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The Post A Pic Of Yourself Thread V2


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Better luck next time.




You must post a photo of yourself in a vest/sleeveless t-shirt, in a "badass" pose. You also need to hold a sign up that says "I ROBS DRUG DEALERS YO".


Good luck,






I know it wasn't addressed to me but why the fuck not?


PS it's a real M16 assault rifle, don't tell the pigs!

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Axe tucked in the pants too, nice work.


Oh,I always have that there, didn't even notice.


I'm a hard man! Do I win anything?

The right to give Trevor a custom name if he fails to pimp himself.


Trevor gets banned if he fails to pimp himself, PSL should get a name change on any poster of his choice.

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Well, I dunno by your screenname here, but if you know any of the Leicester bunch (Alexander, Tripp Hazzard, etc.) you might know me through that.


I am Tripp Hazzard. Who are you? I think we've both changed usernames.


(note for anyone confused: my username was never Tripp Hazzard, that was my gimmick name in the 6 shitty matches I had)


EDIT: Looked through the name change logs. Didn't recognise you from the picture.

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Bloody PSL beat me to it. I was excited about getting my gangsta on and posing with my chopper out.

I was going to do the same but I'm in the house by myself tonight so have no-one to take the photo. My Nerf handgun doesn't really match up to an M16 assault rifle anyway. :(

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Well, I dunno by your screenname here, but if you know any of the Leicester bunch (Alexander, Tripp Hazzard, etc.) you might know me through that.


I am Tripp Hazzard. Who are you? I think we've both changed usernames.


(note for anyone confused: my username was never Tripp Hazzard, that was my gimmick name in the 6 shitty matches I had)


EDIT: Looked through the name change logs. Didn't recognise you from the picture.


Sad face :(


I used to go to mountains of IPW:UK shows, made it up to the Danielson vs. Sabre (not) Triple X show, where I made a disgrace of myself, and nearly got knocked out by big Conscience. Generally hung out with Mighty LC, Catfish Jake, Hat Guy, and Gadge.

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Yeah, don't worry, we actually know each other and have been to loads of shows in the same group of people. The picture was from a funny angle. Sorry!


EDIT: I used to be C Dude on here. Just so you know who I am.

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