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UKFF Porn and General Filth Discussion


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Back in August popular Cameron Bay was shocked to learn that she tested positive for the HIV virus.

When Bay learned of her diagnosis, she released a statement to inform

the public, which ultimately led to the temporary suspension of the

adult film industry. The actresses boyfriend, Rod Daily, also tested

positive for the virus weeks later. Now, the couple hopes to use their

unfortunate circumstances to raise awareness regarding sexually

transmitted diseases and the adult film industry, the Huffington Post reports.

During a recent press conference organized by the AIDS Healthcare

Foundation, Bay and Daily, along with three other current and former

adult actors told reporters about the unsafe working conditions of the

p*rn industry. Bay tearfully told reporters the shocking tale of her

last shoot before testing positive. She revealed that her costar

actually began bleeding from his p*nis and he was not wearing a condom.

Bay went on to say that although the cameras stopped rolling

momentarily, the actors eventually continued the scene.


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It doesn't say, but am I likely to be right in assuming Patrick Stone didn't go through with the shoot?


He did not. He didn't actually have HIV anyway, although that's not the point. More on that story :


Another performer, Patrick Stone, who had not previously spoken out, said Wednesday that he received what turned out to be a false positive on an HIV test earlier this month.


Stone said no one from the industry had contacted him about his test results, but that a representative of Kink.com had emailed him about rescheduling a shoot he had planned with them for Thursday.


"They had me scheduled for a shoot tomorrow, and as far as they knew, I was HIV positive," he said.


Stone provided a copy of the Sept. 12 email, in which the scheduler said the shoot would be a domination fetish shoot not involving "fluid exchange or skin-to-skin contact." The email made no mention of the test result.


Kink owner (Peter) Acworth said in a statement that "our hearts go out to the performers" who participated in the press conference, but accused AIDS Healthcare Foundation of playing "loose with the facts" to "generate hysteria around HIV." He said the actors who took part had contracted the infection off set and that the studio had been "entirely unaware of [stone's] status, even as a false positive" and that Stone would have had to show proof he had cleared a test in order to shoot.


"All of our models are informed that they request a condom at any time, that they can stop a shoot at any time, and that they control the scene...We take consent and safety seriously," he wrote.


So basically at Kink, the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing. Or in the case of Acworth who is top of the tree, the brain doesn't know what its hands are doing.


Here's his full statement from xbiz :


Our hearts go out to the performers who were part of the AHF press conference this morning with Michael Weinstein’s AIDS Healthcare Foundation. The performers were brave to talk about their experiences. We as a community have a duty support performers to increase education, healthcare and services, regardless of HIV status. Unfortunately, Weinstein’s press conference conflated and misrepresented facts, particularly regarding HIV transmission.


While it’s true that there were six HIV positive performers at the conference, Weinstein suggested that their infection was the result of out of control sets. Except for Darren James, who tested positive in 2004, these all appear to be private transmissions.


None of those that performed on straight (testing mandatory) sets contracted nor transmitted HIV on set. We know this for sure as all performers with whom the individuals performed have since tested negative several times.


In gay shoots, performers with HIV are allowed to shoot as long as they use a condom. kink.com is condom-mandatory and testing optional for such shoots. This has been standard policy for over two decades in most gay production companies. Any performer can request tests for his partners in order to make an informed decision.


On the straight side of the industry, 28 day testing is mandatory. If someone fails a test, they don’t work on a straight set. Period. Patrick Stone’s booking confirmation with us was tentative because we did not yet know his status; in order to shoot with Kink he would have had to retest clean. Anything else is either a misunderstanding or a misrepresentation.


More troublesome was the overall representation of what goes on on a Kink set: how the shoot is managed and how decisions are made. To an outside observer, BDSM can seem uncontrolled and dangerous. It’s far from the case. All of our models are informed that they request a condom at any time, that they can stop a shoot at any time, and that they control the scene. These are central tenets of BDSM, and we take consent and safety seriously. You can read more about our model bill of rights here and Kink’s shooting protocols.


That said, Ms. Bay’s shoot caused us concern long before the subject of HIV came up. While HIV was not transmitted on set, there were incidents on that shoot, including some of the same ones that Ms. Bay identified, that have caused us to reevaluate what we permit on shoots involving members of the public, even when it’s consensual. BDSM is a physically demanding and consensual practice, and we constantly work to balance authenticity with safety.


These are real people’s lives. But rather than figure out solutions with us, the performers, and the industry, Mr. Weinstein would rather play loose with facts and generate hysteria around HIV. He and AHF continue to push for mandatory condoms. However, four out of the six performers who spoke today already worked on condom mandatory sets. All but Darren James, who tested positive in 2004, were stopped from working on sets by the mandatory testing protocol.


We need to work together to make sets safer for performers, provide better education, and do a better job of giving a voice to performers via surveys and press conferences. We need rational conversations about the realities of STDs and other risks in the context of adult entertainment, and then identify real steps that can be taken to improve the workplace for performers.



Also, several industry insiders have alleged that Cameron was escorting (the implication being that she may have had unprotected sex with clients for extra money) and that Daily (who shoots gay porn) may also have been having unprotected sex with people off-set.

Edited by air_raid
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Gauge is back in the business. :thumbsup:


She is. A scene for Mr POV is already out, and she's on Chaturbate.



Oh, and quelle surprise that Keiran got first crack at her for Brazzers. Sins never seems to win the rock paper scissors I assume they must do over these matters.

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Seeing as though there has been a bit of Fake Taxi talk on here and because that's where I saw her first, I'm nominating Jessie Jenkins as the next big British star. If she doesn't go over to America and land loads of work, I'll be really surprised:-



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  • Paid Members
Gauge is back in the business. :thumbsup:


She is. A scene for Mr POV is already out, and she's on Chaturbate.



Oh, and quelle surprise that Keiran got first crack at her for Brazzers. Sins never seems to win the rock paper scissors I assume they must do over these matters.

Isn't Kieran a director for Brazzers now? Must give him some more pull in who he gets to work with.

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