Jizzing? Seriously watch Dave Rayne's next match at PCW :p

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Yeah you're right. Clearly WWE should be mining all the celeb bodyguards for new talent. I think Test what the Motley Crue bodyguard, am I right?



If Brock shows up at Mania, I'll go nuts but I'm sure he won't and everyone will have egg on their face. Perhaps we might get a promo video for him a la Goldberg at WM19.

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3 pages of hype? cmon... Fantasy stuff in overdrive. Often a lot of wrestlers at Mania, who coulda shoulda woulda etc.... If it comes off then great. Jizzing? Seriously watch Dave Rayne's next match at PCW :p


Has Fludder got you on the bloody payroll or something? Christ.

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Next year, Batista, Cena and Lesnar vs ...


Baldies United.

Right, if this doesn't happen, I'm digging out my passport, having the injections, taking my shirt off, having the neccessary tattoo's, coming up to the north east and battering the fuck out of IHH for getting my bastard hopes up!


Don't forget tassles, lots of tassles..brother.


Austin looks JACKED!

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The various pictures, rumours and fantasy spiel has got me so excited. I haven't watched wrestling for years but the last 3 pages have got me itching to order mania... I wont, however.


Baldies united ftw.

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according to meltzer batista is in miami being picked up by a WWE car. i don't get how him doing a run-in would make sense. perhaps he's coming in for Raw


he will be there for the HOF, to see Flair get inducted again

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I regret listening to Lance Storm and Alvarez this morning...


Anyway, Batista coming back is the wet dream all us chaps have had for nearly a couple of years. Lets hope he gets back on the juice and cuts his hair though. Not really arsed with Lesnar, unless he has Heyman to do his talking. Lesnar is well dull.


I'll chuckle if we end up getting that long rumoured Miz run-in though. Just in case, I'm dusting off my old Goldberg t-shirt. "We're taking over!".

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Has Fludder got you on the bloody payroll or something? Christ.


Nope, it was a literal thing, with so many people talking about jizzing if wrestler XYZ turns up at Mania, why not go the whole hog and really embrace the peversion and jizz at 4 men in a Bra and Panties match :laugh:

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