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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Surely the interaction with Connor would make Enzo a big enough star? The fans are already lapping up everything the lad says anyway.

It should elevate Enzo, but it might be too much of a leap right now. Maybe he'd be ready by January if they don't drop the ball with him




Jerry Lawler can't be a serious suggestion.

It was in response to who WWE had that could match him on the mic, not a serious suggestion for someone to run a feud with.

How could he match him on the mic? What could he possibly say that would intimidate Connor? I know Lawler can still go but it's ridiculous that he'd be able to make anything work with McGregor.


What I was serious about is Ambrose being a terrible choice. You want Connor to be Connor, to deride his opponent, verbally humiliate him. That plus the fact he'd be going over, you want some who is Teflon. Only one man for the job. Heath Slater (baby).

I think Ambrose could stand the verbal attacks just fine. Heath Slater isn't a serious suggestion is it? Why does Connor have to go over? I reckon he'd be happy to lose if paid enough.


The guy is a closet fan, he gets it. I think he is also smart enough to know losing a fake fight wouldn't damage his reputation as a real fighter at all. Diaz is going to do that for him anyway

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The idea of Cena seeming goofy around McGregor is what would make that the perfect dynamic imo. He's already been called out by Connor for being just that. We all know what Cena is by now - he's passionate, fairly cheesy, pretty sycophantic, none of us could be called his target market yet most with functioning brains respect the hell out of him.


Either that or just go straight up pro-wres; Big Show

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Lawler is an old pro with plenty of tricks. In the confines of fake wrestling, he's be as good a shout as anyone to match wits with McGregor on the mic. Cena is also a guy you can rely on not to shit the bed come the big moments.


We're only discussing talking here. Not them locking up.

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A McGregor/Rock standoff at Mania would be pretty special. A few verbal jibes, McGregor attacks Rock. Rock Bottom, Peoples elbow, We're all happy. Well not so much the MMA fans, but fuck them.

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The problem with that is that in this hypothetical scenario it wouldn't all be in the confines of fake wrestling, it would be shared all over Facebook and news sites with a huge number of non wrestling and non MMA fans being interested. So common sense dictates you need to pick a wrestler you want to expose to that audience. They already know Cena as the guy from those troll videos and Lawler would be an absolute joke.


It would be simple as fuck to book with Ambrose. Connor makes an advertised appearance to hype a UFC match on WWE TV. Before that he takes the piss out of a few wrestlers on Twitter, so you know someone is going to confront him. Then do something like Tyson/Austin with Tripple H playing the role of Vince. Big pull apart brawl with no one coming out the better. They both mouth off at the other in interviews for a while, with them daring the other to get in their ring. The only reason they can't is contracts or something. They can either leave it there or wait for McGregor's value in UFC to drop enough that he can work one or two wrestling matches.


The Rock would be special for a one off, but booking like that benefits no one long term. It would be a pointless segment in the grand scheme of things

Edited by UK Kat Von D
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The Rock would be special for a one off, but booking like that benefits no one long term. It would be a pointless segment in the grand scheme of things


Long term maybe, but it would be headline news for all the entertainment/sports sites and channels. A lot of main stream publicity for them.

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Cena pissed all over The Rock. He could hang with Conor no problem. I love Conor but if you stop him swearing, he's gonna bang on about how much money he makes or the other guy being on roids. He's not untouchable. I don't think he'd work at all in a WWE setting.

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Yeah I really don't think it's a given that Conor would work on the stick. Time constraints, much more varied audience, all those subtle little TV differences. They'd be having him scripted to bullet point at the least. The whole thing would be a lot more different than his usual thing of being some pikey dizzy on power like he's used the money cheat on GTA and has now realised he can buy alllll the fucking clothes.


And he aint eating no finishers from no top stars either. Nor should WWE put him over any top stars by himself clean. The only way I could see them making any sort of business is in a Tyson/Rousey type role where he muscles for a good guy to vanquish the baddies.

Edited by Gay as FOOK
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Yeah I really don't think it's a given that Conor would work on the stick.

I totally agree with this. Let's not get ahead of ourselves, that live crowd of 15 or 20,000 people staring and going "well go on, entertain me then" has made fools of people a lot more experienced than Conor. The issue is for those that know him from UFC, he has set the bar ridiculously high, how do you ever live up to that, and for those that don't know him, well they are just looking at a 170lb skinny Irish lad, which we already see week in week out in Finn Balor.


Cutting or at least carrying your share of a 10 minute live in ring promo is very different to a pre taped hype job or even a press conference to build up a UFC fight.

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I don't think Ambrose would look convincing enough in his brawling against McGregor, and that would bring the thing down a notch. I think you need someone who will go all out. He often has this flurry of pretty weak looking offence. Big Show chased Mayweather and that added to the whole thing immensely. Austin is very intense and him and McMahon played the Tyson angle greatly.

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Long term maybe, but it would be headline news for all the entertainment/sports sites and channels. A lot of main stream publicity for them.

Yeah that is true, but there is no follow up they can do with it. It is building momentum just to have it not matter within a week. How long did they benefit from Rousey hanging out with Rock for half an hour at Wrestlemania? For the amount of money it would cost to bring Conor in its just not worth


If he drops a line to Cena about being on steroids it is hardly going to make WWE look good in all the publicity. True or not it would be easy for outsiders to look at Cena and assume he is.


Cena and McGregor is just a mis-match. It would be shit. Just because Cena is the top guy and best promo doesn't automatically mean him and McGregor would have good chemistry like he Ambrose probably would

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Ambrose couldn't even have chemistry with Austin, bringing in a bigger name woud have him curled up in a corner crying into his last 4 strands of Homer hair.


You need charisma, realistic style, MMA experience in case He tried any shit, and sweet red leather pants. Nakamura is your man, and gets the Japanese market buying in to as they love their hybrid shit.

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Problem with Ambrose is he can't cut the promos or do the stuff he did on the Indies back in the Moxley days (or even FCW, the stuff he did with Regal was incredible). I think that's why a lot of it comes off as half-arsed now, it just doesn't work that well watered down, at least that's the case in my opinion. This comparison is a bit tired nowadays, but it's like they finally realized what Brian Pillman was doing twenty years later and have found a way to make it 'marketable'.

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I don't know if I consider that a problem, I've only seen one or two YouTube videos of him pre-Shield and that was when they were well established.


I did watch his podcast with Austin yesterday though and enjoyed his promo on Austin. Favourite part was how eager Austin was to get a comeback line on him. Funny as fuck that he couldn't let it go and needed to get that out before they moved on

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