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Where are you posting/viewing from?

Fatty Facesitter

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Simple really, thought it would be interesting to see where people are posting or reading the forum from. I.e, where's the poshest place you've ever visited the site from?


Naturally most of us will be foruming from the comfort of their own homes, or as the old wrestling cliche states, your parents basement. But where's the most exciting place you've ever logged into the UKFF's pages from? Any strange foreign lands, hotel rooms, or perhaps you've taken advantage of the wifi in a food/drinking establishment of choice like a Starbucks? Maybe something more exotic?


I've logged on from places such as Clearwater Beach near Tampa Florida and from my Mrs' Uncle's flat in Lisbon, which was a fine city indeed. She was getting stuck into a new book she'd borrowed and I'd bouht my laptop along to add photos from our Portugese adventures, so I hooked it up to the net to scour the goings on from around the globe. And here, obviously.


Rather than just posting the location, maybe something weird or wacky happened to you on the day that you can share with the rest of us. Even better, where are posting from currently?


I'm in a Norwich McDonalds. I had a job interview at one and start my regular job at 3, so I've had about an hour and a half gap in that time so I'm browsing the web during a 9 nugget feast. I've got an EDP on the side reading about United's game at Benfica last night. Epic lunch.

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I'm in a Norwich McDonalds. I had a job interview at one and start my regular job at 3, so I've had about an hour and a half gap in that time so I'm browsing the web during a 9 nugget feast. I've got an EDP on the side reading about United's game at Benfica last night. Epic lunch.

Which one? My sister works in the one by the market, next to the big Next store.


I'm currently logged in at work, in a portacabin in West Norwood. I'm killing time until we leave to play golf at 2.30.

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Which one? My sister works in the one by the market, next to the big Next store.


I'm currently logged in at work, in a portacabin in West Norwood. I'm killing time until we leave to play golf at 2.30.


I'm at the one inbetween Asda and B&Q by the A140. It's dead actually, thought there'd be more people around considering the time of day. And despite the deadness they're running out of loads of stuff for some reason, including nuggets so I'm glad I got in while I did. That one by Next is always rammed at lunchtimes, a nightmare on weekends. It must be hell for your sis.

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I suppose the most exotic one for me is browsing the forum from two places in Australia, Fraser Island and in a small village in rural Victoria. More recently, you can add a mobile home where you only have one neighbour in a two mile radius, and also next to a sheep dip!

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